Review: Just One Day by Gayle Forman

29 January, 2013 Reviews 24 comments

I’m really starting to think I need to spend more time in the Contemporary genre. While I’m there I might as well finally read If I Stay and Where She Went. Yes, I can’t believe I haven’t read them yet either. No, I’m not sure what my malfunction is. But what I am sure of is how happy I am to have finally read a Gayle Forman novel. Just One Day came complete with a charming cast of characters, Parisian backdrop and such a relatable coming of age story.

Right from the start I knew I would love this book. Allyson reminds me so much of my younger self. She’s unsure of herself, follows the rules to the T, is more focused on the approval of other around her verses what she wants, etc. I’m sure we could all relate to feeling that way at one point in our lives and that’s what made this book real for me. While Allyson is traveling Europe with her teen tour group, she stumbles across Willem, who seems to be the opposite of herself. So for just one day, Allyson decides take a few chances, takes up the alter ego “Lulu” and becomes the spontaneous traveler.

I totally get that. Sometimes you just want to take a page from Nike and JUST DO IT. Even still today, I get those urges of just letting go and let live. But then, the next thing I know things have gotten so widely out of control.


And soon after, I’m once again craving my comfort box.

comfort box

But enough about me…

What I loved about Just One Day is how Allyson both loses herself that day in Paris and later finds herself over the course of a year afterwards. When all is said and done and she has to resume her life after being left by Willem, she’s broken, a mere shadow of who she thought she was. I think it was there that I truly started to connect with Allyson on a deeper level. Here we have a former honor student struggling to get by in her college courses, struggling to keep former relationships intact and struggling at making new ones. What I found most interesting is that it’s not her relationship with Willem that metaphorically heals her, but the secondary characters she meets at college. How often do we read in YA novels the male heart-throb being the catalyst for change in the heroine? Too often, in my opinion. Allyson’s change is gradual and is due to various people and experiences, most of which have nothing to do with Willem. Ya know, pretty much how life is supposed to work.

I went into this story expecting some sort of fluffy romantic contemporary novel, but I guess I should have known it wouldn’t be that simple. I suppose that’s what I get for being fashionably late to the Gayle Forman party. *dons her party hat* What I got was a novel that really examines that feeling of uncertainty of who we choose to be, how others perceive us, and how those two situations are sometimes mutually exclusive. The feeling of enlightenment I had with Just One Day was very similar to how I felt while reading Wanderlove, which also features a girl searching for answers, but ends up finding so much more.

Then, of course, you have the fantastic setting of Paris. I’ve always wanted to go to Paris and one day I intend to. But while I was reading, it was so easy to visualize the french cafes, the old buildings, the culture. This is the second travel type novel I’ve read and it’s a wonderful change in scenery.  High school angst vs. Europe. I think we know who wins that round.

If there is one thing I have to nitpick, it’d be the ending. Not that it was bad, but I think it has more to do with personal tastes. It’s also where I found myself conflicted. Right after finishing Just One Day, I felt I needed more, that I wasn’t completely satisfied with the ending. I wanted her to find Willem and to figure out what happened. But on further reflection I realized something. This wasn’t about Willem. It was about Allyson finding herself. So clever, Forman. But I still want to know what happens after that door opens. So, I think it goes without saying that I’ll be needing Just One Year. Heh.

I love novels that take me away from the usual and make me think. Just One Day was just what I needed. Refreshing, humorous and deep.

ARC was received from the publisher for and honest review. Thank you, PenguinTeen!

24 Responses to “Review: Just One Day by Gayle Forman”

  1. cynicalsapphire

    OMG, Steph, come hang out in contemporary with me. I’ve been reading so many ever since I  realized how freaking awesome they can be!
    Also, I’m so glad you liked this, because I know a lot of people have been meh about it, because they wanted it to be an epic love story and then it’s all mopey and whatever, but I thought it was so good. Ahem.
    Yeah, I think the ending was like that to set up Just One Year, but it’s mean if you can’t segue directly into that one!

    • Stephanie Sinclair

      cynicalsapphire I know! And it really looks like contemporary is making some sort of comeback. I’m excited!  The ending was cruel. I really need to know what happens next!

    • Stephanie Sinclair

      cynicalsapphire I know! And it really looks like contemporary is making some sort of comeback. I’m excited!  The ending was cruel. I really need to know what happens next!

  2. jarndt08

    So happy you loved this Steph! Gayle Foreman is amazing, and yes you must read If I Stay and Where She Went soon.  I think I was more satisfied with the ending than you because I had already read her other novels. So I finished off knowing that in the next book we will get all of Willem’s story, so it didn’t feel like it would even fit into this one for me.  I hope you like her others!

    • Stephanie Sinclair

      jarndt08 Ohhh, that explains it then. I had planned to read her other books because they came highly recommended, but didn’t. I plan to get to them this year.

  3. Anna

    Ohhhh I’ve been wanting to read this one since I snagged a copy a few weeks ago, I haven’t read anything by Gayle Forman yet but I’ve heard she’s amazing. Glad to hear you liked this one!

  4. talempesis

    Thanks for the review! I have been contemplating reading this one every time I see it pop up on other book blogs but I wasn’t sold yet. Your review definitely pulled me over to the must-read side. Thanks again!

  5. alexalovesbooks

    I loved Just One Day! I thought it highlighted Allyson’s personal journey and growth perfectly, and even though the catalyst was her day with Willem, it wasn’t just what this novel was about. I haven’t read If I Stay/Where She Went either, so I think I’m going to join in on your party (or their party) too!

    • Stephanie Sinclair

      alexalovesbooks Exactly! I love how most her change was done well after Willem was gone. It made it much more realistic and it didn’t focus too much on him. Looks like we are both now bitten by the Gayle Forman love bug!

  6. Lilysbookblog

    i can’t believe you’ve never read if I stay or Where she went! I recommend buy a few boxes of kleenex and setting down with these two ASAP! But enough about them, I loved Just One Day as well! Allyson made me want to break out of my comfort zone and travel to europe and just live! I’m glad you liked this one too! Great Review!
    Lily @ Lilysbookblog

  7. ya_aholic

    I have not read any of Gayle Forman’s work yet, but this sounds really good. Awesome review, will be looking into this one!! (:
    Haley @ YA-Aholic

  8. ya_aholic

    I have not read any of Gayle Forman’s work yet, but this sounds really good. Awesome review, will be looking into this one!! (:
    Haley @ YA-Aholic

  9. Silje_Escape in a Book

    I am also finding myself enjoying contemporary novels a great deal and want to read a lot of them this year and less paranormal YA. I have read and liked both If I stay and Where She Went and just bought Just One Day. Thank you for your review, it made me want to read this even more. I’ll be back to read it more thorough after I read the book:-)

    • Stephanie Sinclair

      @Silje_Escape in a Book I think it comes a time when you just get a little tired of the paranormal. Contemp. novels tend to be more deeper and hit me harder. I hope you enjoy it!

  10. Lexxie

    I love Gayle Forman (yes, I truly do!) Both If I Stay / Where She Went and Just One Day hit the perfect spot for me! The writing is really good, and the characters are fleshed out and seem very real.
    If you liked Just One Day, I think you’ll like Slammed / Point of Retreat by Colleen Hoover as well (maybe you’ve read those already – I didn’t do a search). She also has a certain way with words.
     Great reveiw 🙂

    • Stephanie Sinclair

      Lexxie I think I have Slammed on my kindle or I may have just marked it to buy soon for my kindle. I’m hearing great things from that one too! I have heard of Point of Retreat, or I may have just seen the author’s other novel floating around. Her name sounds familiar. Thanks for the recs!