Blog Tour: Guest Post by Gayle Forman + Giveaway

18 September, 2013 Blog Tours, Giveaways, Guest Spotlight 58 comments

Today is a pretty special day and I’m super excited to be a host on the Just One Year blog tour! Just One Day was my first time experiencing the magic that is Gayle Forman and I’m so hooked. I had no idea her writing would bring out so many FEELS. I must confess, my body was not ready. But now that I’m reading Just One Year, I have come prepared with my Gayle Forman Feels Routine.

Feels routine

While I attempt to keep my feels under control, check out Gayle’s guest post and then enter for a chance to win my ARC of Just One Year (tissues not included)!

Welcome to the Just One Year blog tour! After spending an amazing day and night together in Paris, Just One Year is Willem’s story, picking up where Allyson’s journey in Just One Day ended. In honor of the world-spanning romance, we asked author Gayle Forman to share her memories for 12 different cities, each of which is featured in either Just One Day or Just One Year (or both!). Follow along on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays throughout September as Gayle tells her story in anticipation of the October release of Just One Year!

Gayle’s Guest Post


London does not get a lot of time in Just One Day and Just One Year, you will notice. Into the train station and back out again. Here’s a secret. I don’t love London. *Pause now for screams and thrown tomatoes, which of course, you are pronouncing, tomahhtoes.* But it’s true. I don’t. I lived in England for a year and before I got there, I obsessed about London—birthplace of punk rock and cool fashion and all my favorite bands. But once I actually spent time there, it was like, meh. Big. Sprawling. Expensive. The Tube sucks, and it stops running at midnight. And there’s good weather for about two weeks a year. I’ve spent months in London, and my opinion has never improved. In fact, after spending time and living in other cities—Amsterdam, New York, Mumbai—it’s only affirmed the fact that to me, London is Just Okay. Seriously, you can stop throwing tomatoes now. I have enough to make sauce.

But while I don’t love London, I do love Londoners—Brits, in general, but especially Londoners. Maybe it’s the bad weather or the bad food (and I know, I know, it’s not as bad as it was when I lived there, gray meat and boiled veg) but no one has a sense of humor as sharp and sarcastic as the English. I am pretty certain that the years I lived in the UK were the years I developed my own sense of humor, learned teasing and jibing as a form of love (a lesson I’m imparting to my children. Every time my 9-year-old has to explain to my 5-year-old that Mommy is being “sarcastic,” I think back to my time in England.)

So London may not figure prominently in the books, the Brits, they bloody well represent.

About Gayle Forman

Gayle Forman ( is an award-winning, international bestselling author and journalist whose articles have appeared in numerous publications. She is the author of the companion title Just One Day, as well as New York Times bestsellers If I Stay and Where She Went, and Sisters in Sanity (HarperTeen). Follow Gayle on Twitter @gayleforman.

Follow the rest of the Just One Year blog tour:

Don’t forget to check out Just One Year, available October 10th!

Just One YearGoodreads | Indie Bound | The Book Depository | Amazon

After spending an amazing day and night together in Paris, Just One Year is Willem’s story, picking up where Just One Day ended. His story of their year of quiet longing and near misses is a perfect counterpoint to Allyson’s own as Willem undergoes a transformative journey, questioning his path, finding love, and ultimately, redefining himself.








I am giving away my ARC of Just One Year to one lucky reader! And since Just One Year takes place in a setting internationally from me, it’s only fitting that this giveaway also be international. 😉

Contest Rules:

  • To enter, please fill out the Raffelcopter form below.
  • We ask that all entrants be at least 13 years or older to enter.
  • The giveaway is open internationally.
  • When the winners are chosen, it will be announced here and the winners will be emailed. Please check your email because we are only giving the winner 48 hours to respond! Otherwise another winner will have to be selected.
  • Please enter your email address in the Rafflecopter form and not the comments.
  • Also, please understand that we reserve the right to disqualify any entries we find gaming the system. Cheaters never prosper.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Steph Sinclair

Steph Sinclair

Co-blogger at Cuddlebuggery
I'm a bibliophile trying to make it through my never-ending To-Be-Read list, equal opportunity snarker, fangirl and co-blogger here at Cuddlebuggery. Find me on GoodReads.

58 Responses to “Blog Tour: Guest Post by Gayle Forman + Giveaway”

  1. anaeileendeath

    No, I did not, but I totally get THE FEELS – and want to have them too! Thanks for the giveaway and the chance to win S2

  2. InsomniaBooks

    I haven’t read Just One Year yet, but Just One Day was amazing.  Perhaps the best contemporary I’ve ever read.  I can’t wait to find out what happened from Willem’s perspective.

    Regarding Gayle’s comments about London: I’ve only been there once, and it was for a business trip with a couple of friends.  We stayed at a fantastic hotel located right across the street from Hyde Park (Grosvernor House, in case you’re curious) and we ate at great restaurants, all on the company’s dime.  I got to experience London in a way that I never could have afforded on my own, and if I lived there, I certainly would not have been living in a swanky area like the one I stayed in.  The city is beautiful, but yup, it rained every day.

  3. Celine J.

    I haven’t read Just One Year yet, but I’m SO EXCITED! I can’t wait for it 😀

    I actually love London (been there twice now)! And yes, I LOVE British people. They are so funny AND polite!

  4. blackeyedsue21

    I adored Just One Day although I was about to hurt something/someone when I read the last page. I need Willem’s book NOW!

  5. Stephanie673

    I love Gayle Forman’s books, particularly Where She Went. I read Just One Day and though I liked it and related to it, I think my favorite part was not the romance with Willem, but LuLu’s growth and independence from her life/ parents. And her working at the Diner! I honestly didn’t get their romance, and I’m hoping that Willem’s story will make me swoon. I’m kind of sad that I didn’t get the feels 🙁

  6. Kelly

    I have not read Just One Day yet but I have read If I Stay and Where She Went and loved them both!

  7. Realm of Fiction

    As someone who lives in London and has to take the sucky Tube nearly every day, I can SO understand the lack of enthusiasm. I do love the diversity and multiculturalism in the city, though. That’s probably my favourite thing about London… but the travel, weather and space. Not so much. Great post!

  8. W8ing4Wentworth

    I loved Just One Day SO much! I honestly cannot wait to read Just One Year. I read an excerpt and it just about killed me. Thank you for the giveaway.

  9. ohmekaren

    I haven’t read Just One Day yet but I’ve been planning to read it even before it came out. Just waiting for the right time to read it so I can continue reading it til the second book. I’m very excited! Thanks for the giveaway!

  10. SarahCorbin

    No i havent read Just One Day.. I have been wanting to,though.. I have read many of the author’s books and loved them so i cant wait to see how these books go!!!

  11. kaethefierce

    My daughter and I both read a loved Just One Day. We laughed, we cried, it became a part of us. Which means I will forgive Gayle Forman for hating on London, its food, and its Tube, which is infinitely preferably to the near total lack of public transport currently available to me. Besides, I like damp.

  12. Jenny

    Just One Day was one of my favourite reads of the year so far (and similarly, Just One Year one of my most anticipated releases of the year). I am so excited to hear Willem’s side of the story and from the excerpt I’ve read, his voice is just as authentic as Allyson’s. Thank you for the giveaway!

  13. fakesteph

    This is actually a really great idea for a blog tour.  Gayle is so right.  I love the Brits and their sense of humor.  I, however, am looking forward to getting back to London one day.

  14. ReviewsAbound

    I haven’t gotten a chance to read Just One Day yet, but I’ve read some of her other works, and I’ve heard so many great things about the book(s)

  15. Juanita

    I read Just One Day last year, and I’ve been looking forward to Just One Year since then! I liked it, and I’m hoping I like this one even more (as I did with her previous books — I liked If I Stay, but then I really liked Where She Went).

  16. MeliRobles

    No, I haven’t read Just one day yet, so I have no feels or anything to share about. I’m an empty shell! 🙁 And I know it’s a GREAT book, everyone else talks pretty good stuff about it and I’m just like… yeah… *hides from shame*
    I like Gayle Forman’s sense of humour! I laughed out loud with the tomato sauce stuff. Ah, what a great guest post. Thank you for the giveaway!

  17. thesireniccodex

    I recently read Just One Day and the feels were awful. I stopped in the middle at probably the most awful part and felt like the world hated me, just to get to the end and viciously desire macarons, which I’ve never had before. Seriously, I’m trying to schedule visiting a local French baker just to try some :p So yeah, the feels were pretty strong!

  18. Mona6014

    I’ve read the author’s other two books, If I Stay and Where She Went, which I loved! I haven’t rad Just One Day, but I’m planning to. Is Just One Year a direct sequel to the first book?

  19. MistiSomething

    Yes, I have read Just One Day and my feelings are “I NEED THE SEQUEL RIGHT NOW!” I need to know why he left her the next morning and what the heck happened afterward. So feel free to send me your copy and I shall forever love you. 😉 No pressure! For real though, thank you so much for the chance.

  20. KellisAmberlee_

    I have read JOD and I loved it. Gayle Forman is my hero. I cannot wait to read this bloody sequel!

  21. RochelleSharpe

    I haven’t read Just One Day yet, but I really want to. I have read Gayle’s other books. If I won Just One Year than that would be a great excuse to read Just One Day. Thanks for the giveaway 🙂

  22. heartJESS

    I haven’t read this series, but I am a HUGE fan of the If I Stay books.  Cant wait to dive into these. <3

  23. omgn

    *throws tomatoes* 
    No, I can actually understand why people don’t like London. It really is massive and sprawling, so the good bits are far apart. But the good bits are really, really good ^^

  24. Kamira

    It’s currently on hold. I started reading the book before the university entrance exams and I had so many feels that I had to put it down in order to focus on my studies. :’)

  25. Abria

    I read Just One Day. I loved it, especially because I love travel and I love “finding yourself” books that don’t diminish or belittle what it means to be young.

  26. Amanda

    Just One Day chronicled a year of my life, symbolically and emotionally. It’s an inspiring book.

  27. caripao2001

    I love Just One Day. It is one of the best books I’ve read this year. I can relate to the main character so much. The story is amazing and so touching and relatable.  I cannot wait to get my hands on Just One Year.

  28. teenysez

    I haven’t read the first book yet, but I did read If I Stay and Where She Went, so I’m dying to read this series!! 🙂

  29. shiirleyyyxxx

    YESYESYESYESYES I’VE READ JUST ONE DAY! I read it earlier this year when I just started Uni and there were parts I could relate to Allyson perfectly! Absolutely cannot wait for Just One Year<3

  30. lisalikesbooks

    Oh my god, I am SO ready for Just One Year. I loved Just One Day so much. I’m pretty sure the hardcover had a small excerpt from Just One Year that I read. I remember reading something from Willem’s side that made me not mad at him for abandoning Allyson. kdjbfksdjnvxz I’m so excited.

  31. thebooksphere

    Just One Day is one of the best books I’ve read this year and I think it might be one of my top favorites of all time. I loved that this was not just a love story, but the story of a girl that found herself through love and heartbreak. Such a beautiful story. I CANNOT wait to read Willem’s side of the story and to find out how their story ends!

  32. Sel

    I absolutely adore Just One Day, the book made me cry openly in a bookstore 🙂 I think Allyson is just like me, kind of afraid for things to go out of plan/step out of her comfort zone. But, that magical day in Paris made me see the world in a whole new light. This is one of the best books I’ve read, period.
    Sel recently posted…Blog Tour Review: Fairest of Them AllMy Profile

  33. Vanessa L

    I can’t wait to read Just One Year! I’ve been waiting since I first read Just One Day in January! I love Gayle Forman’s novels.

  34. Camila

    I still haven’t read Just One Day, but I adored If I Stay and Where She Went, so I’m very excited for this!

  35. Lisa Vazquezanzua

    No I haven’t read Just One Day yet. But I cannot wait to read it!! I heard how good it is and that Just One Year is also a great book. I’m so looking forward to reading both of them!! Thank you so much for having this awesome giveaway!!!

  36. Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

    Oh the Just One Day Feels were all over the place! I was so delighted by the way Paris was described, I’ve been there many times myself, and I prefer the places that aren’t so packed with tourists, so that was one plus for me.

    I fell in love with both Willem and Allie, especially how Allie really needed some time away from her parents to know who she was, and what she wanted with her life. And I loved it when she took her fate in her own hands and just went for it!

    And yes, I cried, I laughed, I had goosebumps, I was afraid for Allie, and I was happy and sad for her…

    Thanks so much for hosting an international giveaway!
    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews recently posted…Review: Why Dukes Say I Do (Wicked Widows #1) – Manda CollinsMy Profile

  37. _Sandra_

    Absolutely loooved Just One Day! Can’t wait to hear what Willem has to say. Thanks for a giveaway! 🙂

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