Review: The Diviners by Libba Bray

31 October, 2012 Reviews 11 comments

I try very hard not to drool over the works of Libba Bray. I try, but I fail.

Having read the entire Gemma Doyle trilogy, Going Bovine and Beauty Queens, I was beyond jazzed to hear about The Diviners, but somehow (thank you, abysmal memory), it slipped my mind until I found it on the shelves of my local book store. Can you say instant purchase?

I began reading this book knowing very little, other than that it had the most be-yoo-ti-ful cover I had ever laid eyes on. Before I even opened it I just kind of ogled the design for a good long minute. Finally, with expectations running high, I began reading and BAM-

Enter Evie O’Neill.

In a lot of YA I’ve been reading recently, the main female character has often been quiet, indulgent in her inherent awkwardness, and quick to shy away from the spotlight, especially when it’s forced upon her. By the end she discovers she belongs there, gets more comfortable, and changes for the better. It makes a nice character arc, and I do like reading about that kind of character, but that’s not the only character I want to read about. Eight out of ten female MCs don’t have to fit this description exactly.

That’s why, for me, Evie was a breath of fresh air. This girl wants the spotlight, and takes steps to actively seek the adventure and glamor she craves. She has this sparkage that makes you glad to be on her side as she moves from one thrill to the next. Yes, her desire for life to be an all-fun-nonstop-party-train does lead to her downfall, but her wit and light heartedness lends an excellent contrast to the darker tones of the book.

Though Evie takes center stage, The Diviners goes from scene to scene with a roving viewpoint, showcasing a host of expertly crafted characters, each with hidden drawers of their lives that I was just dying to open and examine. Bray would often end an inner monologue of a character I thought I had figured out with a punchy sentence that would make me questioning everything. It drove me crazy in the best way, leaving me needing more.

The only downside to Bray’s use of multiple viewpoint, and the reason why I didn’t give this book five stars, was the way in which the book ended. While the final confrontation satisfied me, the resolution was unnecessarily drawn out. What could have been a snappy way of saying “Wait, there’s more!” was actually “Here’s another scene, and another. Oh you thought it was over? Back to this character now!” I was done with the book about fifty pages before it ended, not because I was fed up with it, but because the onslaught of new plot directions grew to be awkward and forced, leaving finishing it more of a chore rather than a treat.

But let’s talk setting, because holy crow, 1920s New York City was so well constructed that I felt like I was walking its streets alongside the characters. Bray employs a wealth of research to magnificent effect, making everything feel authentic and incredibly expert. She has it all down from the ritzy clubs and speakeasies to the slang that decorates the dialogue.

Something I love about Libba Bray’s books is that they give the reader a clear sense that behind the layer of excellent storytelling is a message that demands your attention. The Diviners is no exception, raising important questions about the power and cost of unrelenting belief.

I really enjoyed this read, and while it did seem to fizzle a bit at the end, it certainly didn’t disappoint. Now excuse me as I retreat into the shadows, waiting for the sequel-ski, which I can bet will be as pos-i-tute-ly jake as this one was the cat’s meow.

11 Responses to “Review: The Diviners by Libba Bray”

  1. Georgette

    I am glad you loved it so much. I got a copy of it at an book signing another bookstore in our company had with Libba Bray and Maggie Stiefvater( I hope I am right on that spelling, if not forgive me, it’s pre-coffee). I am also on vacation this week so I think I’ll pick it up and give it a shot.

  2. KristonJohnson

    Okay, that’s it. I’m ordering this book. I’ve heard many good things about it and now I feel like I’m missing out. Great review.

  3. carow

    I love the cover!!!
    Seems like 1920s/speakeasies are a bit of a trend in the storytelling world at the moment.
    Really enjoyed the review. Loving the different styles of the new voices at cuddlebug.

  4. AsherKnight

    “Now excuse me as I retreat into the shadows, waiting for the sequel-ski, which I can bet will be as pos-i-tute-ly jake as this one was the cat’s meow.” xDDD
    You, new reviewer. I’ve decided I love you. And I want to shake your hand. And clap you on the back. All the things you could do to show someone approval and praise. Because this review was funny AND fun, and I enjoyed the crap out of it. Since this isn’t the only positive review I’ve read, I want to read my ARC NOW. You are awesome. Your review is awesome. This book had better be awesome.

  5. haley61

    Is the book scary or like SCARY, SCARY; b/c I saw a book trailer and it looked  kind of creepy?

    • Adrienne Fray

      @haley61 For me, it was only towards the beginning that I was mostly creeped out. If I had read it late at night I wouldn’t have been freaked out, so if that is any indicator? Scary is is in the eye of the beholder, I suppose 🙂

  6. MusingsinRed

    Currently reading the book now! I love the 1920s flapper set in NYC! 🙂 But, I feel that Bray could have plotted it out a little better without so many bizarre changes in the POVs. Sigh…