Six Book Boyfriends of the Grishaverse

24 September, 2015 Blog Tours, Giveaways 37 comments

Six Book Boyfriends of the Grishaverse

We’re stoked to be kicking off the Six of Crows blog tour along side Winged Reviews! Our joint topic is: Six Book Boyfriends of the Grishaverse. But first, a message for the mastermind behind the band of misfits, Leigh Bardugo!


Cuddlebuggery—we’ve been through so much together. Slash fic. Grisha minions, what will happen next? So let’s talk book boyfriends. The only crush I’ve ever had on a YA character? Sean Kendrick from The Scorpio Races (so taciturn, so steely). The book crush of my youth? The Vampire Lestat (so bloodthirsty, so prone to monologues). My current crush? I don’t usually get book crushes these days, but I’ll admit to a soft spot for Aidan in Illuminae (so logical, so totally disembodied). Could any of these relationships work? Absolutely not. Sean is too young. Lestat would steal my leather pants. AIDAN would always be sending me weird emails.

As for the characters in Six of Crows? I don’t know if they’re relationship material. I didn’t want to create a “merry band of thieves” who talked tough but handed out presents to orphans at Christmas time. The members of Kaz’s crew are deadly, desperate, and occasionally legitimately despicable. So, maybe not the book boyfriends and girlfriends you want to introduce to your parents. Still, it would definitely make for a lively brunch!

Leeeeeeeeigh. I hear what you’re saying, but the rebel in me will not be discouraged by your logical way of thinking. 😛 The fact is, you’ve written some delicious bad boys, and as a lover of shenanigans, I can not resist such a smorgasbord of misfits ready and willing to get into loads of trouble.

bad boys yeah

Many of you might take offense to this, but I don’t plan to share any of these strapping lads. Leigh has created guys for any kind of date– specifically for me, thanks, Leigh — and I have given much thought to how each date would go. Allow me to explain.


Date #1: Mal

Zac EfronI’ve always envisioned Mal as a Zac Efron-esque kind of guy with that boy next door, come-get-lost-in-my-eyes thing going for him. A lot of people might think Mal is just a big teddy bear, eager to hand out cuddles at a drop of a hat. Maybe he started off that way, but Mal is deep, guys, and he knows exactly what to say at the right time. If Mal and I were to go out, he would be the perfect guy that I could safely introduce to the parentals, make a great impression on them and then sneak into a movie with kvas stashed in his leather jacket. Because even though he’s good down to his core, he’s still willing to bend and break a few rules when it comes to me. The only thing is, he’d probably get us caught. And as we’re getting escorted out of the theatre by police, he’d lock his pinky around mine, letting me know that we’re in this together. Gosh, he can make any situation feel super romantic.


Date #2: The Darkling

anakinI know what you’re thinking… why would I want to date the Darkling, he’s evil! Yeah, sure, but no one said I had to marry him. Look, I’m here for a good time, and I’ve got a dark side, too. The Darkling gets that about me, you know? He fills that void in me. So he’d probably take me on a picnic. That’s right, a picnic. Just because one of his hobbies happen to include enslaving all of Ravka, doesn’t mean he can’t ride his volcra to the countryside and spend quality time with Darkling’s Darling — ME. He’d spread a blanket out, put a flower in my hair and feed me grapes as we listened to the sounds of unfortunate souls being tortured. Swoon.


Date #3: Sturmhond



Sturmhond is hard to picture. But let’s be honest, I won’t be dialing his number for just his looks. Nope. What I need from Sturmhond is that care-free, devil may care, award-winning personality. He’s like a mix between a young Robert Downy Jr. and Peter Quill, ridiculously hilarious and highly inappropriate. More importantly, he’s just what I’d need after going on a date with the Darkling. Torturing people drains you and you need a little laughter to cheer you up after listening to screams of agony and misery. Sturmhond would obviously take me back to his palace, give me a grand tour, make tons of inappropriate, yet, well-timed jokes, flirt relentlessly with me and admire himself in a wall to wall mirror at the conclusion of the tour. He’s the perfect pick-me-up and the confidence that oozes from him is just super attractive. The worst-best part is that he knows it and will stop at nothing to use it to his advantage. I ain’t even bothered.


Date #4: Kaz

Being with Kaz on a date is not for the faint of heart. But that’s cool because I’m totally time enough to keep up with him. What Kaz needs is a ride or die kind of gal. He needs to know that he doesn’t always have to watch out for my back when we are in the midst of a gun fight. He knows that I can hold my own and then some. Basically, I’m the Zoë to his Mal.

Zoe and Mal

Naturally, a date with Kaz would involve some type of illegal activity. Wether we’re breaking someone out of a high security facility, robbing a ship, snatching eyeballs out of our enemies or engaging in general tom-foolery, he knows I’m down for whatever.


Date #5: Jesper

BrandonSometimes Kaz gets too intense but I’m still up for some adrenaline-pumping action. That’s where Jesper comes in. He has a sense of humor and a swagger that is hard to miss. Brandon T. Jackson, anyone? Please and thank you.

When we go out, he’d take me to a tall building with a bottle of Ravka’s finest wine. We’d watch the stars, chat about our hopes and dreams, and when the time is right, he’d pull out his sniper rifle and show me how to pick off my enemies one by one with ease. There’s nothing more adoring than one of your main squeezes exacting sweet revenge on the deserving.


Date #6: Matthias

ChordMatthias needs a hug. Thankfully, he has me to be there for him and his hurt feelings. After a full day of running around wrecking havoc with Ravka’s finest, it’s nice to be able to sit down and just talk to someone.  Matthias and I are there for each other. I’m the steady rock he can lean on even though it feels like his world is crumbling down around him. And because he’s getting in touch with his emotional side, the sweet innocent face of Chord Overstreet pops into my mind.

In this type of situation, I’d pick our location, and take him to a petting zoo because animal therapy and quality time with me can pretty much heal any and everything that he’s going through. I’ll be that shoulder he cries on and be ready with so many there_there.gifs. And maybe if he’s been extra good, I’ll untie him.


Hmmm… okay, so maybe Leigh’s slightly right. Not the best group of guys for romantic rendezvous. Buuuuuuut you have to admit, those dates would never be dull and if you actually did survive them, think of all the stories you could tell your friends. Think. of. the. stories.

Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo

Six of Crows CoverGoodreads | B&N | Indie Bound | Amazon

Ketterdam: a bustling hub of international trade where anything can be had for the right price—and no one knows that better than criminal prodigy Kaz Brekker. Kaz is offered a chance at a deadly heist that could make him rich beyond his wildest dreams. But he can’t pull it off alone…

A convict with a thirst for revenge.

A sharpshooter who can’t walk away from a wager.

A runaway with a privileged past.

A spy known as the Wraith.

A Heartrender using her magic to survive the slums.

A thief with a gift for unlikely escapes.

Six dangerous outcasts. One impossible heist. Kaz’s crew is the only thing that might stand between the world and destruction—if they don’t kill each other first.

About Leigh Bardugo

Leigh Bardugo is the author of the New York Times bestsellers Shadow & Bone and Siege and Storm. She was born in Jerusalem, grew up in Los Angeles, graduated from Yale University, and has worked in advertising, journalism, and most recently makeup and special effects. These days, she lives and writes in Hollywood, where she can occasionally be heard singing with her band.

Follow the rest of the tour!

September 24

UK: Winged Reviews     US: Cuddlebuggery

Topic: Six Book BFs of the Grishaverse

September 25

UK: Ya Yeah Yeah            US: Bookiemoji

Topic: Six Dos and Don’ts of the Grishaverse

September 26

UK: Mugglenet                 US: YA Interrobang

Topic: Six Companion Reads for Six of Crows

September 27

UK: Jess Hearts Books   US: Reading Teen

Topic: Six Signs You Do/Don’t Have What it Takes to Join Kaz’s Crew

September 28

UK: Wondrous Reads     US: The Midnight Garden

Topic: Six Favorite Quotes from SoC

September 29

UK: Dark Readers             US: Mundie Moms

Topic: Six Tips for Surviving the Grishaverse

Comment on all 12 blogs and you could win a special Grisha Prize Pack!

Steph Sinclair

Steph Sinclair

Co-blogger at Cuddlebuggery
I'm a bibliophile trying to make it through my never-ending To-Be-Read list, equal opportunity snarker, fangirl and co-blogger here at Cuddlebuggery. Find me on GoodReads.

37 Responses to “Six Book Boyfriends of the Grishaverse”

  1. SJ Bouquet

    As a lover of shenanigans myself, I’d love to go on a date with Sturmhond xD I feel like those would result in some wild stories and tons of quotes to laugh over.

    Anyways love your post! I think you described all these guys wonderfully (well…. three of the guys, because I’ve yet to be introduced to the others *gasp* how rude of me! I won’t speak of the Six of Crows men just yet because it’s highly improper to speak to or of people you haven’t met) … (do you ever write something and realize that you are quite possibly a freak?) (no regrets) (ok some)! Sturmhond has always been my favorite. I love all of the Grisha guys, but Sturmhond is da bomb diggity. Love the face claim you assigned to him! He is TOTALLY Peter Quill (of the Chris Pratt variety).

    (I fangirl more about Sturmhond here with lots of Pirates of the Carribean gifs)
    SJ Bouquet recently posted…Disney Book Tag by SelenaMy Profile

  2. Natalie

    Wow, I’m not drooling, I swear. But Leigh has a special talent when it comes to creating book boys. Mal? YUM. The Darkling? H-O-T-T! Nikolai? Perfection. The new gang of guys? I’M SO PUMPED!!! Brilliant post!!

  3. Lia

    Ooooh! I also pictured Mal as Zac Efron (and I don’t get why everyone hates Mal so much)! I pictured The Darkling as Peter Pan from Once Upon A Time (Robbie Kay, I think?) and Sturmhound as Hook from OUAT. And yes, I would gladly go on any and all of these dates.

  4. horcrux-alchemist

    I LOVE STURHOND. Most of our date would be pranking people and seeing how much trouble the two of us can get into.

  5. Joanna W.

    It’s funny how in books we seem to fall for the morally-gray guys, but in real life I’d pick a good guy. I like what you did with saying after dating the Darking you’d need to balance that with Sturmhond next.
    I can’t wait to read Six of Crows. I bet I’ll fall in love with a lot of them. I’m curious now to see why this Matthias character needs such support.

  6. Jacklin Updegraft

    OH MY YES! Matthias! I loved him in the book he is so freaking dreamy! That is definitely not who I would pick to play him but maybe that’s because I watched him in Glee and he was a huge dork!

  7. Carina Olsen

    lol, I love this post Steph 😀 Thank you oh so much for sharing. <3 Ugh, MAL. My love. I love him the very most. I don't like the Darkling at all, lol 🙂 But Mal. <3 Sigh. I would loooove to date Mal 🙂 I simply cannot wait to FINALLY get to read Six of Crows next week. <3 Waited so long. Never got any ARC, sniffs 🙁 So a bit sad. But excited to finally get to read it, and meet these lovely boys 😉 Can't wait. Thank you for sharing this precious. <3
    Carina Olsen recently posted…In My Mailbox #204My Profile

  8. Lizzie

    For some reason I could totally see the Darkling having a super secret soft side. It’s just hidden underneath a bunch of layers of viciousness.

    I read the Darkling/Mal fanfic! BAHAHAHAHA!!! I don’t even like Mal and I loved it!

  9. Gaby

    OMG I love your post about the dates xD
    Honestly, how could a girl choose? But I do love Mal, so if I went on a date with a grisha guy, it’d be with him 🙂

  10. Maryssa L

    Ahh who doesn’t love some bad boy loving?? It’s like you said, not marrying them so might as well have some fun! Can’t wait to read six of crows ???? A+ casting tbh

  11. Hannah

    these would be some pretty great dates! Maybe not #2 but the rest of them would be ????

  12. Lyn Kaye

    It is going to be really hard to replace Strumhond in my head. Seriously, at the SoC book launch party, there was about to be a freaking fight over him in the audience. And I would have joined in.


    Comment: It sounds like the Six of Crows blog tour is off to an exciting start with Cuddlebuggery and Winged Reviews teaming up! Leigh Bardugo’s characters certainly seem to have captivated readers with their complexity and allure.

    Question: Which character from Leigh Bardugo’s Grishaverse do you find most intriguing, and why?

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