6 Responses to “Shameful Confessions”

  1. Juanita

    Oh my gosh, you are so adorable, and I love your accent! Your first secret made me laugh out loud more than once. I love that you wear that jumper out all the time.

    I think most of us liked Twilight at one time, or still do? I stopped by the clinic to get birth control yesterday, and the first movie was playing. Watching it made me smile and I didn’t even mind the fact I waited forever.

    I can’t think of many embarrassing confessions. I liked Twilight, even the movies. I liked the first Mortal Instruments trilogy. I’m embarrassed that I plan to read Cassanda Clare’s next shadowhunter trilogy!

  2. Ilex

    I came to Twilight far too late and far too old to become a Twihard, but I really did like both The Mortal Instruments and The Infernal Devices — they’re really good reads, whatever their weaknesses and flaws.

    And I haven’t read Looking for Alibrandi, but I didn’t really like Saving Francesca when I read it after falling in love with On the Jellicoe Road, so that’s my shameful Melina Marchetta confession. I vastly prefer her fantasy and magic realism to her straight-up contemporary.

    I had to listen to part of your video twice, because I was so distracted by trying to read all the titles on your bookshelves!

  3. Paula M. @ Her Book Thoughts!

    ‘A shelf behind your shelf’

    I actually have one of those!! There’s this book by Pamela Clare titled Hard Evidence and I honestly don’t know how I actually managed to own one but I really enjoyed reading it. Nevermind the fact that it was erotica and it has two naked people kissing in the shower and that I was 16. :)) The plot was really engaging , really.

    And yep, you’re not alone with the ‘being-a-twihard’ phase. I was one before I came a reviewer and now I just asks myself, WHHYYYYY.

    This is really fun! Thanks for sharing your confessions!

  4. Rebecca @ The Library Canary

    haha, I’ll admit it. I was a twihard too. The cover of my paperback is literally falling off because I read it so many times. I remember I took it to Mexico with me when I was 16 and read it about 3 times just on vacation. I would finish it and then immediately start over again. Oh the shame…