Blog Tour: Review + Giveaway for Gated by Amy Christine Parker

17 August, 2013 Reviews 41 comments

One of the best possible ways to read a book is to go in blind, having no clue what it’s about. If you do, the plot twists are even more shocking, the revelations are unexpected and everything completely blind-sides you. It’s a perfect literary ride. In this case, I read Gated’s blurb and had a good idea what it was about, or, at least, I thought I did. Before I started reading this book, I actually thought it was a dystopian novel. The blurb immediately struck me as a story featuring a corrupt society and a girl trying to break free. In this case, I was only partially right because this novel is about a girl trying to escape a corrupt society, but in Gated her small community is being controlled by a sociopathic cult leader. Intriguing? You can bet on it.

Gated builds its anticipation slowly, introducing us to the protagonist, Lyla, whose family, in the wake of 9/11, suffers a tragedy leaving them broken and emotionally vulnerable to the charismatic Pioneer. He seemingly has nothing but the family’s best interest at heart when he suggests Lyla’s family, and a few other families undergoing other hardships, move to the middle of nowhere, Mandrodage Meadows, to escape the evils of the world. Pioneer tells them they have all been chosen by the Brethren (deities that only communicate with Pioneer) to survive the coming destruction of the earth happening in only a few months from the start of the novel. In the Community, Pioneer runs a tight ship never allowing any contact with the outside world except for a few supply runs done in the nearby town. There’s no TV, internet, newspapers or magazines allowed for fear of corruption of the outside world. Pioneer exerts full control over all parts of their lives right down to pairing their children off for marriage.

Reading Lyla narrate the novel with such confidence in Pioneer is a mixture of downright disturbance and horror. Parker cleverly captured Lyla’s fear, naiveté and ignorance perfectly, while at the same time crafting a villain that is so hard to pinpoint. What are his motives? Does he really care about their well fair? Or, how did one man manage to convince a group of intelligent, rich families to abandon everything and move out in the middle of nowhere? It was all very fascinating to watch unfold. But it was even more interesting to see Lyla slowly uncover the truth by way of her relationship with the outsider Cody. I couldn’t help but feel incredibly sorry that her entire world was a lie. She’s not a character that you would consider badass or weak, but rather, one who learns to adapt to her situation as it changes. In this sense, Parker did an excellent job with her character growth.

The one piece of criticism I would have would be Cody’s character. I really enjoyed the romance between him and Lyla. It doesn’t consume the plot like other novels and Lyla doesn’t lose her head as soon as she meets him. What their encounter does bring is the one thing Pioneer has been desperate to keep out of the Community: Doubt.  She’s confused over her feelings for Cody when she has only brother affection for her Intended, Will. Cody was never a bad character and I didn’t dislike him, but as his role in the novel grew, I never felt I got a good handle on who he really was. Instead, he felt more like Lyla’s way out of the Community verses a legit contender for her affections.

The one thing that I really appreciated and loved about Gated was how each chapter started with a quote that hinted at Pioneer’s psyche. In the beginning, most chapters featured one from either a religious text like the Bible or from Pioneer himself. Seeing the correlation of his words and the religious quotes really sent chills up my spine because, at first, he doesn’t seem dangerous and you can see how it could be so easy for someone to follow someone like him. But as we get further into the story where Pioneer’s behavior becomes more and more erratic, the quotes become increasingly alarming in context. We start to see Pioneer’s true nature through the quotes from Charles Manson and Jim Jones. From there, the novel steps into full-on suspense mode, making it incredibly difficult to put down.

The ending wraps everything up in a very satisfying manner for a standalone book. While, most of the loose ends are tied up, it does still leave you with a few questions. [spoiler]I still wonder if Pioneer himself was initially responsible for the tragedies that brought all of the families to Mandrodage Meadows in the first place. Did he emotionally break those families only to put them back together truly broken, some beyond fixing?[/spoiler] It’s a chilling thought.

All in all, Gated is a pretty fantastic debut that has easily made its way to my favorites of 2013 shelf. This is a novel that I’d highly recommend readers who are into psychological thrillers and/or cult novels. If you do embark on this page-turner, be sure to carve out plenty of time to finish the second half in one sitting!

ARC was received from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. Thank you!



Follow the Gated Blog Tour!


August 3rd – HelloGiggles

August 4th – Peace, Love, Teen Fiction

August 5th – Dear Teen Me

August 6th – Rachel Writes Things

August 7th  – Itching for Books

August 8th – Slave to Books

August 9th – Downright Dystopian

August 10th  – My Bookmark Blog

August 11th – Nerdy Book Club

August 12th – My Sentiments Exactly!

August 13th – Blkosiner’s Book Blog



August 14th  – Melanie’s Musings

August 15th – Gone Pecan

August 16th – Just Simply Nothing

August 17th  – Cuddlebuggery Book Blog

August 18th – Lily Bloom Books

August 19th – Tressa’s Wishful Endings

August 20th – Book Haven Extraordinaire

August 21st – The Novlist

August 23rd – Lectus

August 24th – Bookish Things and More

August 25th – Vampire (and Other Paranormal Things) Queen



Because I’m so excited for this book to be read by all of you, I’m giving away my ARC courtesy of Random House!

Contest Rules:

  • To enter, please fill out the Raffelcopter form below.
  • We ask that all entrants be at least 13 years or older to enter.
  • The giveaway is open internationally.
  • When the winners are chosen, it will be announced here and the winners will be emailed. Please check your email because we are only giving the winner 48 hours to respond! Otherwise another winner will have to be selected.
  • Please enter your email address in the Rafflecopter form and not the comments!
  • Also, please understand that we reserve the right to disqualify any entries we find gaming the system. Cheaters never prosper!


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41 Responses to “Blog Tour: Review + Giveaway for Gated by Amy Christine Parker”

  1. Mary Weber

    So this book popped up on my radar yesterday and now here you are with a full review. YAY!! And um, it sounds FANTASTIC. Clearly I need to read it.

  2. gypsyreviews

    I love me some thriller/suspense and I’m so intrigued by the concept, I haven’t read many books to do with cults so I’m quite fascinated. Plus this is a standalone I think? So YES I WANT THIS BOOK.

  3. arianrhod80

    I’ve read quite a few reviews of Gated, and they all have been very positive, but still despite being very intrigued by the premise, I wonder if this is the kind of book I’ll enjoy reading or I’ll just feel too much anger against the leader of the cult and the sheep followers that will damper my enjoyment of the book…

  4. Bookish95

    I found your blog through random buzzers and I’m happy to say that I’m now subscribed and I’m looking forward to reading more of your content!

  5. Tammy

    This is already on my to-read list because I wanted to read a good YA thriller. Sounds like I won’t be disappointed.

  6. SarahCorbin

    this book sounds good!! cant wait to read it. thanks for the giveaway!!

  7. Laureen

    I don’t read much in the Thriller/Suspense genre, but this one sounds like a really good one. Thanks for sharing your review!

  8. LynnM

    Man, just what I need – ANOTHER book that I now am dying to read! Sounds very intriguing and unique.

  9. lorih824

    Wow! Based on your awesome review I will have to read this book.
    Thanks 🙂

  10. BookishComforts

    Wow, I’m so glad I read this post. I too had thought this book was a dystopian and had dismissed it. But cults + sociopathic leader + a girl trying to break free? COUNT ME IN! You’ve definitely piqued my interest in this one now 😀

  11. MyEclecticBooks

    This one actually sounds pretty fantastic and I am so much more likely to pick it up now that I know it is a standalone!

  12. Charlotte

    Hello, Steph! I have already read a review of this on Giselle’s blog and like you, she also gave it a 4 star.  I am now convinced that this is an excellent book especially that it impressed you! So count me in for this giveaway!

  13. Kamellia

    I have been dying to read this since I read Steph’s review on goodreads!

  14. january71449

    Great review! I assumed from the blurb that it would take place in a dystopian world too, but apparently it’s even more interesting than that! This is definitely going on my wishlist. Thanks for the giveaway! 😀

  15. RochelleSharpe

    Thanks for the giveaway, this books sounds very interesting and I can’t wait to read it.

  16. delicateeternity

    Okay, wow. This fantastic review has made me even more keen to read this novel than I was before. 
    I am pleased that the love aspect of the novel doesn’t consume he plot, because the concept of <i>Gated</i> actually sounds amazing. A crazy cult leader? I am so there. 
    I’m surprised that you’ve said it isn’t truly dytsopian, because it definitely does hint at it, but I am interested in reading how it all pans out. I really love the sound of this book.
    Chiara @ <a href=””>Books For A Delicate Eternity</a>

  17. delicateeternity

    Okay, wow. This fantastic review has made me even more keen to read this novel than I was before. 
    am pleased that the love aspect of the novel doesn’t consume he plot,
    because the concept of <i>Gated</i> actually sounds amazing.
    A crazy cult leader? I am so there. 
    I’m surprised that you’ve
    said it isn’t truly dytsopian, because it definitely does hint at it,
    but I am interested in reading how it all pans out. I really love the
    sound of this book.

  18. JeepinJaime

    The cover is amazing, and the book sounds fantastically creepy! I am very much looking forward to reading it, and I thank you very much for the giveaway!

  19. Steph Sinclair

    arianrhod80 That is totally possible. I’ve seen a reviewer who mentioned it being a disturbing topic. You can’t help but to hate Pioneer.

  20. Steph Sinclair

    BookishComforts Yup! For a min, I thought it could swing either way, but totally an awesome thriller. I’d love to see more YA books like this.

  21. Steph Sinclair

    @delicateeternity I think it hints at it because that’s where the MC thinks the world is headed. It was a really clever way to set up a book.

  22. 2014: Year of the Buggery | Cuddlebuggery Book Blog

    […] Gated by Amy Christine Parker Gated was a pleasant surprise this year with its addictive plot. I wish more people would pick it up because it’s a fantastic debut. Deranged man lures broken people away from society to create a cult? Strap in because you aren’t going anywhere! […]