Cover Reveal + Giveaway: Kinslayer by Jay Kristoff

15 May, 2013 Cover Reveals, Giveaways, Interviews 100 comments

Kat Kennedy:
Stephanie Sinclair and I are here with Jay Kristoff, author of Stormdancer, and Ninja in training, to reveal the cover of his new book, Kinslayer! *Does happy dance*

Stephanie Sinclair
Mostly we are surprised he came back after all the abuse heaped upon him.
Did you bring your ugg boots, Jay?

Jay Kristoff
I thrive on abuse.
No ugg boots today, no. I’m wearing them in spirit.

Kat Kennedy
Jay has a very uggy spirit, I hear.

Jay Kristoff
How do you bold text like that?
Oh wait.

Kat Kennedy
Stars on either side.

Jay Kristoff

Kat Kennedy

Jay Kristoff
Hey, you learn something every day.

Kat Kennedy
We’re trying to do a totally legit interview here!
We’re pros!

Jay Kristoff
Ok ok, I’m legit. No uggs. Playing it cool.

Stephanie Sinclair
So unlike last time where Jay and Kat teased me since I was the last to see the cover, this time I have teh awesome.
And we get to sit and talk about the awesome and tease the readers.
This pleases me.

Kat Kennedy
Bummer. Teasing you was fun.

Jay Kristoff
Yeah, I figured it’d be mean just to send it to Kat again. But yes, teasing was fun.

Stephanie Sinclair
You two are mean.
I love you both.

Jay Kristoff
Hey, last time was Kat’s fault. I’m just a patsy.

Stephanie Sinclair
Everything is Kat’s fault. Just add alcohol and watch the trouble grow.

Kat Kennedy
As you know, Jay, usually we would try to convince you to switch to one of my covers because I am a super awesome cover designer.
But this time we thought we’d do something new.
Because we already know that the cover is awesome and defeats everything ever, without even trying.

Jay Kristoff
I still have your STORMDANCER ballgown cover on my phone. True story.

Kat Kennedy
Haha. That was a <a< span=””> href=”” target=”_blank”>work of art.

Stephanie Sinclair
It was.

Jay Kristoff

Kat Kennedy
Anywho, we’re very conscious of the fact that you broke our hearts in Stormdancer.
And I have a feeling you’re gearing up to DESTROY us in Kinslayer-

Stephanie Sinclair
-To pieces and then stomped on them.

Kat Kennedy
So we thought we’d try something to prompt you to go a little kinder.
Maybe if you could think about rewriting Kinslayer, keeping our ideas in mind?

Stephanie Sinclair
I’m sure there is still time.
Your editor won’t mind.

Jay Kristoff
My editor is having heart attacks right now. He’s just clutching his chest and saying “….more changes…?” “…oh goddddd….”

Kat Kennedy
well, hear us out! They’re worth it!

Jay Kristoff
*THUMP* (note my awesome use of bold text there, see how fast I learn?)

Stephanie Sinclair

Kat Kennedy
Oh my god. I feel so bad for your editor.  But not bad enough to halt my effort.

Stephanie Sinclair
It’s his editor or our FEELS, Kat!

Kat Kennedy
Yeah, our feels, Jay. Give our regards to your editor’s family, kay?

Jay Kristoff
He does have two kids. 🙁
OK, lay it on me!

Kat Kennedy
Okay. Here’s the first one:

Now this is just a suggestion of what Kinslayer could read like.

Stephanie Sinclair
She looks so peaceful here. No death, carnage, blood.
And just look how the title IS the blurb. It’s genius really.

Jay Kristoff
I don’t think this is going to work.
ONLY BECAUSE they have no bubble blowers invented in Shima yet.

Kat Kennedy

Jay Kristoff
Otherwise, it’s gold.

Kat Kennedy
Chainsaw Katanas but no bubble blowers?
Where are the damn priorities!?

Jay Kristoff
Yeah, real good try though. I’d totally run with this otherwise. But the bubbles seems intrinsic to the plot.
Without the bubbles, it’s just not working.

Stephanie Sinclair
Chainsaw Katanas==>death==>bubbles?

Kat Kennedy
Okay, here’s our second idea for Kinslayer:


Stephanie Sinclair
Hijinks! Yes!
Tell me you are not sold on this one.
I won’t believe it.

Jay Kristoff
It’s like Veronica Mars! But the dad is dead!

Kat Kennedy
See? It’s perfect because even though people die, they can still have fun!
Yukiko can cart around his bleached skull and talk to it like a creepy version of Scooby Doo.

Stephanie Sinclair

Scared Yao face meme


Jay Kristoff
“Alas, poor Masaru, I knew him well…”

Stephanie Sinclair
You Guys! That does not sounds like the happiness I crave!

Jay Kristoff
It IS kinda morbid though.

Stephanie Sinclair

Kat Kennedy
But AWESOME morbid!

Jay Kristoff
I’m not sure the kids would go for it.

Kat Kennedy

Jay Kristoff
We should put it into concept testing.
See what test audiences say.

Kat Kennedy
Okay, here’s the last one. Get ready because I think this one is going to be the winner:

Stephanie Sinclair
This is my favorite.

Kat Kennedy
I think it really gets across how I want the rest of the series to go.

Stephanie Sinclair
I can just imagine Buruu now.

Kat Kennedy
Being awesome forever?

Stephanie Sinclair

Jay Kristoff
He needs a cigar. And a scantily clad thunder tiger hottie clutching his leg, like in those old Conan posters.

Kat Kennedy
LOL. No, Jay. NO!

Stephanie Sinclair

Kat Kennedy
That is sexist.  Unless he has an even number of male and female thunder tigers worshipping at his feet.

Jay Kristoff
And maybe we should wax his chest.
I hear the ladiez like that.

Stephanie Sinclair
Let’s just hire Fabio while we’re at it, huh?

Jay Kristoff

Kat Kennedy
OMG. Steph you just gave me some great ideas for the next cover reveal.

Jay Kristoff
This could work.

Stephanie Sinclair
That book would fly off the shelves. DID YOU SEE WHAT I DID THERE?

Kat Kennedy
I just want to take the opportunity in this interview to apologise to everyone reading.
I want to apologize to you, your families, your ancestors. Everyone.

Jay Kristoff
Yes, we’re very sorry 🙁

Stephanie Sinclair
Basically, sorry. Not sorry.

Jay Kristoff
You should all be comforted by the fact that it’s Kat’s fault.

Kat Kennedy
What? Why is it MY fault?

Jay Kristoff
You’re a bad influence, basically.

Stephanie Sinclair
“Blame it on the a a a a a alcohol”

Kat Kennedy
Now, we haven’t actually seen the UK cover yet, have we?

Jay Kristoff
Didn’t I send the UK cover to you?

Kat Kennedy
Steph, did we get the UK cover?

Stephanie Sinclair

Kat Kennedy
Well… it’s AWESOME guys!

Jay Kristoff

Picard Facepalm


Kat Kennedy
Um. If you’ll just excuse me for a minute to go… um… do something…

Jay Kristoff
U r so bad at this Kennedy…

Stephanie Sinclair

Jay Kristoff
So, Steph. You like… stuff?

Stephanie Sinclair
Of course, I digg the stuff all the time.

Jay Kristoff
Yeah, stuff is great.

Kat Kennedy
Oh wait! I do have it!
It’s nice.  Leaves. Those leaves really stick out.
And the font is awesome.


Stephanie Sinclair
She looks like she’s ready to slice and dice. A personal fav past time.

Jay Kristoff
Being a typography nerd, yeah, the font is arousing.
I mean great. The font is great.

Stephanie Sinclair
Arousing. Giggles.
I’m totally an adult here.

Kat Kennedy…awks…

Jay Kristoff
Stuff is great.

Kat Kennedy
I actually always like the UK/AUS font and wish it were on the US cover with the US background.
But it wouldn’t work, alas.

Jay Kristoff
Like an illicit love child between the two?

Kat Kennedy
YES!  Because illicit love children are the best.

Stephanie Sinclair
That’s because the US cover is too busy kicking ass.

Kat Kennedy
True, Steph.

Jay Kristoff
All torn between two worlds.

Kat Kennedy
Now, let’s get to the US cover reveal!

Stephanie Sinclair

Kat Kennedy
*Clutches all the important bits*

Jay Kristoff
Dun dun dun.

Stephanie Sinclair
What’s over there? Is that a squirrel?

Kat Kennedy
Viewers, please keep your arms and feet inside the vehicle at all times as we have a high rate of AWESOME collisions at the moment.

Stephanie Sinclair

Kinslayer FINAL

Jay Kristoff
You should be aware – I did not squeal AT ALL the first time I saw this.
Like, not one bit.

Stephanie Sinclair
Did you pass out?
From the awesome?

Kat Kennedy
It is just entirely made of win.
Tell us about this cover, dude.

Jay Kristoff
I maybe did a little dance around the room. Waltzing with my laptop, like it was Belle and I was the Beast.
But only for a minute.

Stephanie Sinclair
Of course.

Kat Kennedy
Please continue to shatter our illusions of being a respectable published author.  Please.

Stephanie Sinclair
Was it what you imagined?  Or did you have any idea of how you saw the cover in your head for Kinslayer?

Kat Kennedy
Yup. What DID you think the next cover should be?

Jay Kristoff
Um, well, I had a chat to the awesome Jason Chan and my editors about where I thought the next cover should be.
Kinslayer is not exactly a happy book.

Stephanie Sinclair

Kat Kennedy
IT’S NOT?! *Dies of shock*

Jay Kristoff
Yukiko blows no bubbles and dances in no fields of flowers

Stephanie Sinclair



Kat Kennedy
Goddamn it! I KNEW it!

Stephanie Sinclair
The deception!

Jay Kristoff
She does a lot of growing up, and gets a lot harder as a result.
So I wanted the cover to reflect that.
So she’s looking at us on this one.

Kat Kennedy
Judging us.
Finding us wanting.
Ready to slice us down if we so much as flinch…

Stephanie Sinclair
Death glares abound.
Wanting to grind our bones.

Jay Kristoff
And she looks like she’s been through hell. All bloody knuckles and whatnot.
The bloody knuckles are my favorite part 🙂

Kat Kennedy
Yeah, the details on this cover are amazing.
just really, really amazing.
Jason Chan – Call me wink.

Stephanie Sinclair
I’ll be honest and say I did not think Stormdancer could be topped.
I was wrong!

Kat Kennedy
I didn’t but I think it is.
Buruu and his mechanical wings rock it too.

Jay Kristoff
Parts of the book take place on the ocean – the sea and water plays a big role in this one, so I thought that’d make a nice motif to replace the blood lotus from cover 1.
And yeah, Buruu plays a much bigger part, so he gets more cover time 🙂 Jason did such an awesome job with him. He’s a fkn AMAZING illustrator.

Kat Kennedy
I like the dragon metaphor.

Stephanie Sinclair
Isn’t that a sea monster?

Kat Kennedy
No. It’s a metaphor, Steph.

Stephanie Sinclair
No, on the cover…

Kat Kennedy
That is clearly a demonic penis with frills and she needs to cut it down.  You know, defeat the patriarchy?

Stephanie Sinclair
Brb, dying.

Jay Kristoff

Kat Kennedy
$20 bucks says they do!

Jay Kristoff
And you wonder why ppl say you’re a bad influence…

Kat Kennedy
So about having us for the cover reveal of your next book, Jay…

Jay Kristoff
“Kinslayer was a pretty good book. Not enough demon dick, tho. 4/5” Kat Kennedy.

Kat Kennedy
Omg. How did you know, Jay?!

Stephanie Sinclair
OMG, it’s like you ESPN or something!

what it's like checking order status online

Jay Kristoff
“Good book, but WTF @ ALL THE DEMON DICK? 4/5” Steph Sinclair.

Kat Kennedy
C’mon guys, tell me you can’t unsee it now.

Stephanie Sinclair
Those are our reviews. Might as well upload it to Goodreads now.

Jay Kristoff
I think perhaps you see what you want to see. Sometimes.

Kat Kennedy
That’s a terrible comment to make about my character, Jay!

Stephanie Sinclair
So, yeah… the cover.

Kat Kennedy
Back to the cover.

Jay Kristoff

Kat Kennedy
Which contains exactly ZERO demon penises.

Stephanie Sinclair
I’m guessing that’s why these fine people are here.

Jay Kristoff
(It’s a sea dragon!)

Stephanie Sinclair
I knew it!
The internet is mine!

Jay Kristoff
(There are some sea dragons in this book.)
(Buruu may/may not get eaten at some point.)

Stephanie Sinclair

Kat Kennedy

Jay Kristoff
(Just nibbled. Maybe.)

Stephanie Sinclair

Kat Kennedy
And you make disparaging comments about MY character!

Jay Kristoff
I want to make you cry. You must know this.  It is my reason for being.

Stephanie Sinclair
LEAVE THIS PLACE. (no, wait. stay…)
(I need book 3.)

Kat Kennedy
So this is your second time around the Mulberry bush, Jay – how are you feeling this time? Are you cool and relaxed this time with your second book coming out, or are you still a bundle of nerves?

Jay Kristoff
Kinda nervous. I do some different stuff this time around. One character in particular I’m nervous about.
I love him.
But we’ll see what others make of him.

Kat Kennedy
Does he eat babies?
No wait – forget I asked that question.

Jay Kristoff
No babies are eaten in this book afaik.
…wait lemme think….

Stephanie Sinclair
Oh dear…

Jay Kristoff
Nope. No babies.

Stephanie Sinclair
Whew.  Bullet dodged!

Kat Kennedy
Are there any assurances or promises you want to make to our readers, before you go, so that they don’t hyperventilate about reading this book?
Like calming their fears, about everything being okay, that you won’t destroy their souls and crush their spirits?

Stephanie Sinclair
Like, are you coming to the US to collect the first borns promised for ARCs of Kinslayer? Important question.

Jay Kristoff
Yuki walks a very rough road in this one. But I’m proud of it. Really proud. People say second books are hard work, and they’re not lying. It was hard work, but totally worth it. I think readers are really going to be . . . shocked. 🙂
Shocked is a good word. 🙂

Kat Kennedy
…I’m nervous but I guess that’s as good as I’ll get.

Stephanie Sinclair
That almost sounds like a happy ending.

Jay Kristoff

Kat Kennedy
Shit…Okay, well thanks for coming here to talk to us today.  As usual, we almost pissed ourselves laughing but it was totally worth it.

Stephanie Sinclair
Well, why do books need covers anyway?

Jay Kristoff
But yes, the cover is amazing. I think both of them knock their predecessors out of the park. And I never thought I’d say that. Jason Chan, many beers do I owe him.

Kat Kennedy
Yes. Jason Chan deserves all the beers!

Stephanie Sinclair
He did an amazing job!

Jay Kristoff
(I hope he drinks…)
(If he doesn’t, I WILL MAKE HIM.)

About Jay Kristoff

Jay Kristoff grew up in the most isolated capital city on earth and fled at his earliest convenience, although he’s been known to trek back for weddings of the particularly nice and funerals of the particularly wealthy. He spent most of his formative years locked in his bedroom with piles of books, or gathered around dimly-lit tables rolling polyhedral dice. Being the holder of an Arts degree, he has no education to speak of. Jay’s debut novel, STORMDANCER, a Japanese-inspired steampunk fantasy, will be published by St Martin’s Press/Tor UK in September 2012 as the first installment of THE LOTUS WAR trilogy. Jay is 6’7 and has approximately 13870 days to live. He abides in Melbourne with his secret agent kung-fu assassin wife, and the world’s laziest Jack Russell. He does not believe in happy endings.

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Kinslayer FINALStormdancer by Jay Kristoff


The mad Shōgun Yoritomo has been assassinated by the Stormdancer Yukiko, and the threat of
civil war looms over the Shima Imperium. The Lotus Guild conspires to renew the nation’s broken
dynasty and crush the growing rebellion simultaneously – by endorsing a new Shōgun who desires
nothing more than to see Yukiko dead.

Yukiko and the mighty thunder tiger Buruu have been cast in the role of heroes by the Kagé
rebellion. But Yukiko herself is blinded by rage over her father’s death, and her ability to hear the
thoughts of beasts is swelling beyond her power to control. Along with Buruu, Yukiko’s anchor is Kin,
the rebel Guildsman who helped her escape from Yoritomo’s clutches. But Kin has his own secrets,
and is haunted by visions of a future he’d rather die than see realized.

Kagé assassins lurk within the Shōgun’s palace, plotting to end the new dynasty before it begins.
A waif from Kigen’s gutters begins a friendship that could undo the entire empire. A new enemy
gathers its strength, readying to push the fracturing Shima imperium into a war it cannot hope to
survive. And across raging oceans, amongst islands of black glass, Yukiko and Buruu will face foes no
katana or talon can defeat.

The ghosts of a blood-stained past.


To share the love, Macmillan is giving away a copy of Kinslayer to one lucky Cuddlebuggery reader!

Contest Rules:

  • To enter, please fill out the Raffelcopter form below.
  • We ask that all entrants be at least 13 years or older to enter.
  • The giveaway is open for International use.
  • When the winners are chosen, it will be announced here and the winners will be emailed. Please check your email because we are only giving the winner 48 hours to respond! Otherwise another winner will have to be selected.
  • Please enter your email address in the Rafflecopter form and not the comments!
  • Also, please understand that we reserve the right to disqualify any entries we find gaming the system. Cheaters never prosper!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

For An Extra Chance to Win a Copy of Kinslayer:

Answer the following question, then go back to Jay’s Blog to find the other nine questions and possibly win an ARC of Stormdancer!

10. To win the KINSLAYER uber giveaway, I would be willing to:

a) Answer ten questions and email them into you. And that was pushing it, Jay. Make your giveaways easier FFS.

b) Lie, cheat and possibly steal, but only if it was from someone I didn’t like.

c) Sell my soul to my Dark Lord Jay, yea, glory unto him, The Black Prince to Whom All owe Allegiance. IA! IA! CTHULHU FHTAGN CHEEZBURGER!

d) Dance like there was ass in my pants.


Cuddlebuggery End-Reel Bloopers:

Kat Kennedy
And wrap time?

Stephanie Sinclair
Did we reveal the cover?
Did I miss that?

Kat Kennedy

Jay Kristoff
Thanks for having me cuddlebuggerers 🙂

Stephanie Sinclair

Kat Kennedy
we can’t have talked about demonic penises without revealing the cover

Jay Kristoff

Stephanie Sinclair
(where was I? lol)

Kat Kennedy
I dunno
I assume I’ll put the cover in there somewhere

Stephanie Sinclair
Well, edit my shame out, kay?  Thanks again for coming, Jay!

Kat Kennedy

Jay Kristoff

Kat Kennedy
it’s there forever

Stephanie Sinclair
I hate you, Kat

Kat Kennedy

Kat Kennedy

Co-blogger at Cuddlebuggery
Kat Kennedy is a book reviewer and aspiring author in the Young Adult genre. She reviews critically but humorously and get super excited about great books. Find her on GoodReads.
Kat Kennedy

100 Responses to “Cover Reveal + Giveaway: Kinslayer by Jay Kristoff”

  1. NoseGraze

    I really like the cover!  It looks a bit darker than the first one but I think it fits really well.  They’ll look epic next to each other on my bookshelf!

  2. Shelver506

    I thought the other covers were funny, but the actual cover is GORGEOUS. Oh my gosh, epic cover love going on over here.

  3. skylariver

    These covers are awesome! I really like them even more than I liked Stormdancer’s covers (I will be reading it soon I promise).

  4. WhereIsWallis

    I’m happy that the UK cover is still really pretty but nothing beats the US covers, they are just gorgeous and I am so envious

  5. lucyyreads

    Love the US cover! Have to admit I like it much better than the UK/Australia cover, which is sad because I loved the Stormdancer covers equally. Can’t wait for the book!

  6. jaskaur11

    Both covers are absolutely gorgeous! I love them both so much, however I think I like the US one a smidge more! Thanks for the brilliant giveaway ladies! 🙂

  7. SarahCorbin

    I like both of the covers!! It would be a tough decision to choose just one..

  8. Soumi Roy

    You kidding me, eh? It was most gorgeous cover of 2013 so far. With blood is her face, Yukiko is looking totally bad-ass. And yep, US cover wins. Thanks for the giveaway 🙂

  9. rnydayramblings

    So much fun! Jay Kristoff is the man! I LOVED Stormdancer and I cannot wait to read the sequel. I like both the covers but I am kind of leaning toward the UK cover! Thanks for sharing!

  10. Asti C

    First, LOVE the interview.  Hilarious!  Second, LOVE the cover!  I haven’t read Stormdancer yet, but I don’t think these books can escape my grasp for long just because of these orgasmic covers.  That’s right.

  11. Chenise Jones

    Both covers are absolutely stunning! (Although I think the Cuddlebuggery-made ones might be just a tad better)

  12. TammySparks

    Love both covers, but your back-and-forth with Jay was priceless:) Absolutely stoked to read KINSLAYER!!

  13. TammySparks

    Love both covers, but your back-and-forth with Jay was priceless:) Absolutely stoked to read KINSLAYER!!

  14. Rashika

    The US cover is prettier… why is it that the US covers are always prettier?  My sad life. I want that pretty cover…. which means I’ll have to buy the US version. 
    Although the UK/Aus cover is pretty as well. The golden leavessssssssssss 😀
    Kat .. you should really get into the cover making business, you’re going to make books sell

  15. SnugglyOranges

    WOAH. These are freaking amazing. The US version is even more ass kickingly awesome than Stormdancer. Love the UK version too, and I can’t wait to have that on my shelf next to Stormdancer. I just. I want this. Now T_T Can I haz it?

  16. sarah k

    The US cover is beautiful I love the colors and how bad-ass she looks and it has a more action pack look to the UK version which is very pretty, and a more calming look to it.

  17. Danny_Bookworm

    Best.Interview.Ever!! Was laughing my ass off.. 
    Then.. I passed out when I saw the US cover.. OMG!

  18. geobobspinelli

    THEY’RE SO BEAUTIFULLLLL. I love the US cover!! I’m DYING to get my hands on book 2!

  19. Neyra


  20. NLibrisVeritas

    I love the covers!! The US cover is amazing though, so badass! Also…epic interview, lol!

  21. Kara_M

    You guys are so funny. No seriously. SO FUNNY. And I love the cover. I am worried about the contents of the book now after reading what Jay has to say. O_o

  22. lechealpina

    Best interview/cover reveal ever!!! Kat, I can’t unthink-unsee the dragon metaphor now… Tsk-tsk

  23. Kate C.

    There are no words for how excited I am to read this book!  And the cover is awesome, indeed.  Love me some kick ass lady!  (She doesn’t look so Japanese to me on this one, though…)

  24. desiree1612

    Love, love, love the covers! The US cover is especially rad! I can’t wait for my preprder to get here so I can put it next to its sister and revel in the beauty!!

  25. AH

    Love the cover! It’s so awesome. Great cover reveal. I really enjoyed your chat….

  26. Ransom_Reads

    Dang, those are some magnificient covers. Really loving the US one, as scared as it makes me…. And The Adventures of Buruu: Being Awesome Forever is a thing that need to happen 😛

  27. Pili

    I adore both covers, but I think I love the US a wee bit more!
    And holy shitzu, you guys are just too hilarious! Best cover reveal ever!!

  28. Kayto

    The US cover is absolutely amazing. It’s so striking and eye-catching, and I absolutely love that Yukiko isn’t doing a stupid sexy-pose thing.

    Are covers ever released as posters?

  29. Angelya

    Guys, your interviews are just brilliant.. crack me up every time xD  Oh, the covers? Well, they’re awesome as was expected… I think I love the US one the best, but the UK/AU one will match my copy of Stormdancer!

  30. j3nnt

    Love the interview and the covers! So fun (the interview) and gorgeous (the cover)!

  31. NovelsOnTheRun

    hehe!! That was very amusing. I liked jay totally did squeal when he saw the cover. LOL! Great fun had by all I can read:D

    The covers are STUNNING!! EYE CATCHING! BEAUTIFUL!! LOVE THE FONT!! LOVE THE TITLE!! I shall add more exclamation marks !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Can’t wait. I can see another 4 days to write this review 😀


  32. JessieLeigh

    Holy cow. So many things I want to say.
    First, these covers are amazing. I can’t think of a series besides Laini Taylors that both the UK and the US covers are so different but just as compelling. I love the colors on the US – also: BURUU IS FIGHTING A DRAGON. I know it’s a sea dragon, but still: DRAGON! I can’t emphasis enough how freaking cool that is. It’s just.. beyond. 
    Buruu WILL be awesome forever. Because clearly Kristoff can’t kill him off. I will have to hunt him down if he does.

    Also: I love Cuddlebuggery the best when you guys post blogs like this. Jay is one of the few authors that can keep up with you two and ALL of you are hilarious.

  33. jepeb68

    That was a great way to end my evening.  So funny!  I am very glad to hear that no babies are eaten in the book.  Although, the fact that the author had to scratch his head and think about it makes me *wonder*.  Thanks for a great laugh and an awesome giveaway!

  34. gdcribbs

    *dies utterly, utterly happy* … *uses smelling salts to revive himself when he realizes he hasn’t read the book yet…duh*
    *passes out a sh*tton of WIN for all the gorgeous covers*
    I like where you’re going with these covers, but I think you’re holding back. It’s like SMASH Season 2 all over again…
    I see a fusion between the bubble cover, the detective umbrella cover and Buruu’s Fabio cover. Why limit yourself to ONLY Yukiko’s happiness when you can combine it with Hamlet 2:The Detective School Dropouts by Willie ShakesHISspeare (See what I did there? And I didn’t even get to the demon penii cover yet…good things come to those who wait…
    And, Patrick Stewart should totally do the voiceover. I should charge for this, but the inspiration is just flowing off of me like sea dragon piss and a a a a alcohol…wat?
    So, I’m still in an outpatient recovery program from the soul-rending, gut-slicing, heart-crushing wattage that was STORMDANCER and that guitar solo ending. m/ m/
    I’ll have you know, I’m asthmatic and there should be a warning label on the cover or some sh*t because I lost count of how many times I needed the AED to keep reading, and Every. Word. Had. Me. In. Its. Vice grip. (okay, that was two words, but you get the idea). It was brutal was my point.
    I just don’t think I can take much more of this, Jay. Srsly.
    I’m glad I reread your previous blog (cited in this one) because your Rainbow Meme totally looks like a camera shot of my eyes when I saw the new pree tee cover (US is my fave, BFF for-evah). I was all:
    Come at me gorgeous
    And then I whipped my hair all…wait, are you reading this? It’s PRIVATE!
    I literally gasped and my eyes totally bugged out. I fact, I don’t know how I’m typing this because they fell out of my head they bugged out so much. *feels around on floor to find them. steps on one. squish. Lipschitz. Uh-Uh.*
    So, I totally NEED this book in my grabby hands *points at grabby hands* *taps foot* *wonders why a copy didn’t just materialize into my hands* *ahem* so I can do more inspirational ARTZ like last time:
    Please. I will draw, I will color, I will read, I will review. I will pimp this HARD.

    • gdcribbs

      Please. I will draw, I will color, I will read, I will review. I will pimp this HARD.
      Why are you Looking at me like that? It’s not like I said DEMON BONER or something. Sheesh. (I did NOT laugh at that at ALL, btw)
      UBER GIVEAWAY ANSWER: G, everything but F. I would give anything for KINSLAYER, but I won’t do that…

  35. BrittanyMarczak

    Just so you know, this is probably the most hilarious interview I have read.
    Also, THAT US COVER! So epic. So gorgeous.

  36. Farah Khalaf

    I really love the US covers more than the UK ones. They’re a bit darker, but they do give you an idea about the book as opposed to the UK ones (which are sort of bland ..imo). Great giveaway!! Thanks for the opportunity

  37. Farah Khalaf

    I really love the US covers more than the UK ones. They’re a bit darker, but they do give you an idea about the book as opposed to the UK ones (which are sort of bland ..imo). Great giveaway!! Thanks for the opportunity

  38. Pearl K

    I really like the US cover. Jason Chan did a great job illustrating Kinslayer. Yukiko looks ferocious and so cool. The UK cover is good too. Great interview guys. I was cracking up throughout the whole interview.

  39. jazchau

    Absolutely gorgeous!
    Also, awesome interview as always guys! Cuddlebuggery + Jay = WIN! Love your dick jokes LMAO.

  40. jazchau

    Absolutely gorgeous!
    Also, awesome interview as always guys! Cuddlebuggery + Jay = WIN! Love your dick jokes LMAO.

  41. Kelly

    They’re both gorgeous, but the US one – Yukkiko’s so badass!! And Buruu is so fierce, fighting a sea monster?!
    *dies again*
    I can’t even handle this.

  42. Kelly

    They’re both gorgeous, but the US one – Yukkiko’s so badass!! And Buruu is so fierce, fighting a sea monster?!
    *dies again*
    I can’t even handle this.

  43. Airship Librarian

    Ahhh! Freaking out. The covers are so amazingly, wonderfully awesome. I want this book. Now. If I don’t get an ARC or review copy then sparks WILL fly! Ackkkka! I’m dying here!

  44. Airship Librarian

    Ahhh! Freaking out. The covers are so amazingly, wonderfully awesome. I want this book. Now. If I don’t get an ARC or review copy then sparks WILL fly! Ackkkka! I’m dying here!

  45. Elle

    I kinda like the US cover more than the UK though they are both awesome! I just like how the US cover is so intense and dark, with Yukiko right up in your face.

  46. echen07

    I actually prefered the UK stormdancer cover, but I prefer that when books show the faces of the characters, they only show a profile or have it in cartoon format.

  47. echen07

    I actually prefered the UK stormdancer cover, but I prefer that when books show the faces of the characters, they only show a profile or have it in cartoon format.

  48. Llana

    I want this book.And I will fight.*attempts to crack knuckles but fails miserably and jams her finger*

  49. Melanie_YMR

    Dude, seriously great convo there! Cracked up laughing when you guys talked about stuff. (Yes, I laugh real easily.) Anywho, love that cover! It’s creepishly amazing. Thanks for sharing, guys! <33

  50. Lisa FicTalk

    Ahhh, I love love love the Jade Green colour that’s used for Kinslayer’s US cover! It’ll look SO pretteh next to Stormdancer, don’t you think? *dreamy anime eyes*

  51. Kamla L,

    Both covers are absolutely stunning!  Not good for the budget though since it makes me want a set of both the US. and  UK editions. You guys have the best cover reveals, so thoroughly entertaining!

  52. EddieLouise

    Wow! Fabby covers! I have BOTH the ARC of the US cover and the hardback for the UK one – and I will probably NEED to get both to feel complete. The things we do for love. BEST cover reveal ever, BTW!!!!

  53. 0live1

    Love the covers! I think I agree with the illicit love child though…. The UK/AUS font would look awesome with the US background…. 🙂

  54. CarinaOlsen

    I love love love the covers. <3 The US one the most 🙂 Thank you so much for sharing! And for the perfect giveaway 🙂
    Love, Carina

  55. Callamae

    IT’S SO FLUFFY I’M GONNA DIE!!!!! Except I have a feeling that if I give it a cuddle it will rip my heart out…. *weeps*

  56. Callamae

    IT’S SO FLUFFY I’M GONNA DIE!!!!! Except I have a feeling that if I give it a cuddle it will rip my heart out…. *weeps*

  57. theladyreads

    The fact that the US cover has a lot of green makes it an automatic win! AND IT MATCHES THE FIRST COVER. Nothing is worse than a sequel that doesn’t have a cover to match the rest of the series.
    I’m seriously bouncing right now. So gorgeous–and great interview, guys! Ya’ll always make me laugh! 😀

  58. JeepinJaime

    I think both covers portray the story well, but the US cover is absolutely amazing. Stunning. Breathtaking. That smudge of blood on her cheek? Awesome!

  59. adreamindream

    I love both of the covers! They’re gorgeous. Thanks for participating in the cover reveal & for the awesome giveaway!!

  60. Lexxie

    So much fun this interview is! I love both the covers, but I prefer the one with dragons in the background… I have no idea why.

  61. Shannon

    Haha, what a fun interview! Full of hilarity and awesomeness. Love the US cover art! I think it screams “Kinslayer” – can’t wait to read!

  62. TeilyBrianne

    Noooo! I missed the contest! oh, well. Hilarious interview, koodoos!

  63. TeilyBrianne

    Noooo! I missed the contest! oh, well. Hilarious interview, koodoos!

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