Dear Debby: Advice for YA Fictional Characters (7)

13 October, 2012 Dear Debby 15 comments

Dear Debby is Cuddlebuggery’s weekly advice col­umn for Fic­tional, Young Adult char­ac­ters to get some life or romance advice. Debby is a car­ing, nur­tur­ing soul giv­ing down to earth, wise words of wis­dom to those in need. To email Dear Debby about your fic­tional trou­bles and lit­er­ary char­ac­ters, please email

Dear Debby,

The fate of the world is just within my grasp and only a simple boy has the potential to stop me. My world needs cleansing and I’m just the person to do it considering how powerful I am. You see, Debby, I used to be teased for my lineage, never truly accepted due to my father’s blood, if you can even call it that. But guess what? They will never look down upon me again. I’ve killed their men, women and children without hesitation. I have made such an impression in my world that the peasants can’t even speak of my name without quivering with fear.

I’ve surrounded myself with only those “pure” in blood, respected in their community. But I trust only myself. One can never be too careful with death. Wouldn’t you agree, Debby? Yes, of course you would. But, I… I am above death. I have transcended mortality.

But my reasoning for contacting you isn’t to tell you my life’s history, which you probably are already familiar with anyway. Despite my superiority, the one prophesied to be my undoing – the boy who lived, they call him! – has thwarted me over and over. But I have marked him and his time is swiftly coming to an end. My question to you is, when I find that insignificant boy, that… wretch, should I draw it out and torture him, reveling in his demise that secures my future? Or should I just get it over with, making it quick, crushing him like the cockroach his is?


Riddle Me This

P.S. I don’t think I need stress to you the importance of keeping our correspondence a secret. Speak a word of it to anyone and I’ll be at you door faster that you can say, “Avada Kadavra.”

Dear Riddle Me This,

I think you need to really sit down and examine your feelings. Let’s be honest here, you’re projecting. Your goal of purging the world of those you feel unworthy is a reflection on how you feel about yourself and your father’s family. It sounds to me like you were bullied in your youth because of your background and instead of rising above the situation, you’ve decided to prove everyone wrong by becoming the ultimate bully. Bullying is a horrible, horrible thing to endure. I really encourage you to find a person you trust to confide in and accept all parts of yourself.  Just remember there are resources out there to help you such as Love is Louder. This is not okay and not the right way to go about seeking respect from your peers. Revenge may seem like the ideal solution to your problems and temporarily alleviate the pain and suffering from your past, but it will not bring you true joy and happiness.

All the best,


P.S. Is that a threat, Riddle Me This? You do realize this column is posted on Cuddlebuggery’s blog, right?



We regret to inform our readers that shortly after Debby sent her response she was found incapacitated at Cuddlebuggery Headquarters. She is now recovering at St. Mungo’s Hospital for Magical Maladies. We’d like to take this time to remind future submitters to not curse the messenger. Literally.

Steph Sinclair

Steph Sinclair

Co-blogger at Cuddlebuggery
I'm a bibliophile trying to make it through my never-ending To-Be-Read list, equal opportunity snarker, fangirl and co-blogger here at Cuddlebuggery. Find me on GoodReads.

15 Responses to “Dear Debby: Advice for YA Fictional Characters (7)”

    • Stephanie Sinclair

      @Kara_M Over the rainbow and through the woods. Knock 3 times on Grandma’s door. There she will lead you to a trap door, which is actually the rabbit hole to Wonderland. Travel to the tallest mountain and whistle to the tune of the Disney theme song. Tinkerbell should appear and sprinkle you with pixie dust. She’ll lead you to our top secret headquarters. Safe flight and don’t forget to think happy thoughts!

  1. Heartless_Lyn

    “…should I draw it out and torture him, reveling in his demise that secures my future? Or should I just get it over with, making it quick, crushing him like the cockroach his is?”
    I need to kiss someone’s feet, and fast. I am going to make this my mission statement.

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