Review: Shadowspell by Jenna Black

16 September, 2011 Reviews 2 comments

Review: Shadowspell by Jenna BlackShadowspell by Jenna Black
Series: Faeriewalker #2
Published by St. Martin's Press on January 4th 2011
Pages: 295
Genres: Fantasy, Paranormal Romance, Young Adult
Format: Paperback
Source: Library
Amazon Good BooksBook Depository

On top of spending most of her time in a bunkerlike safe house and having her dates hijacked by a formidable Fae bodyguard, Faeriewalker Dana Hathaway is in for some more bad news: the Erlking and his pack of murderous minions known as the Wild Hunt have descended upon Avalon. With his homicidal appetite and immortal powers, the Erlking has long been the nightmare of the Fae realm.

A fragile treaty with the Faerie Queen, sealed with a mysterious spell, is the one thing that keeps him from hunting unchecked in Avalon, the only place on Earth where humans and Fae live together. Which means Dana’s in trouble, since it’s common knowledge that the Faerie Queen wants her – and her rare Faeriewalker powers – dead. The smoldering, sexy Erlking’s got his sights set on Dana, but does he only seek to kill her, or does he have something much darker in mind?

Ok, so let me start by saying this series to me is a bit strange. And because of that, you often have to just accept what Jenna Black tells you about this world, no matter how weird or odd it is. Kinda like how Stephenie Meyer told us all to accept the fact that Bella did not want to marry Edward, but she still was willing to give up immortality and be with him forever. Makes zero sense, right? But you, the reader, are just supposed to accept it, otherwise, stop reading.

On to the review:

We find Dana, our protagonist, still on lockdown from her Fey dad in Avalon. She apparently is not talking to Ethan, yet the book begins with her on a date with him at the movies, no less! So I’m thinking, “Why is she even talking to this scrub?! After everything he did to her in Glimmerglass.” I quickly realized this was a “just accept it” moment. So, throughout the book, in which Dana does a number of reckless things, almost every guy she encounters is “so hot, with long hair.” She is forever getting lost in every males eyes. It’s quite annoying. It seems, that is the only way Dana knows how to describe anyone in the book. Either that or Jenna Black considers her readers vain. Dana also has almost zero sense of self-preservation. In ShawdowSpell the Wild Hunt comes into town led by the Erlking. Now let’s pause and look talk about him a minute. For some odd reason I seem to get a picture of Fabio Lanzoni every time I think of this dude.


Yup, that’s my Erlking

Now her dad tells her that because the Erlking is present in Avalon, it is a huge security problem for her considering even the Queens of Fairy fear him. Yet, what does Dana do? She sneaks out to go to a birthday party! Now I know everyone has different priorities, those of which may differ greatly from mine. Different strokes for different folks. But c’mon! A birthday party is worth risking your life?! Once again, “just accept it.” YE BE WARNED: HERE THERE BE SERIOUS SPOILERS So when Ethan is taken by the Erlking and Dana bargains her virginity for his release, I was blown. Ummm, what?! Really, Jenna?! Please don’t tell me this is going to be a series revolving around sex. So, Dana agrees and just promises herself she will never do it. So let me guess, the next books plot : To do it or not to do it? Wait, wait, wait. Let’s back up for a minute and pause. Why did she even agree to that? I thought she didn’t even like Ethan? “Just accept it.” This deal went from bad to worse, because of course the Fey have the wonderful gift of lying by omission. I guess Dana didn’t think it necessary to find out all the terms of the deal before she agreed. “Just accept it.” At this point, it’s getting harder and harder to “just accept it.”  By the end of the book Dana finds herself between a rock and a hard place. She has decided she does like Ethan after all and does what him as her boyfriend. However, since Ethan is such a playboy, Dana wonders how she could ever keep him, knowing she can not have sex with him, unless she gives herself to the Erlking first. And of course, giving the Erlking what he wants endangers the entire world, Fey and mortals. So yup, you guessed it, the fate of the world resides on the chastity of a teenage girl. O.O Wow. That is a pretty big pill to swallow.

Fear not young padawans! I did somehow find something I liked about the book. Jenna Black does write entertaining, witty dialog. I’ll give her that. It was pretty funny at times. But all in all, if I had to describe Shadowspell in a few sentences I would say: it’s like a train wreck I can’t turn my head away from.

It’s not the prettiest thing to watch, but I can’t help but to keep looking because I wanna know what happens next. With that said, I will probably read the next book in the series. I know, I know. It makes no sense. You’re right. But, “just accept it.”

Steph Sinclair

Steph Sinclair

Co-blogger at Cuddlebuggery
I'm a bibliophile trying to make it through my never-ending To-Be-Read list, equal opportunity snarker, fangirl and co-blogger here at Cuddlebuggery. Find me on GoodReads.

2 Responses to “Review: Shadowspell by Jenna Black”

  1. CrazyCatLady

    As usual, bravo. I can’t help but laugh and agree! Even though I may have…*cringes* sliiiiightly…liked…ish…le book. Kudos 🙂

  2. test

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    I’m trying to determine if its a problem on my end or if it’s the blog.
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