10 Things You Didn’t Know About Us

8 February, 2014 Musing Musers, Random 23 comments

checkFactsI’m stuck for a post today, so here’s 10 things you might not have known about Steph and I.  This post was inspired by Blythe’s post because we are lazy, unoriginal bastards.


1) I can play piano, violin and viola.

2) I am have been an anime fan since I was 6.

3) I almost became a professional gymnast.

4) At one point I could speak 4 languages. Now I can barely speak 1. *sadface*

5) I can knit, crochet, long stitch, cross stitch, embroider and make tapestries. I can’t sew. How did this happen?

6) The first career I ever wanted was as a palaeontologist but I decided not to pursue it at the age of 13 because I figured that there must be a limitation on the number of fossils that could be dug up, and therefor it wasn’t a sustainable career choice. I was a weird kid.

7) My favourite movie as a child (6 years old) was Heathers starring Winona Ryder and Christian Slater about a couple who kills a bunch of popular high school people and stages the murders to look like suicides. I was a really weird kid.

8) My life partner/kitty is named Finnikin, after Melina Marchetta’s character in Finnikin of the Rock.He is spoilt beyond belief and appreciates it.

9) A one time in my life I owned no less than 14 cats at the same time.

10) I once got a Slovakian diplomat lost in Jarkarta for two hours while trying to direct him to my place. This is a long story of which I am prodigiously proud.



1) Once upon a time I was a cheerleader and my favorite movie of all time is still Bring it On.

2) I learned how to twist my tongue in the shape of a three leaf clover from watching Nickelodeon.

3) I used to be able to speak French, but now I only can say, “Peux je aller aux toilettes?” and speak English. I’m also fluent in Ebonics.

4) My dog is named after the actress Calista Flockhart.

5) When I was in high school, my nickname was Diesel. Also, Slinky. I had strange friends. Don’t you dare start singing the slinky song!

6) I also can’t crochet to save my life, but I can sew and knit pretty well. Check my skills!


7) My father was kicked out of the birthing suite for suggesting my name be Gertrude.

8) Before I started reviewing on Goodreads, I wasn’t really an avid reader. More like, occasional. My life is now a million times better.

9) Someday, I’d like to become a doula.

10) I actually hate when people in real life call me “Steph”.

23 Responses to “10 Things You Didn’t Know About Us”

  1. Cassi Haggard

    Kat – You were a gymnast and first career choice was a paleontologist? Um…that sounds like me. As young as four I wanted to be a paleontologist (I have no idea how I learned that word as I had a speech impediment.)

    I love that you both knit. Fiber FTW. *cuddles her yarn*

  2. April Books & Wine

    One of my old coworkers is now a doula. She’s awesome. I don’t know how much she likes it.

    I could totally see you as a Gertrude. Can we just call you GERT in real life? Kidding kidding.

    Okay, I snorted at the reason why Kat is not a paleontologist. SNORTED. Sold kid logic.

    I have never seen Heathers!


    These were fun facts! You guys are so cool.

  3. Missie

    This was a fun post! I like your cat’s name, Kat and I am glad you weren’t named Gertrude Steph!

  4. smiling_ina

    I LOVE the movie HEATHERS!!! I totally crushed hard on Christian Slater the first time I watched it – butterflies and everything. LOL
    Ah, and Bring It On is one of my favorites as well, mainly because of Jesse Bradford. *yum* 😉

  5. Lyn Kaye

    Damn. You two are like The Most Interesting People in the World.

    Steph, your knitting is out of this world. I seriously cannot believe how lovely all of those picture look. Wow.

    Kat – You are so awesome. You would have been my best friend in school.

  6. Kristen@My Friends Are Fiction

    I love these posts…also nice to get info about the bloggers behind the blog. Kat–I love that you thought out your career choice at 13. Very astute of you. I wanted to be a marine biologist at 13. Found out in my 20’s I’m scared of open ocean.

    I am always in awe of someone that is capable of flipping and being anything other than completely clumsy.

    You two are incredibly interesting. Glad you couldn’t think up a post today 🙂

  7. Mayhem147

    Ha! My cat is also named Finnikin and spoiled rotten! It must go with the name…

  8. Cait

    Wow, that is insane knitting skills! And GO THE VIOLA!!! My mum used to play viola, and I played violin and then switched to cello. Strings rock. 🙂 They’re also stressful and painful and all that, but they still rock. XD This is a super fun post!

  9. Kelley (Another Novel Read)

    Yay, what a fun post — thanks for sharing these little bit about yourselves with us. I love that you both have crafty skills and have pets named after characters/real people! I have to say, Finnikin is an adorable name for a kitty (even though I didn’t love that book as much as you two did :P).

    Steph — doula, how interesting! I have a friend who is a doula, and I’ve learned all kinds of good information from her, even though I plan on never having children. I love professions like that, though, because they’re all about helping people in a caring and natural way. <3

  10. Meghan

    Ah! I love meeting other women who are passionate about natural birth. I just had a midwife assisted water birth two months ago (I had a beautiful, healthy baby boy) and it’s inspired me to want to become a doula or midwife as well. 🙂

  11. Christina (A Reader of Fictions)

    Kat: I am staring at you in awe with the professional gymnast thing. I could never even do a cartwheel. What even. I did, however, do something similar with regards to paleontology. My favorite movies were Mel Brooks. I want to see pictures of Finnikin. FOURTEEN.

    Steph: Bahahaha, I remember about you being a cheerleader and I am still laughing. Do you particularly love Calista Flockhart or just like her name? There’s a slinky song? You are lucky to not be named Gertrude. *googles doula* NOPE NOPE NOPE. Oops, *looks at beginning of comment* SLINKY IT IS THEN.