So we forgot our Blogoversary

5 April, 2016 Announcement, Giveaways 30 comments

So we actually totally forgot about this year’s blogoversary. I know, so bad. You should know, I’m as terrible a parent as I am a blogger and that my children are just as neglected as this site. I can hear them now, crying out for food and shelter and all that kind of stuff kids are supposed to need.

I thought, for something a little fun, we’d give away a ton of books. You know, the usual. So each of us is running our own giveaway, with our own set of rules. Enter all of them, enter one of them, enter to your heart’s content. Enter here, enter there, then enter everywhere. Enter up, enter down, enter round and round.

Okay, enough of that. Let’s get onto the giveaways.


Look, time is relative and a social construct and all that jazz so who’s to say we actually did miss our blogoversary? Not me. My giveaway contribution was originally supposed to be teens with superpowers themed but I stick to themes about as well as I deal with time so it turned into teens with super power + bloggers + whatever Wink Poppy Midnight is (quirky teens solve mysteries? Idk). I was originally going to make my giveaway a fight to the death, but I can’t figure out how to organize that and also, holy unnecessary drama Batman so you are saved a bloody battle for my amusement. Godspeed to all entrants and here’s to another year of patented Cuddlebuggery nonsense!


Giveaway Rules

  • To enter, please fill out the Raffelcopter form below.
  • You must be 13+ years to enter
  • Please enter your email address in the Rafflecopter form and not the comments.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


I just want it to be known that I never actually-truly-technically forgot about our blogoversary. The thing is, blogoversaries are hard, especially when you get past year two and three, because by that time you’ve out done yourself several times and partied yourself into a corner. But also, the other day, I ran into the field and suddenly there was Mufasa. And I was all, “WTF are you doing here, Mufasa?”

Mufasa 1

SoI looked behind me, because I was pretty darn sure my name wasn’t Simba. But then out of nowhere, I got this strange urge and started scream nonsense at the Mufasa-shaped cloud. You know, as one does.


Then he just started glowing all symbolically, telling me to remember…



And so then obviously I re-watched The Lion King for sweet nostalgia. Then sometime later, Kat said, “Hey, guys, I started a post about for our blogoversary we missed last month.” And I was like, “Ohhhh… yeeeeeeah.” (My brain is a very strange environment. I’m sorry.)

Anyway, the point is, we’re a bunch of lazy bums who really need to get off their asses every once in a while, at least for their blogoversary if for nothing else. So, late as this post is, we are determined not to actually miss it. The theme for my giveaway is contemporary books to brighten your day! And wow, I am just now realizing that all the titles of the books sound like a lot of feels are gonna being happening… The Leaving Season, This is Where the World Ends, Faking It, Walk the Edge, The Serpent King??? I’m sorry, guys. I’m bad at all the things. I hope these super depressing sounding titles makes at least one person happy. 


Giveaway Rules

  • To enter, please fill out the Raffelcopter form below.
  • You must be 13+ years to enter
  • The giveaway is open to US only
  • Please enter your email address in the Rafflecopter form and not the comments.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


I think we all swear on our mother’s graves that we didn’t forget our blogoversary, but the truth is, we did. We did so hard. I think we’re just legitimately the worst and it’s a good thing we’re not all married to each other because that would be an awkward relationship full of missed anniversaries and no talking. I picked a few books that I thought could find a new home. I started with a theme, meaning that there once, was, a method to my book-picking, but the psychopath theme only took me so far with finding books to giveaway and frankly said more about my state of mind than it did about the books.

In the end, like a husband in a convenience store on the way home to an anniversary meal for a date he forgot, I just started picking things up at random going, “This? This! Will They like this?”



Giveaway Rules

  • To enter, please fill out the Raffelcopter form below.
  • You must be 13+ years to enter
  • The giveaway is open to Aus/New Zealand ONLY
  • Please enter your email address in the Rafflecopter form and not the comments.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Kat Kennedy

Kat Kennedy

Co-blogger at Cuddlebuggery
Kat Kennedy is a book reviewer and aspiring author in the Young Adult genre. She reviews critically but humorously and get super excited about great books. Find her on GoodReads.
Kat Kennedy

30 Responses to “So we forgot our Blogoversary”

  1. Kristen@My Friends Are Fiction

    Happy Blog Birthday! Is it year 4??? I’m the worst at remembering anniversaries. My husband and I actually forget ours every year (and this year will be year 10) so don’t feel too bad. I’ve loved your blog since I started and I’m so glad you lovely ladies are still around and blogging. I know we’ve all sort of dropped off over the years but I always look forward to seeing what you three will do next.

    • Meg Morley

      Hi miki, we definitely did not forget you guys! Unfortunately, since this is a personally sponsored giveaway, we were hemmed in by international shipping rates. Whenever possible we make sure our giveaways are open to everyone it just wasn’t possible in this instance. I hope you understand and I’m sorry if you felt left out, that was in no way our intention.

  2. Lori H

    Happy blogoversary!!! Wishing you both the best and many more years to come 🙂

  3. Ella

    HAPPY BLOGAVERSARY!!!! Cuddlebuggery is one of my favourite blogs and all you guys are lovely 😀 Don’t feel bad about forgetting, I almost forgot my blogaversary last year and my second one is coming up at the end of this month and I’ve written it down pretty much EVERYWHERE (including hand and bedroom walls) to make sure I remember! 😉

    YAY. A giveaway I can enter!! 🙂 Thanks Kat! <3
    Ella recently posted…Min Reviews of The Butcher’s Hook & The Siren :: the ones where i just didn’t get itMy Profile

  4. Desnica

    Congratulations on being old and forgetful…I am very much part of that group. But seriously, HAPPY BELATED BLOGOVERSARY! I hope you have many more happy blogging years to come!

  5. Carina Olsen

    You girls are the CUTEST. <3 HAPPY BLOGOVERSARY. <3 I adore you all and your blog oh so much. I hope you will never stop blogging, hih, despite forgetting sometimes 🙂 Nothing wrong with that. <3 And aw, you are all so so sweet for giving away so many awesome looking books 😀 Just, yeah. I adore you all. And hope you are all having the best month so far. <3 Hugs. Lovely post sweet girls 😀
    Carina Olsen recently posted…Waiting on Wednesday #234My Profile

  6. Sigrid

    Hi guys!

    Congrats on another blogoversary! I’ve been lurking around for ages reading your wonderful posts (especially love the Buzz Worthy News!). I’d just like to say thank you so much for all the hard work and love you put into this blog. My first stop on the internet everyday is this blog and I feel ashamed to say I’ve never really told you guys this! Good luck and hope you have a wonderful year ahead of you guys! You all definitely deserve it!

  7. Hannah M

    You are all amazing! Congrats on the blogoversary! And thanks for the giveaway 🙂

  8. Anonymous

    Although I would totally Hunger Games for free books, I appreciate that you’re not requiring this (*ahem* MEG). Happy (belated) blogoversary!

  9. Lyn Kaye

    LOL! Happy Blogaversary gals! With life happening, things just kinda get in the way, you know? I don’t think we really celebrate ours, we just use the Blind Date as an event and be done with it. Can’t forget that day!

    *hugs to all of you!!*

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