Buzz Worthy News: 21st March 2016

21 March, 2016 Buzz Worthy News 11 comments

BWN-bee-graphicWelcome to Buzz Worthy News where the stories are awesome and not at all well-written. Need your YA industry news? Never fear, Kat Kennedy is here to give it to you straight.

In this week’s Buzz Worthy News: Miss Peregrine Movie trailer drops, Harry Potter readers are driving the reading boom, The Love that Split the World and it’s appropriation, and Shadowhunters gets a second season. All this and more!

Buzz Worthy News is Cuddlebuggery’s weekly news post bringing you all the best information about the book and blogging world, particularly for the venn diagram of people who overlap between the two.

Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children Trailer:

From visionary director Tim Burton, and based upon the best-selling novel, comes an unforgettable motion picture experience. When Jake discovers clues to a mystery that spans alternate realities and times, he uncovers a secret refuge known as Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children. As he learns about the residents and their unusual abilities, Jake realizes that safety is an illusion, and danger lurks in the form of powerful, hidden enemies. Jake must figure out who is real, who can be trusted, and who he really is.

The movie, starring Eva Green and Asa Butterfield is expected out on 30th September 2016 and has been directed by Tim Burton. Honestly most people just seem relieved that it doesn’t star Johnny Depp or Helena Boheme Carter.


Couldn’t have said it better myself…

Ransom Riggs, the author of the book, for his part, has been on twitter allaying the fears of some fans who found the trailer less than satisfactory:

Other reactions were not so good. We highly recommend reading this entire thread.


UnknownShadowhunters Greenlit for Season 2 – There is no god.

Reporters are reporting, and Staters and stating that definitive proof that there is no god arose this week with the continuation of the Shadowhunters series. It seems that Disney, who owns the show is who we have to thank for any non-theistic apocalypse that results from this decision.

Shadowhunters launched in January and collected 2.9 million total viewers and 1.6 million among the advertiser-coveted adults 18-49 demographic. The debut ranks as Freeform’s second-best series premiere on record among adults under 50 and adults 25-54. Additionally, the drama ranks as Freeform’s top launch among men under 50 and men 25-54 — as well as its third best among total viewers.

Shadowhunters is the second adaptation of Cassandra Clare’s novel, City of Bones, though has been more successful than the movie incarnation, The Mortal Instruments, which was a significant theatrical flop. Still, fans have been energised about the TV reboot giving it such praise as:

And, my personal favourite:



Unknown-1Disney Acquires Movie Rights to Chronicles of Prydain

According to Variety, Disney is already in early stages of production for The Chronicles of Prydain, a book I know almost nothing about.



The five novels by Lloyd Alexander, based on Welsh mythology, were published annually from 1964 to 1968 and followed the protagonist Taran from youth to maturity. He’s an assistant pig-keeper but initially dreams of being a grand hero.

OH, I see. Lloyd Alexander. Welsh mythology. Assistant pig-keeper with visions of grandeur. Sounds like it could be fun!

I kind of question the books being in early stages of production considering there is no producer, writer or director reported.

The novels, reportedly, have a very Welsh-like backdrop, which is a good thing to, because fantasy imagined in a medieval european setting with a young male protagonist is really hard to come by.


Original Harry Potter Fans to Blame for Book Reading Boost Weirdly Titled ‘Grip Lit’

Obviously the most disturbing thing about this story is that someone, and I’m not naming names, is trying to make “Grip lit” a thing.


So let’s break down this story into every single facet that can possibly be mocked.

Statistics from Nielsen Book show that fiction sales were up 5.2% last year, with crime and thriller novels accounting for 29% of the market, the second-largest genre behind general and literary fiction, which was worth 41%. The crime sector is estimated to have increased last year to a record volume of over 25m copies sold – including ebooks – with psychological thrillers such as The Girl on the Train, called “grip lit” by the book sales monitor, helping drive the growth.


Literally everybody still reading this post, all of two people, knew this gif was coming. 

Nielsen said that 67% of grip lit is bought by women, with 25 to 34-year-olds accounting for the largest age category within that. Women accounted for 60% of the sales for Paula Hawkins’ smash hit The Girl on the Train, with the same age range dominating sales. Just 17% of sales of the novel were to males aged 25 to 34.

Imagine that! Lots of women reading a novel written by a woman. I bet this doesn’t have anything to do with the fact that, statistically, men won’t. But now we get to some of the more baffling parts of this think piece.

According to Bookbrunch editor Neill Denny, these trends show the influence of a “Harry Potter cohort”, pointing out that a 12-year-old who read JK Rowling’s first novel in 1997 will become 31 in 2016. “A generation of women in their 20s and early 30s, who grew up reading Harry Potter, are now energising the book trade,” he wrote.



“It is Generation Potter … Two years ago they were reading YA, now they’re coming on to grip lit – it’s the same cohort,” said Henry. “I think it’s a generation we have to keep an eye on – they’re obviously really heavy book readers, and we have to make sure we’re reaching them in the right way. They have huge spending power, and this will only increase.”



Why do I suddenly feel watched and somewhat sullied by some guy named Henry that I never met? I mean, it’s a first, is all.

Samantha Eades, who is nearly 31 and an editor at new Orion imprint Trapeze, signed up to the label with enthusiasm.

“As a teen I crossed my fingers each night,” she said, “hoping for a letter for Hogwarts to be delivered and in my 20s I queued up for the final midnight signing with a lightning bolt on my forehead.” Eades may still imagine herself a Gryffindor, but her taste in fiction has definitely moved on. “I, like many women in their 20s and 30s, am completely addicted to grip lit,” she continued, citing titles including The Girl in the Red Coat, Disclaimer, In A Dark, Dark Wood and I Let You Go, as well as The Girl on the Train.

It’s kind of a disturbing trend when you see it laid all out like that.

The Potter generation of female readers are also driving growth in non-fiction, according to Nielsen’s data, with health and dieting sales up 61% in value last year thanks to strong sales of clean-eating titles such as Deliciously Ella. Females [emphasis by us] account for 68% of sales in the genre, with 25 to 34-year-olds the largest age category, said Nielsen, which drew its data from Nielsen BookScan, Nielsen PubTrack Digital and Nielsen Books and Consumers.


Sorry, I have to leave it there or I could make fun of this post all night.




UnknownThe Love That Split The World to Possibly Be Adapted into a Movie and This is Problematic

Lionsgate has picked up the movie rights for The Love that Split the World and it ended up being The Book that Split Twitter this week as people argued back and forth about the appropriation and use of Native American stories in the book.

Debbie Reese was one of the more prominent voices speaking out against themes and use of stories that were problematic. She storified her tweets here and explained in greater detail why exactly the book was so troublesome to her.

Reese and her take down was later criticised by those who thought it was unfair to tag the author or ask that allies call her out for her problematic appropriation of Native American culture.

Debbie Reese also storified and wrote about what it was like to have the conversation derailed by tone policing here.


Kat Kennedy

Kat Kennedy

Co-blogger at Cuddlebuggery
Kat Kennedy is a book reviewer and aspiring author in the Young Adult genre. She reviews critically but humorously and get super excited about great books. Find her on GoodReads.
Kat Kennedy

11 Responses to “Buzz Worthy News: 21st March 2016”

  1. looloolooweez

    OK, I am still sort of gagging over the “grip-lit” thing, so leaving that aside for now: The Chronicles of Prydain, again, Disney? Seriously? Did they learn NOTHING from The Black Cauldron failure? Or maybe that’s the problem… Disney CAN’T fail, so they feel compelled to go back and clean up a 30-year-old little problem?
    looloolooweez recently posted…Trimming the ol’ TBR listMy Profile

  2. Fangs for the Fantasy

    renewed?! You’re right, there is no loving god. Or Loki is messing with us. Or a writer has made a pact with Lucifer (though this is offensive to Lucifer). At least it will be better than the first season… it can’t be worse

    I think this may be the personal hell of Isaiah Mustafa who goes through every episode with an aura of “why whyyy am I here!?” and “I will kill my agent. Slowly. Painfully. With Mongooses”.

    Grip-lit? nope nope nope what does it even mean? Nope. You’ve also got to kind of sigh at all these stories which, when it comes down to it, basically are “GASP! THEM WOMEN FOLK READ?!” and then try to create cutsey terms to downplay that, despite women consistently reading more than men.

    Debbie Reese is doing awesome work documenting this, it’s a shame she has to walk on coals to do so
    Fangs for the Fantasy recently posted…Bitten, Season 3, Episode 6: Rule of AngerMy Profile

  3. Natalie Monroe

    Grip-lit? Seriously? It’s like Nicholas Sparks defending his work isn’t Romance, but tragic romantic literature. The real term is so ridiculous and long, I don’t even remember it.

  4. Ash

    I’ve been following the Debbie Reese thing on Twitter and it’s blowing my mind. If a book came out that was appropriating any other culture it would be blacklisted asap but for some reason Native American’s have always been blown off in this country. Their numbers are so small so their voices aren’t always heard and it’s just sad.
    Ash recently posted…Ducktape BookmarksMy Profile

  5. Shannelle

    I read the whole thread and I am definitely not reading that book now. I’m ignorant, and I wouldn’t have known a thing if I hadn’t read those tweets, and I’m very grateful that she is doing all the work that she is doing

  6. Beth W

    Well, everybody knows that women over age 32 don’t read and never have, and if it weren’t for Harry Potter we’d all be illiterate.
    Seriously, though, why the eff is anyone trying to genderize reading? Chances are, a well-written book in any genre is going to appeal to readers of both sexes and multiple age ranges. I feel like maybe some publishers are trying to shortcut the 'well-written book' part of that by stumping marketing using this kind of bad science. Ugh.

  7. Kyra @ Blog of a Bookaholic

    I haven’t seen the Shadowhunter TV series but I loved the books. I watched the trailer and I think I’m going to be quite annoyed by the acting as it seems quite cheesy! >.< I watched the trailer for Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children and I'm SO EXCITED for it! I haven't read the books yet, so I'll have to do something about that. ;D

  8. Carina Olsen

    Ohh, yay for writing a buzz worthy news post Kat 😉 You are awesome. <3 You all are. Ack. I have not yet seen that trailer.. but shall do so later tonight 🙂 Hope I will like it. And oh. I am not happy about the Shadowhunters news. I have not seen a single episode yet.. but seen tons of gifs and reactions, and oh my god it seems THE WORST. I can't stand it. Especially not when I saw someone ask Cassie on twitter about her new book, Lady Midnight, about what will happen if Emma and Julian's parabatai bond weakens. And I was just.. what? That never ever happens in the books. I don't think so. It is not possible to weaken that bond. It is to be the most special bond of all. But now everyone watching the show thinks it is possible.. and ugh. It makes me angry, lol 😀 SORRY. <3 It just bothers me. Ahhh. But I shall watch the show. One day. I'm not ready to be so angry just yet, lol 🙂

    Thank you for sharing about all of this awesome. <3 I hope you are all having the most amazing week 🙂
    Carina Olsen recently posted…Waiting on Wednesday #232My Profile

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