Cover Reveal: Night Speed by Chris Howard + Giveaway

2 November, 2015 Cover Reveals, Giveaways 23 comments


We here at Cuddlebuggery would like to give a warm welcome back to Chris Howard! Check out the Q&A with him below, see the cover to his new book and enter for the chance at winning an ARC copy!

1. Describe your novel in 3 words.

Every. Second. Counts.

2. It seems like a really thrilling, fast-paced novel… how was it different from writing Rootless?

Well, the Rootless books have been a real labor of love, but this was, too. That’s kind of how I write… I want to read it, so I write it first! I think with Night Speed, I did a lot of the “uphill” work beforehand so I got to really enjoy the “downhill” momentum, which means there’s a lot of propulsion to this story, from the first page to the last.

3. Are you a wizard or a ninja?

Jedi. So, kinda both!

4. The cover is brilliant – did you get a lot of input in the end product?

The cover art and design is the work of Joel Tippie, who I just got to meet, and he’s as nice as he is talented. I did get to have some input along the way, but I always liked the direction this cover was heading, and I love the final product. My voice was one of many… And it seemed everyone involved agreed on the vision Joel presented, right from the start.

5. What’s your favourite aspect of Night Speed (that you can tell us about, of course)?

Just the way it tackles the idea of time… How we always feel we’re running out of time, and how the past shapes us, and how the future forces us to face the consequences of who we are now… I think Night Speed tackles those ideas head on, in a really emotional and action-packed way.



And now for the cover reveal!



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Publisher: Katherine Tegen Books (May 3, 2016)
Hardcover: 416 pages
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0062415344
ISBN-13: 978-0062415349

Only those young enough can survive the pulse-pounding rush of tetra, a dangerous new drug that fuels a nine-minute burst of superhuman strength and speed. Tetra is addictive. It’s hard on the body and hard to control. But Alana West has been trained to use the drug so she can pursue the young criminals who abuse its power—criminals like the breakneck who nearly killed her kid brother.

On tetra, Alana is unstoppable. The rush makes her an explosive blur as she surges through New York City, battling to bring down breaknecks before they leave more people dead or injured in their wake. But with the clock ticking down to her eighteenth birthday, Alana will soon be too old for the rush… then just one more dose will prove deadly.

Supported only by her strong and steady handler, Tucker, Alana goes undercover, infiltrating an elite gang of breaknecks to locate their source of the drug and end the supply. But when Alana gets trapped on the wrong side of the law, she learns the breaknecks are not quite what they seem—especially Ethan, the artistic boy whose bottomless brown eyes seem to see the truth inside her. And with her own dependency on tetra increasing, Alana must decide where her loyalties lie before the rush ends. Forever.

Check out some of the praise for Night Speed!

“Every page of NIGHT SPEED made me say, ‘Wow!’ Tighten up that seatbelt, kids, because Chris Howard has his foot on the pedal and doesn’t let up, from page one to the end. This is superpower made real, made consequential, with characters you care about and a story that is pure adrenaline. An absolute must-read.”
— Michael Grant, New York Times bestselling author of the Gone series

“Howard has an unmatched talent for blending high-octane action with gut-punching emotion. His taut writing will make your heart race, break it into a million pieces, and then put it back together again, doing what great books are meant to do-change the way you see the world . . . and how we see each other.”
— Kass Morgan, New York Times bestselling author of The 100

About Chris Howard

Chris Howard was born and raised in England, and it was there he first began writing stories and songs. He now lives in Denver, Colorado, where he and his wife enjoy mountains, music, and mugs of good coffee.

Connect with him online at:


Thanks very much to Chris and his publisher for providing the opportunity for 6 people to win an ARC copy of his new book! How incredible is that?!

  • To enter, please fill out the Raffelcopter form below.
  • You must be 13+ years to enter
  • The giveaway is open to US/CA only.
  • When the winners are chosen, the winners will be emailed by Penguin.
  • Please enter your email address in the Rafflecopter form and not the comments.

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Kat Kennedy

Kat Kennedy

Co-blogger at Cuddlebuggery
Kat Kennedy is a book reviewer and aspiring author in the Young Adult genre. She reviews critically but humorously and get super excited about great books. Find her on GoodReads.
Kat Kennedy

23 Responses to “Cover Reveal: Night Speed by Chris Howard + Giveaway”

  1. Mina

    I admit the cover is very eye catching, but I’m more intrigued by the excerpt. It’s like a mix of Limitless and Fast and Furious. I can’t wait to read it! xo

  2. Susan T.

    This sounds super exciting and I really like the crime fighting aspect of this! It is really interesting that the drug only works until you are eighteen then it kills you. Our bodies are definitely able to handle less as we age! Lol!

  3. Janel Posssiel

    YES! Every book by Chris Howard has had me on the edge of my seat- this one sounds even more exciting. Can’t wait!

  4. Abagail Cole

    I want to win a copy because I love and appreciate books. There are not enough words in the world to describe the amount of feels that a good book ( or series of them) plant in your heart, soul, and mind. They start out as a seed then grow into a magnificated blossom, engulfing you in passion, in heart, in another world. They steal you away to realms you dream about but could never touch. They become your friend and your self.

  5. NIGHT SPEED cover!!!! - Blog | Chris Howard BooksBlog | Chris Howard Books

    […] Awesome, right?! I couldn’t be happier with how it looks, and am super grateful to Joel Tippie at Katherine Tegen Books (HarperCollins) for his inspired art and design! To celebrate the reveal of the cover I did a quick Q&A about the new book, and – if you’re quick – you can enter to win one of six free signed ADVANCED copies from my mates at the: Cuddlebuggery book blog. […]

  6. Summer

    It sounds fast-paced, with a strong heroine defending her brother and maybe a little romance, so all those things appeal to me.

  7. A. Kim

    I would love to win a copy of the ARC because the story sounds so amazing! Also, I think I would like this book, and want to read it! I am a lover of books, and sometimes love them more than people! If I won a copy, that would be so amazing~


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