Buzz Worthy News: Love Triangles Edition 12th August 2015

19 August, 2015 Buzz Worthy News 11 comments


Welcome to Buzz Worthy News where the stories are awesome and not at all well-written. Need your YA industry news? Never fear, Kat Kennedy is here to give it to you straight.

In this week’s Buzz Worthy News: New Queen of Shadows book spoiled before release, Third Sci-Fi novel from Ernie Cline on the way, Post posits there are too many threesomes in YA novels, The Notebook gets a TV Adaptation, Judy Blume helps husband replace wife’s book, Anne Rice continues to get it wrong, and much, much more.  

Buzz Worthy News is Cuddlebuggery’s weekly news post bringing you all the best information about the book and blogging world, particularly for the venn diagram of people who overlap between the two. For new releases and cover reveals of all the best Young Adult fiction, check out our Tuesday post: Hot New Titles.

Ernie Cline Writing Third Sci-Fi Novel

Ernie Cline, author of pop culture hits Ready Player One and Armada. His book, Ready Player One is being turned into a movie and now there’s been reports that his third book has been signed for a seven figure deal. He signed the deal with Penguin Random House.

There’s no title or plot so far but my guess is that it’s going to be littered with geeky pop culture references. PROVE ME WRONG, MISTER CLINE!


Allen Salkin Continually Confuses Love Triangles with Threesomes in YA Literature

Allen Salkin wrote one of those clickbait articles hand wringing about the state of YA Literature with all their threesomes. All the people who actually read YA know that this is a conflagration of facts. Yet still, he went on.

The shelves of books aimed at the 14- to 17-year-old reader are groaning — make that moaning — under the collective weight of explicit scenes involving multiple partners, or love triangles.

I don’t have the verbal capacity to explicitly state how much the above quote hurt my brain.

As books have gotten sexier, their target audience is responding, with book sales in the children and young adult categories rising by 22.4% between 2013 and 2014 compared with a 3.3% decline in sales in books for adults over the same period, according to the Association of American Publishers.

Clearly we’re now confusing causation with correlation.

Quoting Moral Conservative Matt Barber:

“It shows cultural decline from a moral standpoint, but it’s much worse than all that,” Barber said. “Adult sexual predators, one of their primary ploys is to desensitize children to graphic sexuality so they can then target them for sexual abuse.”

Yes, because that quote really added a lot to the conversation!

Love triangles=/=threesomes.


To add insult to injury, it appears Salkin was a bit misleading with his author quotes (though apparently technically allowable).

The quote in question:

Screen Shot 2015-08-19 at 9.29.19 AM

Katie Cotugno’s reaction:

Salkin’s response:

So,  constant vigilance when it comes to quote marks because it’s apparently a totally legit journalistic tactic to set up a quote to look like someone said something they didn’t, as long as it’s not actually in quotes.

You Can Expect a Bittersweet Ending to ASOIAF

For fans of the book or TV Series of Game of Thrones, there’s good news. The ending to the series may not be as dire as many are predicting! George R.R. Martin spoke this week about his hopes for the end of the series and his writing inspiration: J.R.R. Tolkien.

When asked about a horrible apocalyptic ending to the very popular series, Martin replied:

“I haven’t written the ending yet, so I don’t know,” Martin admits. “But no. That’s certainly not my intent.”

Martin went on to discuss the ending to The Lord of the Rings and how it inspired him:

“It’s no secret that Tolkien has been a huge influence on me, and I love the way he ended The Lord of the Rings,” Martin says. “It ends with victory, but it’s a bittersweet victory. Frodo is never whole again, and he goes away to the Undying Lands, and the other people live their lives.”

Then he confirmed that his intentions for the book are entirely honourable!

“All I can say is that’s the kind of tone I will be aiming for,” Martin says. “Whether I achieve it or not, that will be up to… my readers to judge.”

The Notebook to be Adapted for TV: A Case Study in WHY?!

CW has ordered a TV series of Nicholas Spark’s popular book, The Notebook.

The Mary Sue had this to say on the topic:

in other words, they’re making a huge bet that the world’s love of this Nicholas Sparks classic was not contingent upon the dual charisma of Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams.

We can’t help but agree. The popular romance novelist (though he loathes to be referred to as such) originally wrote the novel which was adapted into a movie in 2004. A cautionary tale about collecting ones own mail, the story centres on the romance between Noah and Allie. It was widely well received by movie goers and remains a staple of wine-filled movie and spa nights.

Todd Graff will write the script while Sparks and Theresa Park act as executive producers for the project which is still in developmental stages.


Judy Blume Replaces Wife’s Lost Book

A Brooklyn husband committed the ultimate sin by throwing out his wife’s beloved copy of Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret. Personally, my partner is legally forbidden to come within 10 feet of my book room, but some people aren’t as wise as me. Lenny Lasek put up posters in his suburb to retrieve the lost copy.

I accidentally gave this book away on Saturday July 25th in a box on the corner of Green & Franklin Streets in Greenpoint. The book is extremely important to my wife. It was a keepsake from her mother and is irreplaceable. On the inside cover is a note that reads ‘Christmas 1991.’ If you happened to pick up this book can you please get in touch with me.”

Lasek and wife, Katie got a surprise when the author stepped forward to replace it with a signed copy.



Queen of Shadows Gets Spoiled and People Were REALLY Angry.

So, I won’t link to the review or name the reviewer, but a review was posted with extensive spoilers for Queen of Shadows this week and people were really, really angry.
(ed. note: the original Goodreads review that kicked this all off has been taken down)

On top of that, spoilers were even posted to tumblr and twitter and one blogger even reported having someone email spoilers to her.


Anne Rice Comments on Kate Breslin Novel’s Backlash

We’re not going to bang on about this too much. Anne Rice gives opinions frequently. This time it was about the anti-Semitic book written by Kate Breslin which made it into the RW. People have been calling out its depictions of the Holocaust and the redemption of an SS Soldier.

“Want to see the new censorship in action? Want to witness an internet lynch mob going after its target?” she wrote. “Check out the Amazon review site for this novel and read the one-star reviews.

“Do you think these are honest customer reviews? I don’t. I abhor censorship in all forms. I condemn those who abuse the Amazon reviewing system to ‘take down’ authors who books they have not read – for political or religious or ‘social’ reasons.”


By the way:

“A lynch mob is when a mob of people string u up a tree & hang u until you’re dead.

What you’re experiencing is criticism.

It’s different.” – Ijeoma Oluo


Kat Kennedy

Kat Kennedy

Co-blogger at Cuddlebuggery
Kat Kennedy is a book reviewer and aspiring author in the Young Adult genre. She reviews critically but humorously and get super excited about great books. Find her on GoodReads.
Kat Kennedy

11 Responses to “Buzz Worthy News: Love Triangles Edition 12th August 2015”

  1. Georgette

    Good grief.
    Glad Ernest Cline has another book coming out. Yay!
    Anne Rice? No comment. That’s truly something.
    People should stop posting spoilers- for movies, for books- for anything. There’s quite a strong case for anticipation.
    Don’t blame people for getting so mad about “Queen of Shadows” spoilers. It makes me mad.

  2. Sandy

    If you have early copies of a book just keep spoilers to yourself or talk privately with someone who doesn’t mind to be spoiled. It’s just not fair for the other readers who haven’t read the book yet because it hasn’t been released yet.

  3. Anonymous

    I just finished Armada and was so underwhelmed and less than impressed that this news of a third book deal is shocking. Are we that desperate to hear that someone else was also a geek in the 1980’s? Or maybe Ready Player One was so good (I haven’t read it yet) that he’s going to ride a fluke-train to death? I remain skeptical about this third book.

    Also, I hope Allen Salkin’s fingers fall off. What an asshat.

    If the CW is producing The Notebook series, I expect all the characters will be aged 16-19, and it will take place in some post-apocalyptic age (a la Little Women adaptation) or a high school where their supposedly-deceased classmate is a murdering stalker bent on ruining their…er…romance.

    How can an author be as long-running and well-published as Anne Rice and still not have the common sense to think before speaking/typing, or not know how to handle criticism (especially by throwing factless shade on what might be totally legit reviews)?? Ugh.

  4. Vane J.

    Ugh. The spoiling review for Queen of Shadows angers me. Why would people do that? I didn’t read it, but still. Also, I need to start Game of Thrones soon. I have neither read the books nor watched the show. O_O
    Vane J. recently posted…Review: 21 Stolen KissesMy Profile

  5. Natalie M.

    The love triangle/threesome confusion annoys me. If you don’t know the definition of one of the most common things in YA, you should NOT be talking about it or criticizing it.

  6. Carina Olsen

    Gorgeous post Kat 😀 Thank you for always sharing so so many awesome bookish news. <3 Ugh, that Salkin person sounds like such an asshole. Sigh. So much wrong it all that he wrote. Love that so many are correcting him 🙂 And yay for hopefully a good ending to the Game of Thrones books 😀 Fingers crossed. Though I haven't read them yet, lol. But I must know how it ends 🙂 (Though I'm still pissed about Ned Stark being dead. That death was the most evil to me.) Anyway. About Queen of Shadows spoilers. I have not read the books, because I had to DNF book one at page 70 when trying it before it got published.. just not for me :p but trying again sometime 😀 ANYWAY. Spoilers. Yes. I did not see any spoilers. But I wanted to, lol. I'm getting the book, and I'm going to peek so much. Because I need spoilers. I live for spoilers. Okay, when peeking at ending to books, I often get disappointed and end up not reading the book :p Which might be a bit sad. Oh, well. I won't ever stop peeking 🙂 Aaaanyway. You are amazing Kat. <3
    Carina Olsen recently posted…Waiting on Wednesday #201My Profile

  7. Cait @ Paper Fury

    Well that is a huge relief about GRRM’s ending…although…um, I don’t really trust him?!? I’m only on bk 5 but if anyone is even ALIVE after the end of bk 6 I guess he can have a “happy ending” because NO ONE WILL BE LEFT ALIVE TO BE SAD. *collapse on the floor sobbing* hehe, Just kidding though, I know he didn’t say happy ending.

  8. La Coccinelle @ The Ladybug Reads...

    “Love triangles=/=threesomes.”

    This was my exact thought when I was reading that. If you think YA is full of threesomes, you’ve obviously not read very much of it at all. (I can’t even think of a YA book I’ve read that had a threesome. Heck, I can’t even think of a YA book that I’ve heard of that has a threesome!)

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