Buzz Worthy News: The Non-Apology May 4, 2015

4 May, 2015 Buzz Worthy News 22 comments

BWN-bee-graphicWelcome to Buzz Worthy News where the stories are awesome and not at all well-written. Need your YA industry news? Never fear, Kate is here to give it all to you. Just, ya know, not in any kinda sophisticated sense or nothing.

In this week’s Buzz Worthy News: Two more cast members found for Shadowhunters, New trailer for Fifty Shades Sequel, Man dumps thousands of books on freeway and some author bad behaviour. All this and more in this week’s Buzz Worthy News.

Buzz Worthy News is Cuddlebuggery’s weekly news post bringing you all the best information about the book and blogging world, particularly for the venn diagram of people who overlap between the two. For new releases and cover reveals of all the best Young Adult fiction, check out our Tuesday post: Hot New Titles.

 Book-Movie News


Two More Cast Members Announced For Shadowhunterslberto-rosende-and-emeraude-toubia-mortal-instruments

So, for those of you who have been waiting around the clock for new casting news updates on the ABC series Shadowhunters (Are you paying attention, Meg?), your day has come!

Alberto Rosende and Emeraude Toubia have been cast as Simon and Isabelle.

Simon, intelligent and very handsome in a non-calculated kind of way, is Clary’s longtime best friend. An accounting student by day, Simon spends his free time performing in a band. His loyalty and feelings for Clary are tested as he fights alongside her on an epic journey.

Isabelle is an exotic-looking, beautiful Shadowhunter. An expert with her whip, and a trained fighter who can kill it in high heels, she’s just as lethal as she is attractive. Her one weakness, however, is her choice in men, as she always goes for the bad boy.

No word on Clary yet, but you can be sure I’ll post it right here, just for all of you! (And Meg)



13 Little Blue Envelopes To Be Adapted

9462775If you’ve read anything by Maureen Johnson, you’re probably excited by the news that New Line Cinema has ordered the adaption of the sweet book 13 Little Blue Envelopes for the big screen.

The story follows a seventeen-year-old girl named Ginny on a coming-of-age adventure. After her Aunt passes away, Ginny realizes that she’s been left with thirteen envelopes containing money and instructions for a journey for her to take. The trip takes her around the world, where she discovers various cultures, and most importantly, herself.

Yay!  Looking forward to this!



Viola Davis To Play Harriet Tubman In Bound For The Promise Land

371px-ViolaDavisNov2010Attention How To Get Away With Murder Fans!  Your favorite criminal law professor has been snagged to play Harriet Tubman in a new HBO biopic.

Based on the biography Bound For The Promised Land by historian Kate Clifford Larson, the film, now in development, tells the story of American hero Tubman. Born a slave, she escaped and, via an intricate escape network of secret routes and safe houses known as the Underground Railroad, she led more than 300 slaves to freedom in the North and later fought with the Union during the Civil War.

The only thing that slightly worries me is that the writer for the comedy Entourage is the guy they’ve snagged for this thing.  I dunno.  HBO has been pretty good about history stuffs in the past, though, so I’ll wait and see.



Reese Witherspoon To Narrate Harper Lee’s Book

Reese_Witherspoon_2009When I think of Reese Witherspoon, I think more of Elle Woods than soothing voiced narrator for much anticipated sequel to an American classic, but what do I know?  The Academy Award winner has been picked to narrate Go Set A Watchman, by Harper Lee.

Cademon Audio, a HarperAudio imprint, will release the audiobook on July 14th. The print edition of Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird sequel will be published on the same day.

Witherspoon (pictured, via) had this statement in the press release: “As a Southerner, it is an honor and privilege to give voice to the Southern characters who inspired my childhood love of reading, Scout and Atticus Finch. I am eager for readers to be transported to a pivotal time in American history in the manner that only Harper Lee’s gorgeous prose can deliver.”



Teaser for Fifty Shades Darker Has Been Released

No you are not seeing things.  Yes, the teaser trailer for FSD has been released, despite the fact that the film itself is currently being adapted, hasn’t been filmed (to my knowledge), and isn’t even slated to be released until 2017.  WHY IS THE UNIVERSE SO DETERMINED TO MAKE ME LOSE MY MIND????

If you want to watch it, here it is.

As for me, I’m outta here!



Book News


 Man Dumps Thousands Of Books On Freeway

635604828787770625-IMG-4287I have heard some weird book-destroying stories in my life (cutting out the book to use the cover for decoration, book sculptures, book purses, etc.) but this one takes the cake for sure.

Colorado Department of Transportation spokesperson Jared Fiel says the stretch of Highway 287 between Arapahoe Road to Jasper Road in Boulder County has been littered with dozens of books on numerous occasions over the last two months.

On Monday, CDOT crews were out again, collecting as many as 50 books by hand. Since December, workers for CDOT have collected 300 books from the median – anywhere from 25 to 50 at a time.

Um, what now?  And the reason why is even more strange!  A former bookstore owner named Glenn Pladsen is the culprit and explains:

Pladsen says he isn’t sure how long he has been dumping books along U.S. 287 on his way to work in Longmont. He just knows he couldn’t figure out any other way to get rid of them.

Pladsen said that he acquired thousands of books after a Boulder used bookstore closed about eight years ago and that he sold them online for a while but was unable to compete with Amazon.

“The way they sell their used books put all the used book sellers out,” he said. “I was left with thousands of books in the house.”

Dude, haven’t you ever heard of

Source (and HERE too)


Obama Books

Kindle ObamaI get so tired of political negativity, so here is a story that actually makes me happy about the world!

President Barack Obama announced Thursday that major book publishers will provide more than $250 million in free e-books to low-income students and that he is seeking commitments from local governments and schools nationwide to provide library cards to all students.

Publishers contributing e-books to this initiative include all of the Big Five—Penguin Random House, Macmillan, Simon & Schuster, HarperCollins and Hachette—as well as such independent houses as Bloomsbury, Candlewick, Lee & Low, and Cricket Media. Donations are focused on titles for children. The e-book donations will be made available through libraries and nonprofit educational organizations.

YES! I love this!  Books for kids who want to read, but can’t afford to buy them. Tell me more!

“We’re going to provide millions of e-books online so that they’re available for young people who maybe don’t have as many books at home or don’t always have access to a full stock of reading materials,” Obama said during a virtual town hall sponsored by Discovery Education.

But, [Obama] said, “the truth of the matter is we live in a digital age.” Obama said e-books are “easy to carry” and that making them available free of charge to people who don’t have a lot of books or who can’t afford to buy many “can even things out between poor kids and rich kids,” who can afford them.

The ConnectEd program aims to make broadband Internet access available to 99 percent of American students by 2018. Already, companies such as Apple have pledged to provide $100 million worth of devices to lower-income schools, said Jeff Zients, director of the White House National Economic Council.

Can I just send all my tax money to that project, please?

Sources HERE and HERE


Author Bad Behaviour


Authors Say The Darndest Things

5028484Oh authors, I’m not sure if you just enjoy putting your collective feet in your mouths, or if it’s just “the way” to get your name in the press now.  Either way, it seems like the world is doing a universal SMH at your antics.  Take this week’s example, an author by the name of Michelle Madow, who posted this little gem on twitter (the tweet was later deleted but here is the text and then a screenshot posted.)

The tweet: a screen shot of a conversation between Madow and her mother, with the caption “My mom and I are so mature.”

Madow: “They made politically correct people emojis.  Next we need politically correct poop emojis with varieties of colors. #NotAllTheSame”

Madow’s Mom: “lol and consistencies”

Madow: “EXACTLY”

When Madow noticed the comments her tweet was receiving, she quickly deleted the text, and then at some point issued an apology:

Needless to say, there were many disappointed tweets in reply:



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Kate Copeseeley

Kate Copeseeley

Buzz Worthy News Correspondent
Kate Copeseeley is the Buzz Worthy News Correspondent, occasional reviewer, and a bonafide bookslut®. She can be found haunting Goodreads, writing The 100 fanfic, and neglecting everything else in favor of burying her nose in a book. Visit her on Goodreads.
Kate Copeseeley

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22 Responses to “Buzz Worthy News: The Non-Apology May 4, 2015”

  1. Natalie Monroe

    Why would anyone throw books away? It’s stupid and wasteful. He could’ve had a garage sale, donated them to school libraries, left them on a Starbucks’ newspaper rack… Anything beats just tossing them out.

  2. Beth W

    Just because you’re a good writer doesn’t mean you have any common sense, apparently (I can understand ignorance, but broadcasting it all over the internet?!).

    YAY for 12 Little Blue Envelopes and a diverse cast of (largely unknown) actors for the Shadowhunter TV show adaptation. Might have to get tv service after all…

    That book seller ought to be fined for all he’s worth (littering, yo!). He’s never heard of donating books to libraries, prisons, or schools? How about recycling? I can think of about 3,492,073,982 things you can do with unwanted used books that aren’t throwing them onto the side of the road. UGH.
    Beth W recently posted…Handmade Love: You Win or You DieMy Profile

    • Kate Copeseeley

      I think the perilous nature of the tweeting lifestyle is becoming more evident with every passing day. It’s so instantaneous that people feel free to post any old thing without thinking about context and large interpretation.
      I think that book seller will DEFINITELY be fined.

  3. La Coccinelle @ The Ladybug Reads...

    Do they not recycle in Colorado? Wow. I hope that guy doesn’t do the same thing with other hard-to-get-rid-of things that you’re not supposed to throw in the landfill (cell phones, computers, batteries, unwanted kittens, etc.). Geez Louise.

    As for that tweet, seriously… are we all just looking to be offended now? I didn’t read it as racist at all, though I see how some people might be able to twist it in that direction. My take was that the author was trying to say there’s a spectrum of poop colours that should be celebrated with emojis… not that people of different races poop in different colours.

    Holy crap! I can’t believe I just wrote about poop.
    La Coccinelle @ The Ladybug Reads… recently posted…Review – The Wide-Awake PrincessMy Profile

    • La Coccinelle @ The Ladybug Reads...

      After reading some of the other reactions on other sites, I understand where some people may be coming from. That’s just not where my mind immediately went.

      For those condemning the author for not understanding that her comments may have been seemed racist (even if she didn’t intend them that way), they need to understand that a tweet like that will be interpreted differently according to the reader’s life experiences. The author needs to understand why some people might see it as racist… but those who do see it as racist also need to understand why she might not see it the same way. It’s not an excuse for either side… but simply trading tirades on the Internet is not going to solve the problem, either.

      I would suggest that what we really need are emojis to express the diversity in ways people have of interpreting events… but that would probably be considered “racist”, too. *sigh*
      La Coccinelle @ The Ladybug Reads… recently posted…Review – The Wide-Awake PrincessMy Profile

      • Nicole

        Understanding that she wasn’t intentionally racist is fine, but it shouldn’t be a free pass – at the end of the day, the comment was racist, and her quick deletion of tweets and not-quite-sincere apology at the end of it showed that she wasn’t willing to listen to the minorities who were honest about how it offended them. I don’t see it as “trading tirades on the Internet” – it’s an important discussion about what people say and how it affects others in the community.
        Nicole recently posted…WAISTCOATS AND WEAPONRY wins Steampunk Chronicle awardMy Profile

        • Kate Copeseeley

          Well, I don’t think she got a free pass, by any means, so I think you’re covered there. I agree with you, it is an important issue, especially given how much we talk about diversity in books around here. And hopefully in the future this author will consider her words and see how they might be seen to reflect a certain set of values.

      • Kate Copeseeley

        Sorry, you all commented before I could finish my other reply. haha!

        I agree, it seems like the author is young and from a background that may have lent some ignorance to the impulsive tweet. I hope she has learned something important from the experience about thoughtless words and how they hurt. 🙁

    • Kate Copeseeley

      I didn’t even THINK about what else he might have gotten rid of. Eeep!

      As for the tweet, I guess it’s true that you could interpret it in many ways. The way I read it was the author thought it was as silly to have different colored poop emojis as it was to have different colored people emojis.

      • La Coccinelle @ The Ladybug Reads...

        That was kind of my point. There are bound to be tons of interpretations, since we’re all coming at things from different perspectives. I just think it’s a little unfair to condemn someone for not magically knowing how everybody is going to interpret a particular remark, especially in a case like this where there are multiple ways the statement could be taken.

        As for the apology, what should she have said? How can she apologize for someone else’s interpretation of her tweet? Should she have left the tweet up, knowing that she’d just get more vitriol from the Internet? Wouldn’t she then be accused of stirring the pot? What’s the protocol in this sort of situation? Seriously… I’d really like to know. It’s getting to the point where you can’t say anything without worrying that it’s going to be offensive to someone.

  4. Savannah

    Not down with littering, especially when it’s something like books! Straight up, shameful. The Obama news story warmed my heart, though. Hooray, education for all!

  5. Nicole

    Thanks for linking to YA Interrobang, lovebugs! <3

    I'm not a fan of Obama's e-book plan. The kids who need books and assistant most don't really have access to the things needed to read e-books – smart phones and Kindles and computers. I feel like that was money that could have been put towards other, better thought-out plans. There's a great discussion over at Book Riot on the issue today:

    • Kate Copeseeley

      Interrobang was the only place I could find any info on the story when I was compiling my notes, so good job! 🙂

      I could see why you’d say that about the ebooks program (and indeed that was what I was thinking myself!), but in the articles I read, they said that companies(like Apple) will be donating the devices for kids to read them on, whether they’re for the class (which we’ve done stories about before) or for each individual child.
      Thanks so much for the link! I will definitely check it out.

    • Kate Copeseeley

      I read the article and I think it makes several good points. Especially that eBook donations are a cheap and easy way for companies to look good and still spend relatively little in comparison to a paperback, etc.
      Maybe I’ve just been pampered by our library, which has two or three computers that are just for kids who need to do homework (grown-ups are not allowed to use them). I will say that we don’t have device rentals in my library, though, so if your school wasn’t lucky enough to have devices for the kids, then ebooks WOULD mean pretty much nothing. Thanks again for the article link.

  6. Katherine

    I hate when authors do things I don’t agree with…it presents a huge problem for me if I should read their books or not. Michelle Madow seemed really nice, and I want to forgive her for it, but this seems like a little too much this time. I think it’s interesting how Twitter has changed this, and blogging too, because before either, I would have never have known about this or dozens of other examples. I’m excited for anything Viola Davis is in!
    Katherine recently posted…Review Mashup (2) feat. LA Candy, Incarnate, and HootMy Profile

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