Getting to Know You Blog Hop

15 November, 2014 Blog Hops 28 comments



I really wanted to think about what book was going to best represent me when I gave it away. There could always be my favourite set of books of which I have given away many copies in the past. Like the Stormdancer Trilogy or Daughter of Smoke and Bone or Under the Never Sky. But those are all predictable and I am anything but predictable.

I came up with this blog hop because I really wanted to get to know more bloggers. Often I feel kind of like the weird kid in the corner for licking people’s faces. I know I’m not the only one that feels that way. I know a lot of bloggers also feel isolated and lonely and like they’re on the fringes of a massive community of people who all know each other really well. So I really wanted a chance to try and bring people together.


I’m Wallowitz, btw. 

This is why I’ve chosen to give away Unspoken by Sarah Rees Brennan. Because I feel like Kami, its main character, is my spirit animal and I totally get her. She just wants to be friends with people too, but she is a little weird and strange and hard to be friends with. And seeing all these wonderful bloggers sign up to the Blog Hop fills me with joy because it makes me realise that…

…there are still so many faces to lick.


I was going to be hilarious and tell you all about how The Haunted Vagina is my most favorite book to ever book and then foist in on some poor “winner” but it turns out I’m not actually that mean (it was a very close call). So, what’s my favorite book? First off I resent the idea of picking ONE book. To give you an idea of what I have to narrow down, here is my super favorites shelf:

Meg's Super Favs

(and this doesn’t even include my Harry Potters and Terry Pratchetts which live on a special shelf across the room)

You see my dilemma. WHAT TO CHOOSE? After thinking about it for AGES I’ve narrowed it down to The Lumatere Chronicles and Newsflesh (quelle surprise!) (The Raven Cycle is barely in third place)(barely). Aside from being absolutely fantastic these series are both ones I wouldn’t know about if it weren’t for Cuddlebuggery and were part of how I came to fall in love with this blog and I’m not getting mushy, you’re getting mushy. Whatever.

Anyway, having thought is over a little bit more, I’m going to go with FEED by Mira Grant. (I adore Lumatere but my favorite book is Froi of the Exiles but I can’t give you the second book in a series, can I?) Feed is mind-bogglingly amazing. It’s a post-zombie apocalypse thriller starring BLOGGERS. The characters are flawless, the plot is fantastic, the science is so sound the CDC has confirmed that the zombie scenario is actually plausible and I don’t think a book has ever broken my heart as completely as this one has. So, yeah. FEED. Official favorite book. For now.



When Meg said she was going to go with The Haunted Vagina, I was fully prepared to follow that up with T-Rex Troubles, which if you remember, entertained me to no end. But this blog hop is about getting to know each other, so I decided to think harder. So, for my book, I’ve decided to give away an audiobook via

This year has been a bit of a learning curve for me since I’ve gone back to work in Real Life and I’ve struggled with finding that balance between blog related activities and grown up responsibilities. It’s been difficult with me being an already rather slow reader, now having even less time to devote to something I love. Not to mention, I’ve been battling Blogger Burnout and unsure of how long I’ll have the will to continue.  But what’s really helped me this year was listening to audiobooks. It’s not a perfect solution, but it allows me to still maintain a connection to the reading world with minimal interference with my, now hectic, Real Life. So if it seems like I’m not keeping up with Hot New Titles much or Cuddlebuggery’s Twitter account gets quiet, that’s why.

The best part is that audiobooks has led me to a few new favorite books. I will now take this opportunity to push The Seven Realms series onto you by telling you the magic contained in Carol Monda’s voice and Cinda Williams Chima’s pen. GUYS. If you haven’t read this amazing series and your life is as busy as mine is, YOU NEED THIS AUDIOBOOK IN YOU LIFE NOW.

Reasons why you should do as I say:

  • Action
  • Adventure
  • Shenanigans
  • BAD guys
  • Romance
  • Magic
  • HAM main characters
  • Strong female characters
  • The Ship

This series is special to me because it completely broke me out of a reading slump when I was in desperate need of something that could pull me out of Real Life, if only for a little while. I hope it can do the same for someone else.

For those of you who are not High Fantasy fans, you can opt out for a few of my other new favorite audiobooks that helped me through the year: When I was the Greatest by Jason Reynolds, Roomies by Sara Zarr and Tara Altebrando, American Gods by Neil Gaiman, all of which features diverse characters that made me weep. Seriously, there is nothing greater than seeing yourself in a book.


So Kat, Meg and Steph are doing separate giveaways. Kat’s is AU only while Steph’s is International and Meg’s is US only. We are self sponsoring this giveaway so please follow the rules.

Contest Rules

  • To enter, please fill out the Raffelcopter form below.
  • We ask that all entrants be at least 13 years or older to enter.
  • The giveaway is open to Kat: AU only, Meg US only, and Steph: International.
  • When the winners are chosen, it will be announced here and the winners will be emailed.
  • Please enter your email address in the Rafflecopter form and not the comments.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

a Rafflecopter giveaway

a Rafflecopter giveaway

28 Responses to “Getting to Know You Blog Hop”

  1. Rebecca

    I know that sucky, lone blogger feeling and that’s why I love this hop and why i signed up. Also, Kat? I already wanted to read Unspoken thanks to you. But now, hearing she’s your spirit animal? Want x 25719671893 (this is what happens when you close your eyes and flail on your keyboard. But still, pretty much!)

    Love all your book rec’s! Thank you guys so much for hosting!

  2. Deniz

    I cannot believe I missed the freakn signup date! *insert wailing sounds*
    ok. Let me pull myself together.
    This is a really great idea and I really hope you going to do this again- cause I wanna be part of it next time. 🙂
    Kat- sending you hugs!
    Meg- oh snap! Froi is my fave as well…
    Steph – I’ve been in a similar boat, work is just been too hectic, so I really got into audios as well. Arent they AWESOMESAUCE?
    uhm now i just got a teeny tiny question.. where do i sign up for Stephs giveaway? is it just me or is there no

  3. Deniz

    damn! sorry. now i look like a right twatt.
    I meant that i can only see the rafflecopter for Meg and Kat’s giveaways

  4. Brittany T

    HI LADIES!! So im the ass hat who entered the AU contest and is not qualified (im sorry i just got so excited) I just wanted to tell you again how much i want to hug this hop! Great picks and i am thrilled to see audiobooks giveaway since they are lifesavers while cleaning up after a child or chasing sed child or being to lazy to hold a book or my ipad!! Thanks!!

    • Steph Sinclair

      Thanks for joining up, Brittany! And OMGosh, yes! Audiobooks are great with kids and being on the go. Total lifesaver. Also, no worries on the giveaway, I took care of it!

  5. Kristen@My Friends Are Fiction

    I think my blog name says it all…when I started blogging most of my friends lived on the page :-/ I have found this community to be so amazing so whatever you do DON’T BURN OUT. I love your blog and have since I started. There would be a rather unfillable hole without you three (and Steph since you are the one that mentioned burn out). I love the idea of this hop and can’t wait to find new friends and visit blogs I’ve not heard of. Thank you ladies!

  6. Mawa Mahima

    Awesome! This was a good post to read (feeling the love) and I’ve got to say PRATCHETTS!!!! Meg, do you own the whole Discworld series? Well if you, prepare to get hijacked pretty soon because GAH! I LOVE PRATCHETT’S BOOKS SO MUCH!!! Um. Yeah.
    (Also so cool that you guys organised this blog hop! Going to get to know fifty-two other book bloggers…wow).

    • Meg Morley

      TERRY PRACHETT IS FANTASTIC! I own most of the Discworlds. I have all the Night Watch one (faaaav), all the Witches ones (Granny Weatherwax is my life role model, I can only hope to be as BAMF as she is) and most of the rest except Rincewind (for whatever reason I don’t love his books). HIJACK ANY TIME I AM SO DOWN TO TALK DISCWORLD/PRATCHETT.

  7. Carina Olsen

    Hi you guys. <3 First, I'm not entering any of the giveaways, just wanted to say that I adore all of you 😀 And this post of yours is amazing. <3 I have loved getting to know you all a little bit more via your amazing blog 🙂 Thank you for sharing. <3

  8. Angela @ Angela's Library

    Ladies, thank you so much for hosting this blog hop. I’m a relatively new blogger and have been at a bit of a loss as to how to get out there and establish myself, make connections with other bloggers, etc. This hop has been an amazing reminder that I’m not alone out here in the wide sea of the Internet. Greatly appreciated!

    Also, Meg: you mentioned that you have a special shelf for your Terry Pratchett books. Have you read “Dodger,” or do you mostly stick to the Discworld books? If you haven’t checked it out yet, I highly recommend it.

    • Kat Kennedy

      You’re definitely not alone, Angela. I think we all feel lonely at some point. Especially when you’re just starting out!

    • Meg Morley

      I read any and all Pratchett. LOVE DODGER. Have you read his collab with Neil Gaiman? It’s called Good Omens and it is hilarious.

  9. Joy @ Thoughts By J

    I will offer my face for licking anytime Kat! This is such a fun blog hop, thanks for organising it ladies. Real life does get in the way at times, making it really difficult to get to know everyone in this lovely community. 🙁 There are so many wonderful blogs on the hop that I’ve never visited before, so now’s my chance yay!

  10. Cassandra Page

    I joined Audible a few months ago when they had the month free, two credit giveaway thing. I’ve been really getting into audiobooks for my commute too and from work. Love it! 🙂

  11. Jemima Pett

    Lovely to meet you all and thanks for running this giveaway hop! – and I’ve entered all three but I’m only eligible for Steph’s, being a Brit 🙂

  12. Rebecca Douglass

    You had me with that special shelf for HP and (especially) Terry Pratchett! I accidentally entered Kat’s giveaway even though I’m not eligible. Sorry about that.

    Thanks to Jemima Pett for steering me this way. I really need to find out about these hops before they are under way 🙂

  13. Shannon

    Thanks so much for organizing this opportunity. I love meeting amazing book bloggers and fellow book nerds.

  14. Amanda

    You ladies are so awesome for doing this. I am also so happy knowing that Meg is sending more Feed out into the world. I border on obsessed with this series.

    I also bought the Seven Realms based on Steph’s comments so I really need to make time to get into that!

  15. Stacking the Shelves

    […] a make-over. I’m loving it. Last week I skipped Stacking the Shelves to post my stop on Cuddlebuggery‘s epic giveaway hop, Getting to Know You. You can still enter to win a pre-order so head […]