Condescending Sh*t to Say to Book Readers

8 November, 2014 Musing Musers 47 comments

uwrongI recently went to an event where the fact that I was a book reader was raised. What proceeded was the most painful, inane discussion I think I’ve ever had to sit through. It was full of many questions and statements I’ve heard before. I can’t be the only one to get these, so I’m here to share my pain in the hopes that you know it too. So here I am to bring you some of the highlights of that conversation and some of the mental responses I couldn’t help but elicit.

1. Have you read Twilight?

No, not everyone has read Twilight. Okay, maybe I have, but that is beside the bloody point. Nobody cares about Twilight. Move on!

2. Have you read (random book name)?

Just because I read a lot of books doesn’t mean I’ve read that one random book you once read. So stop listing them at me and acting disappointed that I haven’t made time to read them. Do you even realise how many books are published every WEEK?!

3. How do you even have time to read?

I make time. Because reading is important to me. Just like you make time for five different reality TV shows about cake baking.

4. Don’t you find it hard to read a whole book?

Don’t you find it hard to finish a whole sentence?

5. Books are boring.





I’m sorry that books don’t seem to fill the entertainment void left in your brain by the likes of Honey Boo Boo.

6. I only read classics because they don’t publish like they used to.

That’s right, you’re too much of a genius reading The Great Gatsby for the fifteenth time to bother with anything new and possibly equally brilliant. Elitist piece of *&$#!



7. Isn’t YA only for kids?




47 Responses to “Condescending Sh*t to Say to Book Readers”

  1. Dragana

    I think all readers suffer from these questions. 🙁

    Another situation that happens to me:
    Other person: – I used to read a lot, but lately I don’t have the time.
    Me (enthusiastically): – Oh yeah, what did you read?
    Other person: – You know, books. A lot of books.

  2. Natalie Monroe

    3, 4, and 5 are favorites of acquaintances. Just because you enjoy spending five hours a day on Facebook doesn’t mean I like to.

  3. Cassi @ My Thoughts Literally

    Yes to all of these, especially number 2! Just because I read a lot doesn’t mean I have read every book in the world. Have you seen how many books exist! I also hate when people say “oh, I only read non-fiction because if I find the time to read I want to be able to learn something.” That’s when I go all Kindergarten Cop on them!

  4. Kate Copeseeley

    I get the combo pack. I say that I like everything but I prefer YA and the first comment I get is, “I like that Hunger Games one, have you read that?” (Yeah, like a bazillion years ago, BEFORE the movie that inspired you to pick it up. Hunger games is like Twilight in my book mentioning world.) And then, when they’ve exhausted the only YA book they’ve ever read, they start quizzing me about all the “grown up” books I should have read already. *sigh*

  5. Steph Sinclair

    Oh how about when they ask you what’s a good book you’ve read recently and when you go to recommend something, you realize they all don’t come out for at least a year. So then you have to explain what an ARC is and the person completely loses interest in whatever you want to tell them. Sigh.

  6. Beth W

    I am so, so sorry you had to go to a Neanderthal convention. That much idiocy and vapidness must’ve been painful.

    Seriously, who doesn’t READ?!

  7. Kristen@My Friends Are Fiction

    Ugh. I hate getting into conversations like this. I don’t know why but the ‘how do you have time to read’ thing really annoys me. I don’t know why but it does. I look everywhere for readers outside of this community and never find any *sobs* I’m so sad more people are missing out on the best hobby ever.

  8. Marie

    I get that too, most people ask me what kind of books I like to read, which is a perfectly fine question, but when I tell them “all kinds” they look at me funny.

    But my sister-in-law asked me a question that I really didn’t know how to answer, She asked me what my favorite quote was from one of the books I told her was really good. (Daughter of Smoke and Bone) And it’s hard to answer that when the quote taken out of context doesn’t make any sense.

  9. Lena Marsteller

    # 2 and #3…. I get those sometimes… If anyone said to me that reading is boring… I would say that they were boring (haha great comeback right?) Awesome post!

  10. Megz

    I love these! Such good answers, heh.
    I’ve learned recently that a lot of the times when people ask me those questions they don’t actually mean it condescendingly though. Sometimes they’re just really ignorant, but also trying to have conversation and find something to relate to.
    So, I try to gently put them on the right path and then once they turn the corner I find something to punch 😛

  11. Ella

    These are so funny and yet so true. But what really drives me insane is when I tell someone I’m reading a book or I recommend a book for them to read and they reply with “Oh, the movie is so awesome!”. I have a huge issue with movies that were once books. It’s not that I’m trying to be a snob but if I’ve read the book and I REALLY enjoyed it, I have a hard time enjoying the movie because the whole time I’m watching it I’m saying to myself “they left this out, that’s not in the book, who is this character that doesn’t even exist in the book, this is bullshit.” And I can’t even finish conversations with people who tell me the movie was better than the book.

  12. La Coccinelle

    “Don’t you find it hard to read a whole book?”

    Why, yes, sometimes it is hard (especially if it’s a book by Stephenie Meyer). It’s also hard to run a marathon, get a Ph.D., volunteer in a war-torn country, learn a new language, have a baby, climb a mountain, develop a scientific theory, or face adversity while maintaining a good attitude. That doesn’t mean those aren’t worthwhile things to do.

  13. Wendy @ Book Scents

    This is amazing and I love it. ESPECIALLY that last gif. I literally want to do that every time someone says that. Except, then my head would be gone and how would I get to read. But seriously. Annoys the HELL out of me.

  14. Shannelle

    What event was this, even? I mean, seriously, I think it’s fine that some of those who know me as really bookish ask me if I’ve read this book, but making a big deal out of it is definitely not okay. I’m not superhuman!

    And you had to endure the whole questions the blogosphere generally hates: the one about making time to read and isn’t YA for children question. I think it’s a given you’re never going to that event again.

  15. Maria

    Hahaha! Genius 😀 It’s amazing how many ignorant people are out there. One thing that annoys me, but maybe wouldn’t happen at a convention, is how people are perfectly fine interrupting you while you’re reading, like you weren’t doing anything at all. As if reading is not important. As if reading is something you do when you have nothing else to do and you’re not really paying attention to what is happening in the book. It’s so rude! No one would interrupt a person talking on the phone or with another person, or a person watching a movie.

  16. Rosie

    Haha this made me chuckle. I don’t think I’ve really come across many comments like this thankfully. Did someone seriously ask how you manage to finish an entire book? That’s crazy, I don’t even understand how that’s a question.

  17. Mel@thedailyprophecy

    ‘Books are boring’ is something I hear so often or indeed the famous ‘how do you have the time?’ Uhhh, you do other things besides work/school too right, so time enough if you ask me. YA only for kids is only the message I get from the media, I’m lucky nobody around me thinks like that.

  18. Deidre Greenly

    Oh… 3, 4 & 5 … really? But sadly I know it is true. I use tv to clear my mind — it puts me to sleep. Reading is like constant discovery. Keep discovering Kat!

  19. Amanda P.

    OH MY GOSH YESS!!!!! At last! Someone has said everything I’ve ever thought when people ask me these questions. Thank you!

  20. Chris Cannon

    I love the last gif. When I tell people I write YA, they say, “Oh, like the Baby Sitters Club?” I want to say, “Yes. Exactly like that, but the babysitters are shape-shifting dragons.”

  21. Anya

    Haha, oh god yes! I always start cringing inside when I see that “I’m about to tell you about my favorite series that you probably haven’t read and expect that you would have read it” face! I’m so surprised on the rare occasions that I actually have read the books, haha! I also love it when I get statements from friends who don’t read my blog along the lines of “Have you heard of The Lunar Chronicles series, soooo good!” and I’m like, yes, indeed I have, and have reviewed them all and possibly initially recommended them to you >.>

  22. Morgan

    There is also the question…Whatcha reading?
    You tell them (insert book name).
    Then they just stare blankly at you, blink a couple of times,
    and then you continue reading.

  23. Lyn Kaye

    “I make time. Because reading is important to me. Just like you make time for five different reality TV shows about cake baking.”


  24. DanetteCJ

    YES to #7! What I especially love is the look of scared confusion on strictly elitist readers’ faces when I mention I have a particular fondness for YA.

  25. Stephanie Scott

    The elitest comment gets to me. So you don’t like to read–so what what? Why the BS comments? Which all points back to: People are the worst. Not you people here, but “people.”