Buzz Worthy News: 50 Shades of No 25/07/2014

25 July, 2014 Buzz Worthy News 30 comments


Welcome back to Buzz Worthy News where the stories are awesome and not at all well-written. Need your YA industry news? Never fear, Kat and Kate are here to give it all to you. Just, ya know, not in any kinda sophisticated sense or nothing.

In this week’s Buzz #WorstBookEver hashtag storms twitter, 50 Shades of Grey movie news, Stephen Colbert is awesome and Hush Hush no longer a movie.

Buzz Worthy News is Cuddlebuggery’s weekly news post bringing you all the best information about the book and blogging world, particularly for the venn diagram of people who overlap between the two. For new releases and cover reveals of all the best Young Adult fiction, check out our Tuesday post: Hot New Titles.


So, apparently a lot of high schoolers hate reading the classics as required English.  Um… IS THERE ANYONE IN THE WORLD WHO IS SURPRISED BY THIS?  Hating high school English books (unless you are the cute and nerdy heroine in a YA novel written by a biased English lover) is a rite of passage.  Here are a few of the books I absolutely freaking hated reading for high school: Gone With The Wind, Moby Dick, Wuthering Heights, Romeo & Juliet, and Animal Farm (although I mostly just hated the ending of that one).

But you know, you grow up, and you learn that some of the classics are actually pretty good (I’m looking at you, Austen and Steinbeck).  Anyways, here are some #worstbookever twitters of youngsters hating on English(credit to Publisher’s Weekly for doing the grunt work of hunting them down for us):


 Wattpad FanFic

Wattpad (a digital writing community) wants to make it easier for you to allow fans of your writing to write their own light BDSM vampire office romance without violating your personal copyrights.  Just think, you could be the mother/father of a whole SLEW of 50 Shades wannabes and all you have to do is greenlight the option.

The social network has expanded its Creative Commons licensing option to level 4.0, which essentially means that they are giving writers more options to rework and remix the work of other writers.

Writers can participate by tagging their stories with the CC 4.0 licensing option, making their stories searchable to site visitors looking for work to expand upon. Wattpad has more than 300,000 stories which include this distinction. Sci-fi author Cory Doctorow has shared five works on Wattpad under these licenses, including Homeland and Little Brother. To help promote the launch of CC 4.0, he has made his first novel Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom available for other writers to rework on Wattpad.


The-New-Yorker-Cover-12New Yorker Free For Summer

As I’m sure many of you remember, I LOVE free stuff.  Well, guess what, people?  The oft mentioned by Sex & the City New Yorker is free for the summer, at least online.

Yesterday, The New Yorker magazine published “A Note to Readers,”announcing the new strategy behind its web site. The site now has a different look and feel. It will also be governed by a new set of economics, which will include putting the entire site behind a paywall. The editors write, “in the fall, we [will] move to a second phase, implementing an easier-to-use, logical, metered paywall. Subscribers will continue to have access to everything; non-subscribers will be able to read a limited number of pieces—and then it’s up to them to subscribe. You’ve likely seen this system elsewhere—at the Times, for instance—and we will do all we can to make it work seamlessly.”

But, until then, the site won’t be half open (as it has been during recent years). It’ll be entirely open. Again, the editors write: “Beginning this week, absolutely everything new that we publish—the work in the print magazine and the work published online only—will be unlocked. All of it, for everyone. Call it a summer-long free-for-all. Non-subscribers will get a chance to explore The New Yorker fully and freely, just as subscribers always have.” has some suggestions as to where to get started, if you want to check out the source link.  Otherwise, just enjoy the free stuff (while it lasts).


The Little Shop of MonstersCreepy Collaboration

Fans of R.L. Stine or Marc Brown might be interested to hear that the two wildly famous children’s book authors (Goosebumps or Arthur, anyone?) teamed up to write a children’s picture book for young readers called, The Little Shop of Monsters.

In 2003, Stine and Brown, along with Peter Lerangis, accepted then First Lady Laura Bush’s invitation to represent America at the first Russian Children’s Book Festival, and traveled to Moscow with her on the presidential jet. During their stay, Stine and Brown bonded over a bowl of borscht, and then kept in touch after returning to the U.S. In early 2012, while dining together with their wives, “there was a pause in the conversation,” Brown recalled, “and I broke the silence by wondering out loud why Bob and I couldn’t work together on a book.”

I have to say, it looks adorable!  And I bet my two monsters would really love it. 🙂

The Little Shop of Monsters 2


reddit-colbertOnce Again Stephen Colbert Wins The Television

A while ago, when the Amazon/Hachette wars started, Hachette author Stephen Colbert vowed that he would beat Amazon at their own game.  He bragged that he could sell more books than Amazon and now it seems that it’s been proven he can.

In addition to giving the online retailer the finger on cable television, Colbert boasted that he could foil Amazon and help Hachette authors sell more books than they ever had. He singled out literary author Edan Lepucki, whose book California was set to come out in July.

Six weeks later, the results are in and Edan Lepucki’s California, plugged on the show, debuted at No. 3 on the New York Times hardcover best-seller list.

But the awesomeness doesn’t stop there.  When he had Lepucki on for a guest appearance, he asked her to pick her own Hachette author to help.

To celebrate, Colbert had Lepucki on his show to talk about her success and to mention another Hachette author to “bump.” Lepucki chose Sweetness #9 by Stephan Eirik Clark, which comes out August 19.

And STILL there’s even better news.

Clark, who has previously published a collection of short stories called “Vladimir’s Moustache,” is an assistant professor at Augsburg College in St. Paul, Minnesota. His debut novel, which arrives Aug. 19, is a satire that takes on the food processing industry. Salon spoke to the writer — as one of the few authors to have ever received the auspicious “Colbert bump” — to see how his life has changed in the past 24 hours.

“I can never use the word ‘bump’ again without thinking about him,” Clark said.

“I woke up this morning very early, couldn’t sleep very well, and my Twitter feed had sort of exploded and I had to turn off notifications because my phone was beep beep beep. So I thought, well, let’s see what it looks like on the bookstores, and I saw that on both Powell’s and Barnes & Noble it had jumped up a lot. It was unranked on Powell’s and I saw I was the No. 3 bestseller there, which seems like I might still be sleeping, but that was the news at 5:30 and it seems that I’m awake now.”

Okay, so there is a lot of awesome here: Lepucki, Clark, and of course Stephen Colbert.

Watch the clip if you like HERE.

Source and Source

BopThe Source of All My Teenage Daydreams is Dying…

Relax, I’m talking about a magazine, people.  Bop magazine, famous for its luscious pictures of underage(and sometimes legal) men is downgrading its operations. Sadface.

Published by Laufer Media since 1983, the company also responsible for Tiger Beat, it was reported Thursday that the teen magazine would stop publishing monthly and begin releasing only special issues.

Boy Culture got wind of this news, noting that this makes Tiger Beat Laufer’s only remaining regularly publishing teen mag of this type. Let’s remember the golden years when life was full of endless locker posters of every heartthrob on the planet.

I used to save up all my babysitting money for these suckers, guys.  No joke.  My teenage girl obsession was Jonathan Brandis of Sea Quest fame and I actually (*cringe*) purchased the magazine depicted above.  Ah, memories.


Hush HushHush, Hush Will Not Be A Movie

Kat Kennedy can stop making sacrifices to the Dark Lord.  Her wish has been granted.  Here is from the author herself:

Hi guys,

I want to take a moment to thank each of you for your amazing support for the Hush, Hush movie. Your love and passion for this project are humbling! With that said, I have some movie news to share. Unfortunately it may not be the news you’ve been waiting to hear. I have decided that now is not the right time to move forward with the Hush, Hush movie and have not renewed the movie option with LD Entertainment. I know many of you will be disappointed by this. But I hope that you trust me to make the right decision for Nora and Patch. I’m not saying the movie will never happen, but it won’t be moving forward at this time.

Thanks again,

I feel bad for her, because what a thing to hope for…  I’m sure it’s most authors’ dream.  But it seems as though it wasn’t meant to be.


50-shades-greyPrepare yourselves for The 50 Shades of Grey Inundation…

Those of us who were eye-rolling and hyperventilating through the EXCESSIVE John Green and TFIOS news and have just NOW congratulated ourselves on making it through without eye gouging, vomiting, or burning down an entire stack of the aforementioned teen sensation had better gird up our loins.  Because 50 Shades of Grey is coming, and despite the fact that the release date is 6 freaking months away, the media firestorm has already begun.

Why?  I have no freaking clue.

First was Beyonce with a little teaser, earlier in the week.  Apparently she wanted everyone to know that a new special edition of her song “Crazy In Love” was going to be featured in the movie.  She posted a little teaser on instagram.

Next up came the trailer, which everyone and their brother (including me, I admit it) was talking about on twitter.

And honestly, if it can take up the whole internet with a simple trailer SIX FREAKING MONTHS from the actual movie coming out, I don’t even WANT to think about how many #50Shades hashtags I’m going to be blocking, just to retain my sanity.

But I don’t leave you without presents.  It has come to my attention that shirtless mens are very important to the work we do here at cuddlebuggery and so I present to you the star of 50 Shades of Grey the movie, Jamie Dornan:


Kat: I put 50 Shades of Grey down as a hard limit AND a safe word. 

Source and Source

Interesting Links

Here is all the stuff we couldn’t be bothered were too busy to write about.

Oh look, the Amazon/Hachette Wars are still going strong.

How Nora Roberts became the powerhouse she is today.

The Library is reading’s gateway drug.

Self-Publish like it’s 2011.

More In The World Of Gender Swapping Comics: The Shield Edition

HWA Now Open To Self-Published Authors

Kate Copeseeley

Kate Copeseeley

Buzz Worthy News Correspondent
Kate Copeseeley is the Buzz Worthy News Correspondent, occasional reviewer, and a bonafide bookslut®. She can be found haunting Goodreads, writing The 100 fanfic, and neglecting everything else in favor of burying her nose in a book. Visit her on Goodreads.
Kate Copeseeley

Latest posts by Kate Copeseeley (see all)

Kat Kennedy

Kat Kennedy

Co-blogger at Cuddlebuggery
Kat Kennedy is a book reviewer and aspiring author in the Young Adult genre. She reviews critically but humorously and get super excited about great books. Find her on GoodReads.
Kat Kennedy

30 Responses to “Buzz Worthy News: 50 Shades of No 25/07/2014”

  1. Fangs for the Fantasy

    I wonder sometimes about English classes – or maybe about “classics” – because sometimes they feel designed to kill any love of literature. I think they may be part of the reason I loathe Dickens. That and the fact his books are so very very very awful.
    Fangs for the Fantasy recently posted…Women in Hemlock GroveMy Profile

    • Kate Copeseeley

      I never got assigned Dickens (thank goodness!) and every description of a book of his I’ve read has not inspired me to try. I’m past the age where I enjoy feeling super depressed by a book.
      I’ll still never forgive my teacher for assigning me Gone With the Wind… *vows revenge*

  2. Kristen

    I never will read 50 Shades of Grey, but I must admit.. the movie looks pretty damn good. Maybe it will defy the saying “the book is always better than the movie”. This time, the movie looks scrumptious and I’ve heard the book is rather… meh. I’m sure I’ll get sick of hearing about it very soon though.
    Kristen recently posted…Write on Reviewathon (6)My Profile

    • Kate Copeseeley

      I’m torn between finding that elevator kiss a turn on, and loathing the self-deprecating air of the heroine. I get that it’s their sexual thing… but it’s not mine.

      I honestly have no idea about the books. That type of erotica is not what I prefer, so I just steered clear. 🙂 I would be interested to see which fans of the series prefer: the books or the movie.

  3. Eddie Louise

    50 Shades of SERIOUSLY?!?!? I only watched the first 30 seconds and then I couldn’t torture myself longer.

    1) Overuse of the word just – she is supposed to be college educated isn’t she?
    2) She is dressed like the clueless high-school Freshman. What educated woman would go to interview a BILLIONAIRE dressed so sloppy?!?!?
    3) The ‘daddy’ framing of him – broad shoulders, sharp suit – strong hands.
    4) Her self denigration. “I mean look at me”

    Yep – Rage quit!!!

    Girls – if you are THIS insecure, THIS socially inept and THIS uneducated – no man will save you. And no billionaire who shows interest will be genuine. This is Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf territory.
    Eddie Louise recently posted…Once Upon A TimeMy Profile

    • Kate Copeseeley

      It’s my understanding (having never read the books) that the interview was very last minute? But still… she seems really down on herself and that makes me sad. 🙁

      • Eddie Louise

        Yes – I do believe (also having never read the book) that she is subbing in at the last minute – but so last minute she could not brush her hair or remove a dumpy cardigan?

        The whole paradigm set up just reminded me of the messages of my childhood – ugly ducklings become swans once the right man notices them.


        • Kate Copeseeley

          You have such a great point here, that we somehow only become valid or beautiful, when we’re with a man.
          It’s an attitude that is perpetuated so much in media. At least kdramas show the true face of it… once the guy likes you, you get a makeover and look way prettier than you did before. It’s really annoying.
          Although, some would point out that’s because it’s great to have someone around who loves you for YOU. *shrug* I guess it’s all in how it’s portrayed.

    • Kate Copeseeley

      Because then he wouldn’t remind us of a certain pasty manboy. I still maintain he reminds me of Christian Bale’s character in American Psycho (with less murdering).

  4. P.E. @ The Sirenic Codex

    Some high school books were truly awful. I remember hating Lord of the Flies, and Treasure Island. I was so pissed off that I wasn’t in the class that got to read The Hunger Games or Percy Jackson. The Taming of the Shrew was awful, because we were forced to discuss why, as the book clearly shows, arranged marriages can work and can be preferable than choice. (*puke*). My favourite high school reader were Brave New World and 1984 (notice a theme?).

    I have never heard of Bop, and I’m hoping to avoid the 50 shades buzz. Also, love the Stephen Colbert segment!
    P.E. @ The Sirenic Codex recently posted…DNF Review: Before YouMy Profile

  5. Natalie Monroe

    I was pretty surprised at Animal Farm being tagged #WorstBookEver. I read it at 15 and loved it. Granted, it wasn’t on my required reading list and I have an immense hatred for the classics that pop up on my English major reading list. Why can’t they let us read Harry Potter and be done with it?!

    • Kate Copeseeley

      UGH. Sorry to disagree with one of my favorite commenters… but BUT THAT ENDING, THO.

      Harry Potter should be required reading for every English class, agreed.

  6. Hawwa [It Was Lovely Reading You]

    ASDFGHJKL that one tweet about Huckleberry Finn has made me so scared for college. I’m studying it along with The Catcher in the Rye in the first year [I start Sep 5th :((((] and I KNOW I WILL HATE IT. Because I tried reading it and Tom Sawyer a couple of years ago and LITERALLY feel asleep reading it. It was late but still – I read books late all the time, but I never fall asleep. :/
    And heck, please no 50 Shades hashtags. o.o
    I love these posts so much :))
    Hawwa [It Was Lovely Reading You] recently posted…GRAPHIC [those books I judged by the cover]My Profile

    • Kate Copeseeley

      I never had to read Huck Finn, but I had to read The English Patient THREE TIMES in my college English class. Yes, it was an actual requirement. The book isn’t bad, it’s quite beautiful, but it has such a sad ending and imagine having to put yourself through that three times.
      I hope you have at least one interesting English read to get you through. (or a sneaky side read)

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