Cuddlebuggery Gets Personal

30 June, 2014 Musing Musers 24 comments

Hello, lovely internet people! You may recall that a little while back we did a survey to find out your likes and dislikes, stuff you want to see from us, etc.

One thing that came across is that you’d like for us to get a little more personal. Awesome, we’re in! The thing is we could use a little guidance as to what you’d like to know (I can’t speak for my cobloggers, but I have a faulty appropriate/inappropriate to shout about filter).

So tell us! What burning questions do you have for the hivemind behind Cuddlebuggery? Ask your questions in the comments and we’ll put together a post (or posts depending on how many questions people ask) where we reveal all that you desire to know (except for the stuff we don’t).

Ask Questions


Be careful what you wish for. Shit’s about to get weird.

24 Responses to “Cuddlebuggery Gets Personal”

  1. Bieke @ Istyria book blog

    So I love the reviews you guys write for books and I’ve always wondered how you do that? What is your ‘process’ if you have one? Do you take notes while reading? Do you have any tips for people that are fairly new to reviewing books?

  2. Librarian Lavender

    When did your love for books start? Are there books you can read over and over again? What effect does book blogging have on your life? I love the blog and can’t wait to read more about you!

  3. Fangs 4 the Fantasy (@Fangs4Fantasy)

    What is Kat’s daily routine to protect herself from the myriad Australian wildlife trying to eat her soul?

    How many grey hairs do you all have caused by one of the others saying “I have an idea!”?

    How do I manipulate Kat into reading the Fallen series and Stef into reading the Mortal Instruments?

    What terrible series is Meg avoiding? (need to know for ENTIRELY coincidental reasons)

    What is the best spirit: Whiskey, rum, vodka or moonshine that cannot be stored in metal containers?

    Would you store said moonshine in metal containers anyway, for funsies?

  4. Dragana

    What is the most ridicoulous picture of you that you love and use nevertheless?

    Book that you are ashamed to admit you liked it?

    What color/patern are your socks right now?

    I will never again… (finish the sentence)

    What you usually uae as bookmark? (pic maybe)

  5. Andrea

    I’m constantly wondering about your day jobs and how you manage to squeeze in reading and blogging.

  6. Lyn Kaye

    I would like to know the top three goals for all you gals.

    Steph: What other things do you fangirl over? Besides books, what is the top fandom/hobby that you feels defines you?

    Meg: I want to know you better! If you could pick the person to play you in a movie, who would play you? What is you favorite hobby? If you were an ice cream flavor, what would you be, and why?

    Kat: What holiday best describes you? If you had 5 hours by yourself, what would you pick, outside of reading or napping?

  7. Laura Plus Books

    Wait… when you say personal, you mean like about your life right? Because I kind of wanna know about everyone’s love lives. But everyone else seems to be asking about books and like normal stuff. If it’s not too personal, I’d love to know more. 😉

  8. Natalie Monroe

    One question I’ve always wondered about is the music you listen to. Do you automatically like songs with gorgeous, prose-like lyrics more or is more about the beat?

  9. Buffy

    Uh, so, did anybody… uh… last night, you know, did anybody, um… burst into song?

  10. Buffy

    Oh god, what is it with you guys? Why kittens? Why can’t you just use money like everybody else?

    (which is stupid currency by the way)

  11. Xander

    Okay, why was I on the ground? And why are you all staring at me?

  12. Shannelle

    Who’s the real boss around here? Yeah, yeah, you’re co-bloggers and all but who manages and coordinates with everybody? And how does she go about doing that?

  13. Kara @ Great Imaginations

    What’s your favorite book? And you can only pick one.
    Favorite color, if you have one?
    The weirdest dream you’ve ever had?
    Kat, what do you really think of the United States! 😉
    To all of you, what would you want written on your tombstone?