Books I’ve Missed Reading

28 June, 2014 Musing Musers, Random 19 comments

unnamedYour To Be Read list is impossibly long. Your to read shelves look something like mine!

And yet there’s those books that you always wanted to read, but somehow managed to miss down the cracks. Maybe you couldn’t get it from the library, or an ARC never came in or you just couldn’t afford a copy. And every time you see it or hear about it you think, “I need to read that! Gah. One day.”

But that day never comes. And still those books go unread. If this is you, than you and I are soul twins, my friends. Because here is a list of the books that I’ve missed reading.

Sometimes I just don’t have the book. Other times the book is sitting right there, tempting me with its wiley ways. Reaching out to me like a siren song. But the day when I open its silken pages never come. It’s spine has never bent for me and its luscious words remain unsavored in my mind’s eyes. This post goes out to the all lovers books I never got to read.


A.G. Howards Splintered


This book has been recommended to me over and over again. It entirely seems to be something that I would want to read – And yet… and yet… and yet. I never got a review copy and finding copies in bookstores has been laborious at best, mostly a fruitless adventure. Books are expensive and I can never seem to justify buying this one when I have so, so many waiting to be read. But I do feel like I’ve missed out because of that, because I love the covers for this series and would most likely love the books.



The Archived by Victoria Schwab

The Archived

I have this book here. RIGHT HERE, Damn it. Sitting in my stacks, way down low. So why have I never read it? Basically, I missed reading it by its publishing date. The third book has not been picked up by a publisher so the series remains incomplete at this time, and I have other books that need to be read before release date so this one eternally gets pushed to the bottom of the pile.



The Cavendish Home for Boys and Girls by Claire Legrand


We had Claire Legrand on our blog once. She was hilarious, and her amazing personality made me go out and get this book as soon as I could. And yet it sits on my shelf unread. Why? Well, I generally don’t read middle grade. I have very little interest in it. Positive reviews have rushed in and yet I still haven’t read it. People raved about it and I’ve thought about reading it a hundred times but I just never seem to find the time and enough inclination.


Just One Day by Gayle Forman

Just One Day

It’s not Adam and Mia.


Notes from Ghost Town by Kate Ellison

I don’t know. It looks cool. I want to read it but I don’t know if it’s any good. Better not. I should read one of my ARCs instead. – What happens every time.


Blythewood by Carol Goodman

Blythewood Original

I can’t read this book because I keep thinking of Blythe. Blythe reading Blythewood. Did Blythe like Blythewood? Yes. Should I read it? Yes. *Incessant giggles* Nope. Can’t do it.


Between The Devil and the Deep Blue Sea by April Genevieve Tucholke

I’ve been hurt by mermaid books before, so I’m really nervous to start another one. I know if this is THE mermaid book, the one that makes all the others worth it, then I just might die of happiness. Yet fear holds me back. Also that cover. I’m just really meh about it. And, you know, if I don’t like the cover then that’s the first mark against it. WHY CAN’T I JUST BE INTO YOU?!



Shadows by Robin McKinley

Shadows by Robin McKinley

I love Robin McKinley. I think she’s a brave and innovative writer and I respect her work. But she has a thing about writing stand alines and her series don’t seem to be that successful, so I’m always very nervous with her books. Either I’m going to be unfulfilled or disappointed while loving and respecting the work that was written. This makes me sad and nervous. So on my TBR pile it stays. Probably for a long time.



Do you have a list of books you haven’t read but really want to? Share with me, people! Share your pain!

19 Responses to “Books I’ve Missed Reading”

  1. Alyssa Susanna (The Eater of Books!)

    STEPH. BETWEEN THE DEVIL AND THE DEEP BLUE SEA. THAT ONE, ASAP. It’s not a mermaid book! Who gave you that idea?! It’s a creepy romantic Gothic thriller kind of thing, and it’s AWESOME 😀 I admit, Splintered has been recommended to me so many times as well, to the point where I’ve been sent two copies and a copy of Unhinged AND I STILL HAVE NOT READ THEM YET D: *insert guilty feelings here*

    Happy reading! 🙂

  2. Beth W

    Yeah, uhm, Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea has nothing to do with mermaids. And it’s awesome and creepy and deliciously challenging to typical YA norms. I highly recommend it (and it’s sequel is coming out soon, or is already out, so you won’t have to wait to keep going).

  3. Jess Haines

    Are you me? I just mentioned something about this on Twitter not long ago. I have so many books calling my name that it’s almost impossible to pick which one to read next.

    One of the ones I feel The Worst about having that I’ll-get-to-you-someday-I-swear-just-not-today relationship with is the Black Jewels trilogy. I can see it now. Staring at me from my bookshelf. Accusing. “But so many people have recommended me!” it says. “Come on. You know you want to read me.”

    Yes. That, and so many more.

  4. Camilla

    Oh, I am right there with you!
    Why is there not enough time in the world to just read all the books all the time?! I mean, it’s just plain cruel to both reader and book that we can’t just read all of them 🙂

    I even have books that I KNOW are fabulous by favourite authors with everything I look for standing sadly on my shelves and in my Kindle while I spend my precious time with semi-random tales… I can’t explain it, it just happens 🙂

    I’m going to try and make a summer-vow that I will do my best to at least read one of those “crack”-books in the next few weeks (wait. that sounds bad) …

  5. Natalie Monroe

    Splintered is great! The world-building is fantastic, though the romance can be a little overbearing at times. Plus, that cover.

    A book I’ve been meaning to read, but can never muster up the enthusiasm is The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer. It has mixed reviews so I’m not sure what to expect.

  6. Anya

    I only wish my shelves had that many My Little Ponies and a Pokeball *dramatic sigh* *pets*

  7. Lyn Kaye

    Kat, this needs to become a feature. I love the idea about toting books we WANT to read, but we just can’t find the time/energy/enthusiasm for such a book. I love that you shared this list, and I cracked up during the Blythewood commentary.


    Lastly, your shelf – LOVE IT! I have…piles of books on the floor. I kid you not. Seeing your shelf gave me a little bit of envy. And a whole new reason to adore you.

  8. Jess W (A Book Addict's Bookshelves)

    I have loads of books on my to-read list as well (one of which is Splintered). Also been meaning to read Cinder, Hopeless and Legend for ages too.
    Planning to buy The Archived when I next get paid. It sounds so good!

  9. La Coccinelle

    I want to read Notes from Ghost Town, too! Though it’s not at the very top of my list. At the very top would probably be the second and third books in the Daughter of Smoke & Bone series. I keep saying I want to read them, but I never do. It doesn’t help that I’m at the mercy of the library since I don’t have copies of the e-books in my own collection…

    And I wouldn’t worry too much about Splintered. It’s overhyped, IMO. I couldn’t get past 25%.

  10. Emily @ Books & Cleverness

    All of these you’ve listed have met the same fate with me. I’m hoping to get around to reading some more books that I’ve had sitting on my shelf this summer, too. 🙂

  11. Michelle @ Book Hangovers Blabs Books

    I tell myself time and time again, stop buying so many books when you have so many waiting TBR! It’s is quite possibly my worst habit/addiction!

    P.S. I love your collection of My Little Ponies hanging out on your shelf…don’t even get me started on MLP! Love them to pieces!

  12. Kayla @ The Thousand Lives

    I think you’d enjoy The Archived – it doesn’t really end on a cliffhanger. I read the first book and keep putting off the second, but I don’t really mind because The Archived was almost like a standalone book anyway. Plus, the writing is so beautiful!

    I keep putting off Splintered as well; and I CAN find them in my bookstore. I have the same excuses – and there always seems to be a book I want more!

  13. Johannah

    I know exactly what you mean! I have Anna & the French kiss on my kindle begging me, and I hunt killers, and a ton of others! I did read Splintered and loved it!

  14. Sarah C.

    I have the same problem. I own all these books I haven’t read and that I want to read, but I keep getting new ones from the library or the bookstore. And I personally love Splintered and Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea (which is a lovely and atmospheric horror story; bit of an oxymoron, but no mermaids).

  15. Sarah P.

    Ah. Archived would definitely be on my list too, and now that I’ve read that the 3rd book has not been picked up yet, it goes way below my reading pile again. Do you hear the thunk? Ugh. You definitely need to read Just One Day. Because. Gayle. Forman. Enough said.

    Others books that would be on my list are Allegiant, Unravel Me/Ignite Me and The Diviners, among many others. I suck.

    PS. I love that you have a Poke Ball on your bookshelves. It really adds character to your shelves. 😉

  16. Amanda

    Yes! And those books make me feel so guilty. I actually bought Archived even and I haven’t read it. I have Champion sitting on my book shelf giving my dirty looks every time I pass it over for another book. Why can’t I close out that trilogy?!

  17. Laura Plus Books

    Yes! I have this problem as well! And I swear, we’re twins because all of those books are on my list as well. The biggest series that I REALLY REALLY NEED to read ASAP is Throne of Glass. Everyone’s been bugging me about it for ages but I’ve just never found the time. ><