Blog Tour + Giveaway: The 57 Lives of Alex Wayfare by M.G. Buehrlen

11 March, 2014 Blog Tours, Giveaways, Guest Spotlight 29 comments

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Welcome to the blog tour for The 57 Lives of Alex Wayfare with M.G. Buehrlen who has delightfully provided a guest post today on all of us wayward souls. So please, sit down, make yourself comfortable, embrace your happy-place and get ready for MG to delight you with her wit and verbosity.

Top Ten Writing Necessities

When you’re writing a novel, there are a lot of weapons you need in your arsenal. Here are my top ten must-haves that get me through a first draft, those dreaded revisions, and final edits.


Caffeinated beverage of choice

Sweet elixir of life. My caffeine vehicle is usually coffee, sometimes soda, and on the rare occasion tea. When you’re writing, especially at all hours of the night, you need brain stamina. Caffeine will get you there.



Again, whatever vehicle you choose, it’s allllll goooooood. Cookies, cupcakes, Sour Patch Kids, sprinkling powdered sugar directly into your pie hole… It’s. All. Gooooood. Your brain runs on glucose. Glucose comes from carbs. So eat up! Your brain will thank you.


No distractions

Tempting, tantalizing distractions like Twitter and Facebook and minion gifs on Google will suck you into the black oblivion of GETTING NOTHING DONE. Don’t go there. Turn off the Internetz and get to work.


Comfy pants (or let’s face it, no pants at all)

This kind of goes along with the no distractions necessity. Clothing is so restrictive, man. It gets bunched and there are TAGS and stuff. All you really need is a Snuggie and a good recliner to hammer out those chapters.



Why do authors post photos of their kitties and puppies (and ferrets) so much? Because they are our Sidekicks of Awesome. There’s something about their little, warm, furry bodies that help produce the ultimate creative comfort zone. This is a must-have. Do not miss out on this step.


Someone to play the butler

This could be a barista at your favorite coffee shop, or if you’re like me, your significant other. It works kinda like this: “Hey, honey, I just met my word count goal! Bring me a fruit roll-up!” Then said fruit roll-up appears. It’s Ahhhhmazing.


Shower or bathtub

Not for cleansing, oh no. This is where beautiful, usually elusive, never-before-thought-of ideas seep from the plumbing like liquid gold. Many an author will say they do their best plotting in the shower. I’m a bathtub girl myself, but either one works. Budding writers, go forth and submerge yourself in H2O!



Some writers do well with insomnia. Not I, my friend. If I’m stuck on a scene, hitting the pillow and starting fresh the next day is the only way to get through it. Plus, is there anything better than sleep? No. The correct answer is no.


Being A-OK with your body odor

Even though sleep is a necessity, and so is a refreshing romp in the shower, there are times when you have to forego both to get that draft done. You’ll go days without bathing or changing your clothes. You’ll stink. But you won’t mind because PROGRESS! Words are flowing! You can’t stop now!


Patience of a saint

The book isn’t going to write itself. As George Harrison said, it’s gonna take time. A whole lot of precious time. Try to relax and enjoy the ride. The process is the best part, after all.

Thanks so much, Cuddlebuggery, for having me on the blog today! xoxo

About M.G. Buehrlen

When she’s not writing, M.G. moonlights as a web designer and social media/creative director.
She’s the current web ninja lurking behind the hugely popular website, a social network for YA (and kids!) book lovers. The 57 Lives of Alex Wayfare is her debut novel. M.G. lives nestled away in Michigan pines, surrounded by good coffee and good books, with her husband and son and three furbabies. Say hello on Twitter, Facebook, and Tumblr.

Don’t Forget to Check Out the Book!

The 57 Lives of Alex Wayfare

Goodreads | Barnes & Noble | Books-a-Million | Amazon | Indiebound | The Book Depository | Waterstones

For as long as 17-year-old Alex Wayfare can remember, she has had visions of the past. Visions that make her feel like she’s really on a ship bound for America, living in Jamestown during the Starving Time, or riding the original Ferris wheel at the World’s Fair.

But these brushes with history pull her from her daily life without warning, sometimes leaving her with strange lasting effects and wounds she can’t explain. Trying to excuse away the aftereffects has booked her more time in the principal’s office than in any of her classes and a permanent place at the bottom of the social hierarchy. Alex is desperate to find out what her visions mean and get rid of them.

It isn’t until she meets Porter, a stranger who knows more than should be possible about her, that she learns the truth: Her visions aren’t really visions. Alex is a Descender – capable of traveling back in time by accessing Limbo, the space between Life and Afterlife. Alex is one soul with fifty-six past lives, fifty-six histories.

Fifty-six lifetimes to explore: the prospect is irresistible to Alex, especially when the same mysterious boy with soulful blue eyes keeps showing up in each of them. But the more she descends, the more it becomes apparent that someone doesn’t want Alex to travel again. Ever.

And will stop at nothing to make this life her last.




Ready to win a copy of The 57 Lives of Alex Wayfare? MG has it all here and Cuddlebuggery is ready to assist like the giveaway enabler every booklover needs in their life.

Contest Rules:

  • To enter, please fill out the Rafflecopter form below.
  • We ask that all entrants be at least 13 years or older to enter.
  • The giveaway is open internationally.
  • Entrants may only use one twitter account to enter. Multiple twitter account entries will render entrant invalid to win.
  • When the winner is chosen, it will be announced here and the winner will be emailed.
  • Please enter your email address in the Rafflecopter form and not the comments.
  • Also, please understand that giveaway sponsors reserve the right to disqualify any entries they find gaming the system. Cheaters never prosper.

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Kat Kennedy

Kat Kennedy

Co-blogger at Cuddlebuggery
Kat Kennedy is a book reviewer and aspiring author in the Young Adult genre. She reviews critically but humorously and get super excited about great books. Find her on GoodReads.
Kat Kennedy

29 Responses to “Blog Tour + Giveaway: The 57 Lives of Alex Wayfare by M.G. Buehrlen”

  1. vennie martinisi

    I enjoy books about time travel and also I would enjoy this book because of the writer’s style.

  2. Cordelia

    “Top Ten Writing Necessities” is so funny, I loved it! And that Book, WOW it sounds SO GOOD (and absolutely thrilling!)! Thanks for the Giveaway!! xx

  3. Natalie

    Okay this made me snort laughing because ACCURATE. And now I feel inspired to write a list…

    1. Caffeinated beverage of choice? Mine is tea and it is absolutely necessary. I even have favourite mugs that I save for writing times :/

    2. Sugar? I think this is the only one that I don’t perfectly match up with. I have more of a savoury tooth than a sweet one. So I’m gonna call this TREATS. Cause yes!! TREATS. Crips and pork pies and mini scotch eggs and stuff. Yum.

    3. Distractionsssss are the worst. I actually write by hand the majority of the time because it takes me across the room (across the room is totally too far a distance for me to even be tempted to move to go on my laptop). Inevitably I have to type a draft up eventually…that’s when things get difficult…


    5. Sidekicks makes me sad now that I am a grown up and have moved out from the nest *weep* I have a couple of feline friends back at my mums house though and I LOVE writing at home. So whenever I’m back there, this one still applies!

    6. I don’t have a butler either *despairs*. Maybe this is why I like writing when I’m at my mums or my dads? The likelihood of somebody plonking a cup of tea down in front of me while I’m in the zone increases by 100%.

    7. I shower more often than I take a bath BUT if I’m looking for inspiration it’s a bath, with an epic soundtrack and candles. BOOM.

    8. Sleep is the love of my life.

    9. Hahahahahaha. This is the truest of all the true things. When I am feeling most inspired I end up a bi, greasy, stinky mess.

    10. Weirdly, I am not a patient person in general – yet I’m cool with biding my time with my writing? Odd.

    Can you tell I LOVED this post?
    Natalie recently posted…The Wolf’s Cry Book Tour – Day 1My Profile

    • MG Buehrlen

      I love your list! And I’m totally more of a savory/salty person too most of the time. But hey, Mac n Cheese or fries totally count as carbs too! 😀

  4. Vivien

    The entire premise is really fascinating. Definitely eager to see how it’s played out!

  5. Caro

    Awesome post. Man, it takes a lot to write, lol.

    The books sounds great and what I’m interested the most is the take on time traveling. I find the subject really cool in general, and I’m always interested to see what different authors take it.

  6. Brittany

    First of all, best gifs ever! Seriously!

    Second of all, this book sounds so fascinating! I love the idea of having multiple lives and reincarnation, so this sounds like one I definitely need to read.

  7. Ina M.

    What’s most intriguing for me is that particular concept of time-travel. It sounds innovative and I’d love to read the novel! Also – I LOVE the cover ^_^

  8. Bonnie Franks

    The writer! Well, the name of the book and the writer’s top ten tips.

  9. Amy B

    The concept of having 56 past lives — and being aware of all of them — blows my mind. Thanks for the opportunity to win this book 🙂

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