Come Cuddlebug with us this Valentines!

21 February, 2014 Announcement, Giveaways 237 comments

Ah, Valentines day! For some of us it means flowers, chocolates, jewellery, sexy-times. For others of us it means alcohol & desperate revenge on whatever idiot thought it was a good idea to celebrate a national couples day. Like they even need to be celebrated, the smug jerks!

But Valentines day also means something else. It just happens to fall almost exactly on Cuddlebuggery’s blogoversary. Our second blogoversary marking the passage of time since we first started terrorising the book blogging world. And since Valentines or GALENTINES (for those of us hanging with our besties) should be celebrated with the people you love, come spend it with us. Even those of you who have partners should come spend it with us because, you know who you really love more. That’s right, it’s us.

So why don’t we all share the best times we’ve had blogging. Roll together in the meadows and show each other some love.

So here’s what we’re doing to show our love to you on Valentines Day! You can enter the following giveaway for the series listed below! Enter! Enter, my pretties! Then seduce us with your wily ways!

But first, speaking of love…

We Proposed, She Accepted

We had a nervous, wonderful Valentines day surprise for Meg when we sat her down in a fairytale garden full of statues and flowering trees on a warm summer night and proposed to her. “Will you be our coblogger?” we asked, hearts in our throats as we waited on tenterhooks for her reply.

“Yeah. Whatevski.” was the reply she gave, that filled our hearts with joy.

Steph and I promised ourselves that we wouldn’t have a coblogger unless they were really special, really wonderful person. And Meg was that person who set our heart alight while she kicked at small innocent animals and set the trees on fire with her lighter. And that’s the gospel truth.

So now a few words from the lovely lady herself!

Kat steph meg

There are all kinds of love you can celebrate on Valentine’s Day (or, really, any day because do we really need a Hallmark-mandated excuse to show affection for each other and if we do isn’t that an incredibly depressing state of affairs?) There’s romantic love, friendly love, the love between me and a Chipotle burrito and an even more special kind of love when two bloggers adopt an internet weirdo.

When Steph and Kat proposed, I had a bit of a moment (and by moment I mean I ran around in circles yelping like an overly excited shih-tzu presented with bacon. It’s not like I cried or anything, it’s just that one of my contacts was messed up, okay?) Cuddlebuggery was the first book blog I stumbled across on my way to discovering this amazing corner of the interwebz and if it weren’t for their general awesomeness, maybe I wouldn’t even know you all (but that’s sad and we’re here to talk about happy things, so group hugs all around).


The papers are signed, blood has been drawn, secret rituals performed and sacrifices made (don’t ask, I can’t tell you). You guys are officially stuck with me and I, for one, am incredibly excited about that. I promise to uphold the highest standards of hilarity, snark and general mischief set forth by my illustrious co-bloggers (*pinches self*) and solemnly swear I am up to no good. Brace yourselves you guys, shit’s about to get weird(er).

Usually, at weddings you give the happy threesome a present out of your dwindling supply of money and bitterly wonder why assholes feel the need to keep getting married.  At Cuddlebuggery, we always like to do things a little differently. We have presents for three lucky winners.


Shit you can win today, my loves:

2nd Anniversary Books

The Lunar Chronicles

Winter (Preorder)

Shatter Me series

Shatter Me
Unravel Me
Ignite Me

Under the Never Sky Series

Under the Never Sky
Through the Ever Night
Into the Still Blue

As a big thank you to our amazing readers who have stuck with us for the past two years, we present you with this giveaway. 2013 was a hard year both blogging wise and personally for us, but we’re so happy to have this little corner of the internet, and even happier that we have all of you to share it with. We expect even bigger and better things this year!

Since we have three series to give away, there will be three winners! Whoo-hoo, you lucky winners! The first winner gets to choose which series they’d prefer and the second and third winners get the others. OR, as our newest co-blogger Meg suggested, we could have a Hunger Games style battle. My vote goes with option two, but I’m willing to go with the majority on this one. Make good choices!

Oh! And these babies are all signed!

Signed books, yo

BTW, we completely realize that it’s no longer Valentines Day. We can totally read a calendar, I swear. But if Hallmark can pull a holiday out of its ass every year, then dammit we get to choose too. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to rewatch Hercules. -Steph

Contest Rules:

  • To enter, please fill out the Raffelcopter form below.
  • We ask that all entrants be at least 13 years or older to enter.
  • The giveaway is open internationally. We’re rich, bitch! (Not really, but I really could not resist that. -Steph)
  • When the winners are chosen, it will be announced here and the winners will be emailed.
  • Please enter your email address in the Rafflecopter form and not the comments.
  • Also, please understand that giveaway sponsors reserve the right to disqualify any entries they find gaming the system. Cheaters never prosper.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Kat Kennedy

Kat Kennedy

Co-blogger at Cuddlebuggery
Kat Kennedy is a book reviewer and aspiring author in the Young Adult genre. She reviews critically but humorously and get super excited about great books. Find her on GoodReads.
Kat Kennedy
Meg Morley

Meg Morley

Co-bloggery at Cuddlebuggery
Meg is an all-around book nerd who just really wants to talk about books, preferably with other people but by herself will do. Find her on Goodreads.
Steph Sinclair

Steph Sinclair

Co-blogger at Cuddlebuggery
I'm a bibliophile trying to make it through my never-ending To-Be-Read list, equal opportunity snarker, fangirl and co-blogger here at Cuddlebuggery. Find me on GoodReads.

237 Responses to “Come Cuddlebug with us this Valentines!”

  1. Patricia Lopez (TUABFC)

    Happy Second-Blogoversary! 😀
    I’d say the The Lunar Chronicles, Under the Never Sky Series and the Shatter Me series.
    I fell in love with your picture of the shit we can win today haha It stirred the book-monster in me! Now, I want them all!!!
    Thanks for the AMAZING/HUGE giveaway 🙂

    Patricia Lopez

  2. Kaniesha @ Deux Lectrices

    I’d either want throwing knives, a bow and arrow, a rifle, or can I have magical powers? I’d want elemental powers, fire or water. Or both. Definitely both. With these choices, I’d definitely go with the magic.

    My first choice winning would be the Cinder trilogy, then the Under the Never Sky, then Shatter Me.

    Congratulations to Meg! I’m glad you guys found another coblogger and I (maybe) look forward to see (the insanity) what you guys do together!
    Kaniesha @ Deux Lectrices recently posted…Kaniesha’s Waiting on Wednesday #15: Illusion by Sherrilyn KenyonMy Profile

  3. Judith

    Yay! Congratulations on your engagement! I hope you will be very happy together – or at least I hope this will mean more shenanigans. I’m vair, vair happy Meg joined Cuddlebuggery, because who else would like all my tweets in which I mention Hector and talk about how cute and adorable puppy Scott and Stiles are? My weapon of choice would be Chuck Norris, because that is an option. You can just give me my prize now.

    ps. How is this only your second blogoversary? If you said it was your twentieth or twohundredeth, I would have believed it as well.
    Judith recently posted…Picture This: Alice in ReaderlandMy Profile

  4. Arshia

    The Lunar Chronicles have been sitting on my TBR since forEVER. Clearly, the universe wants me to read them. Books, lemme own you plz.
    I can’t believe you guys are already two years old! The awesomest and bestest of wishes to you for the times to come. And please, never stop with the snark. Or the international giveaways. XOXOX.

    I’d fight with a dagger because I like to think I’m that badass. Annabeth, you know.
    Arshia recently posted…Therapy.My Profile

  5. Shanleigh

    Book style Hunger Games weapons? Biting wit and scathing sarcasm. And if that doesn’t work, hide in the bushes.

  6. Sallie M.

    I feel like Perry’s bow would come in handy in the Games, because even though Juliette has a touch that can kill, you could be killed from afar. Plus, Katniss has a bow, and Perry has a bow, so, you know. Symmetry and all that jazz. Thanks for the giveaway, it’s a super amazing one!

  7. Kate Copeseeley

    Holy moly. Has it been two years already? I remember when you two crazy kids met. And now you’re in some sort of delightful polyamorous relationship! The world moves so fast, doesn’t it? Pretty soon you’ll be making little blog babies and sending them off into the big bad internet. *wipes sentimental tear*
    Kate Copeseeley recently posted…Suspending DisbeliefMy Profile

    • Natalie


      2. Shatter Moi
      3. Under that there Sky

      I would DESTROY everyone by…hiding under a bush and sleeping until everyone had starved???

  8. Michelle Donovan

    Just love your blog. Inspires me to read and write more! Keep up the good work 🙂
    I’d say let’s keep it interesting and have a Hunger games style battle! Would definitely add something different to my day 😉 LOL!

  9. Anna-Emilia Laitinen

    My weapon of choice would definitely be the Lunar Chronicles ! Cyborgs and aliens overrunning everyone!

  10. Jess @ Such A Novel Idea

    Happy Blogoversary! Congrats on finding a co-blogger, it really is a wonderful thing.

    Picking which series would definitely be the most difficult decision, but I’d probably go with Shatter Me, because of <3 <3.

    Oh and, I choose samurai sword, a la Michonne from TWD.
    Jess @ Such A Novel Idea recently posted…My Bookish Confessions (9)My Profile

  11. Amanda @ Book Badger

    Weapon wise, I’d probably have to choose a gun, or the Powers of Necromancy, because lets be honest, Necromancy is too cool not to use. Series I’d choose however would probably have to be either The Shatter Me Trilogy or The Lunar Chronicles because those two intrigue me more than anything at the moment! This post had me laughing my ass off, and I’m glad you girls have got Meg on board too; I am ready for the funny even more now. Great giveaway girls and lovely proposal 😉
    Amanda @ Book Badger recently posted…Five Friday Favourites #3 – Favourite CouplesMy Profile

  12. Briana

    I haven’t read ANY of these series and would be stoked to win one!

    My first choice would be the Shatter Me series.
    Second choice would be Under the Never Sky
    Third choice would be Cinder 😀

    Thank you so much! Happy Blogoversary!

  13. erinf1

    Happy Blogoversary!! and congrats on the “engagement”?!! Umm… even though I know that I’d just put my eye out, I’d go with the bow and arrow 🙂

  14. Lisa (Fic Talk)

    Oh, this is the sweetest thing ever. I love how Both Kat and Steph think that they’re Hercules. SO SWEET. 😛

    Great proposal, you guys. I’m glad that Meg has accepted! Blessings on your union!
    *throws rice.*

    We’re doing this HUNGERGAMESSTYLES? Ugh. I would never win then cause I’d need a tank and all sorts of body armor shit. Is there ANY way that I can get some sponsors to send me THAT kind of shit? Like, fo realz?

    How badly do I want the lunar chronicle series??????

    I’m planning on making my own brother-husband type shit with those boys.
    Kai will be my main husband though. 😀

    Or they can just be part of my harem. I haven’t quite decided on which way I’ll go yet. Decisions, decisions.

    1.) The Lunar Chronicles
    2) The Shatter Me Series
    3.) Under The Never Sky
    Lisa (Fic Talk) recently posted…Comment on Blog Tour & Review: Asking for Trouble by Tessa Bailey by LisaMy Profile

  15. Andrea @ Bookish

    “Weapon of choice.” I like your terminology 🙂

    Seeing as I already own the Lunar Chronicles, although signed copies would be pretty bad ass so I won’t exactly turn my nose up at that, I’ll have to choose the Shatter Me series followed by Under the Never Sky.

    Awesome giveaway and congrats on the completion of your secret rituals and sacrifices!
    Andrea @ Bookish recently posted…Feature Follow: Last Book That Made Me CryMy Profile

  16. Cayce

    Haha, we should totally battle it out Hunger Games style. 😉 And what weapon would I use? Hm. I’d love to be all cool and say bow and arrow but I think throwing – I mean hiding behind – chunksters is more my style.
    And The Lunar Chronicles or Shatter Me. Shatter Me or The Lunar Chronicles. I.don’t.know.
    Cayce recently posted…What Makes A Villain – ViciousMy Profile

  17. vennie martinisi

    I think bow and arrow would be my style. I was on the archery team in high school. 🙂

  18. Desiree

    Oh, happy threesome day! Best blot ever. I would totally choose THE LUNAR CHRONICLES because I own all of UNDER THE NEVER SKY. Thanks for the giveaway and contests on the accepted proposal and marriage!

  19. Aida

    My weapon would be a grenade or a shotgun…something that would let me stay far from the others because I’m tiny and useless when it comes to fighting :S But for the Battle of the Books my weapon is just crossing my fingers!! 😉

  20. Markella

    I saw you (Steph) at the event. I said to myself: Oh my god, should I say something? No that would be weird. I feel like authors are usually to the fangirling but I wasn’t sure about bloggers so I decided not to embarrass myself.

    Glad I got to see the recluse Steph in the wild! I go to events there all the time but never actually saw you before.

    Anyway, I would say I love Under the Never Sky and Lunar Chronicles so so much but already have them.

    I gave Shatter Me a try a long time ago and want to try again. Make that possible please?

  21. Kristia

    International? wow thanks!! 🙂
    My choices would be first The Lunar Chronicles , second the Under the Never Sky trilogy and third the Shatter Me trilogy.
    My weapon of choice?? I don’t know, my elbows I think, trying to push back all those crazy ladies that come after these lovely books hehehe 🙂
    Thank you for the giveaway.

  22. Ciarra

    Hooray for international giveaways! Woop woop!
    My weapon of choice in a Hunger Games situation would obviously be a wand. Because I’m a wizard yaknow and I could just use magic to slay everyone 😛

  23. Dečva

    You can never go wrong with the classics – bow and arrow. And my teacher for archery called me Robin Hoodka (I’m a girl), so that says something… 😛

  24. Lisa

    Can I just have, like, a MASSIVE sword. (Okay, not too massive because I don’t want to get all buff from using it, but you know.) Sword and knives would be cool for me.

  25. miki

    my weapon of choice? puppy eyes because no one can resist those and magic ^^

    i would be so delighted to get the Under the never sky trilogy, it would be my top choice ( both other series are in a tie for second place) thank you so, so much for opening this to international making us hope too

    i hope you will have a long and happy “engagement” 😉
    miki recently posted…Lovely, Dark, and Deep ( the Collectors 1) by Susannah SandlinMy Profile

  26. Carl

    I’m bringing my library cart to the battle. Multi-functional for offense, defense and enhanced mobility. Better run suckers!!

  27. Danielle D

    Congrats on your blogoversary! You guys are a cute…er…yeah…cute? something. Yeah. Well, then, I will duel with bow and arrows and if you get too close, I will just stab you with arrows and strangle you with the bow. And wear my arrow-y shirt (because of course I won’t get blood-splatters or anything). Anyway, I can’t copy the arrow shirt picture, but I HAVE ONE. Seriously.

  28. Alex U.

    Thank you for the giveaway and Congratulations!
    I think I’d want a sword or a knife with me and maybe some Buffy style fighting skills just in case 🙂

  29. Caitlin

    Thanks for the incredible giveaway!

    My preferences:
    1) Under The Never Sky trilogy
    2) Shatter Me trilogy
    3) The Lunar Chronicles

    My weapon of choice would be a gun because I am not very coordinated and I don’t react fast lol.

  30. Rochelle Sharpe

    Happy blogoversary 🙂 This blog is pure awesomeness, I just love you guys – and Meg, I am so happy you are part of the team.

    I would love the Lunar Chronicles, because – gasp – I haven’t read any of them yet. Otherwise the Shatter Me series and then Under The Never Sky series.

    My weapon of choice would be books. No, I don’t mean throwing copies of Les Miserables at their heads – I wouldn’t want to damage a book and get blood splatter all over it – I mean, I’d give them all books to read like The Fault In Our Stars, killing them with all the feels, and claim my victory.

    Thanks for the giveaway and making it international 🙂
    Rochelle Sharpe recently posted…Fiction Friday: Review ‘Terms And Conditions By Robert Glancy’.My Profile

  31. Emmy

    My weapon of choice would be a grisha power 😀
    (only in my imagination, dammit)
    Failing that, i’d take bows and arrows.
    Congratulations on your blogversary!

  32. Chantelle

    Wooo! Blogoversaries are cool. I’d want to go the the Cinder chronicles, but I already have CInder (but haven’t read it yet) so I’d probably have to pick the Shatter Me ones. Of course, I could just have two copies of Cinder.

  33. Chantelle

    Wooo! Blogoversaries are cool. I’d want to go the the Cinder chronicles, but I already have CInder (but haven’t read it yet) so I’d probably have to pick the Shatter Me ones. Of course, I could just have two copies of Cinder.

    *Stupid damn computer cutting me off* Weapon of choice. Uhmm… well, stink bombs would work because I could just knock everyone unconsious and steal the booty for myself. Or maybe some daggers?
    Chantelle recently posted…Book Review: The Week Before The WeddingMy Profile

  34. Jennifer

    I think I’d go for something like a dagger. While a bow and arrow would be awesome, I know I would just injure myself with it!

  35. Alisa

    Happy 2nd birthday, Cuddlebuggery!

    And for the Hunger Games, I’d probably try and poison the river/water supply after enough days of hiding and hoarding water.

    Or, I’d bring a library with me and research the best ways of winning things and/or bludgeon other people with ridiculously heavy books that I hate.
    Alisa recently posted…Dear Killer by Katherine EwellMy Profile

  36. A Sales

    Ooh, since this is a Rafflecopter giveaway. Hmmm. My weapon would be my social networking accounts! I could win this guys because I’ll be doing all the required stuff above!

  37. Chenise J.

    Definitely calling on my Brotherhood from Assassin’s Creed. One whistle and they’re suddenly there to do your bidding and whoop some ass. It’s a win for everyone.

  38. Diana Grace

    Can I choose The Elder Wand? If not, then I’d totally go with Katniss’ bow and arrow.
    Thank you so very much for this giveaway and making it international! I have not read any of the three series and so I really, really hope I’d win. *fingers crossed*

  39. Megan

    Now that is one fine proposal story. Congratulations, you guys. Even though some of Meg’s qualities are a little questionable (lighting trees on fire is OK, but kicking innocent animals? Just no), she sounds awesome. And what better way to celebrate this memorable day than by making us battle out the prizes Hunger Games-style?! I think I’d defend myself with some book quotes. The pen is more powerful than the sword, they said. 😉
    Megan recently posted…Insurgent Takeover: Comment LengthsMy Profile

  40. Amber hsu

    Happy blogerversary! (Probably spelt it wrong but whatevs) Congrats on you new Co blogge/ evil accomplice… wish you guys the best on your marriage!

    As for my weapon of choice? Im going harry potter style and picking a wand. Or a broom?

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  41. Emma

    Happy blogeversary
    I think i’d use my mad skill’s to activate the dead bombs in the site like that dude in Hunger Games

  42. Gian

    Happy blogeversary!! WOOP WOOP *happy dance*

    I love the shatter me series covers, I heard a lot of good things about the series! I also the under the never sky series as well.

    the reviews is great! (:

  43. Lindsey

    This is awesome!

    Congrats on the two years, that is a tremendous feat and I know you will be celebrating more years to come!

    And yay! I’m so excited about Meg, her reviews are hilarious and I know she will only bring great things to the table.

    Congrats ladies and thanks for sharing your snarky thoughts with us! 😉
    Lindsey recently posted…In the Line of Ire by Edwin DassoMy Profile

  44. Cali W.

    Happy Blogoversary and thanks for the giveaway! I would love any of those books. The Lunar chronicles is my favorite though and Under the Never Sky is a close second. <3 My weapon of choice for this Hunger Games is a sword!! 😉

  45. Adele

    Happy Valentine’s Day and thanks for the lovely giveaway!

    My order of books would be the Lunar Chronicles followed by Shatter Me – I’ve already read the Never Sky books so I guess that gives that chance to someone else.

    Best weapon for a Hunger Games style battle arena? W

    • Adele

      Aaaand my laptop hit enter. To finish the sentence:

      Well, if I were in a Hunger Games area I would probably die with a real weapon like a bludgeon or something. So I would prefer something indirect – like monster kitties or hungry piranhas. I guess that makes me a muttation supporter? :<

  46. Sel

    Yay you guys are the awesomest 😀

    If this were the Hunger Games, I’d like to say I can be cool like Katniss and shoot down apples fifty metres away, but to be safe, I’ll stick to body paint and camouflage myself like Peeta 😉

    Int’l giveaways rock! Happy anniversary 😀
    Sel recently posted…I’m Back In A WhirlwindMy Profile

  47. Mel@thedailyprophecy

    First of all, you guys are amazing. This is one of the most generous giveaways I’ve seen so far and I love you for making it international. That is so thoughtful <3

    I did the buzzfeed quiz and apparently, I can sort of survive by blending in. So, if I stay quiet enough I might be one of the last two and then it comes to my charms! I will smile incredibly sweet, do you think that might work? So, I hope that my last opponent is a dude.
    Mel@thedailyprophecy recently posted…Fairytale News 29. Important things to remember.My Profile

  48. Jenelle Riane

    Aww, coblogger love is so sweet! <3 You guys crack me up, I swear. And whoaa the prizes! *drools over Lunar Chronicles*

    Oh gosh, if I were in the Hunger Games, I'd probably be the first to die! So. I think I'd just bring my own coffin with me and probably a book or two and read while I wait for my demise. 😉

  49. Darith L.

    Cookies. Macarons. All the pastries. Haha. I’d feed everyone so that I can run with the book when they’re fed up. 😀

  50. Christine

    I’d just rely on my wit to get me through. I’m horrible at confrontations, so that wouldn’t do me any favors either! ;D

  51. Elizabeth

    Yay, congrats Meg!! And I’m all about some sort of invisibility/camouflage/assassin suit. Then I’d get to look awesome (even if no one could see me) and wait everyone else out. Or be sneaky and finish the job myself, but why work when you can have others do things for you? Unless this question refers to book choices, in which case I’d throw myself to the mercy of Shatter Me.
    Elizabeth recently posted…Allegiant (Divergent #3) – Veronica RothMy Profile

  52. Farah K

    My cloak of invisibility;) it has served me pretty well thus far.
    Awesome giveaway! Thanks for the opportunity(and for making it international.)

  53. Antonia

    This giveaway is so cool, thanks :* I*d choose the UNDER THE NEVER SKY series, but any of them are amazing so..

    PS: I wrote my FB name wrong in the Rafflecopter (it*s Antonia Daniela) Just in case you*re checking the entries 😀
    Antonia recently posted…Cover Madness ♥My Profile

  54. Rade

    Thanks for the giveaway! I will choose a bow and arrow:-) As for the books, my first
    choice is “Under the never sky” series.

  55. Tiffany @ A Nanny's Literary Musings

    Wonderful giveaway yall are doing 🙂

    I’m confused, are the books our weapons? Whichever the case may be, I’ll do both just in case.

    My weapon of choice would have to be a dagger or something else small and suited for short range because I’ll need to be right in front of them not to miss lol

    As for the books…1) Shatter Me 2) Lunar 3) UTNS
    Tiffany @ A Nanny’s Literary Musings recently posted…Saturday Spotlight: Ophelia and the Marvelous Boy by Karen FoxleeMy Profile

  56. Mona

    Choice of weapon in the Hunger Games? Bwhaha, I’d be dead before I’d even start running.

    Thanks for the wonderful giveaway. Nothing says love better than books. <3
    I can't wait for Winter to come out!! Cress was sooooo good!

  57. Annaiss

    Thank you so much for the giveaway, girls!

    The Shatter Me series, The Lunar Chronicles series and the Under the Never Sky series.

  58. Kimberley

    I would love to read Under The Never Sky (I would also love to read the Shatter Me series over and over until I die but I already own those books)

  59. Amanda @ Late Nights with Good Books

    Congrats on the second anniversary and Meg becoming a new coblogger. I love reading all three of your posts and look forward to even more in the future! 🙂
    Thank you also for the giveaway – it’s very generous and those definitely seem to be three of the most-loved ya series these days. And I’m not up to date on any of these yet, to be honest. But hopefully I will be soon!
    Weapon of choice? At the risk of sounding cliche, I’d say my words. But for an actual weapon, something I can use from a distance like a bow maybe?
    Amanda @ Late Nights with Good Books recently posted…Ready to Become a Fan of…Rachel NeumeierMy Profile

  60. Giaochau N.

    This is such an AWESOME giveaway!!!! My weapon of choice would either be daggers or a bow.

  61. Allie @ Little Birdie

    Happy second anniversary guys! It’s great how much ya’ll have achieved in the blogging world these past two years – thanks for bringing so much awesome to the partay <3

    Weapon of choice? Oh, dude, EASY. It'd be Buffy. Yep, Buffy would be my weapon. What?! We can choose people . . . right?
    Allie @ Little Birdie recently posted…Review: In Too Deep {Amanda Grace}My Profile

  62. Liene

    What a hard question! I’d choose Celaena Sardothien’s assassin skill as my weapon, I mean if I had her skill I’d win the whole thing, BOOM!

  63. Ricky R

    Happy anniversary!!! *throws confetti* yay for the giveaway!!

    As for my weapon of choice, i’ll blind them with glitter and suffocate them with cotton candy. Or maybe i can bring my unicorn. Is that allowed?

  64. Perla

    I would love the Lunar Chronicles. I’ve heard it’s amazing and I would love the chance to read it.

  65. Perla

    I would want the Lunar Chronicles. I’ve heard it’s amazing and I would love the chance to read it.

  66. Annie

    I like the idea of using the books as weapons. But then it devolves into a whole conversion about which is the most vicious and lethal book series. Either way, this would be my order:
    Shatter me
    Ever Night
    Annie recently posted…pantser or plotterMy Profile

  67. Ina M.

    My weapon of choice is and always will be a lovely sharp daito (better known as katana) (^_^). Also, The Lunar Chronicles \m/ (^_^) \m/

  68. Jennifer

    Bookstyle weapon, I don’t really know. Swords seem coll in nearly any fiction, the bow wuth Hunger Games seems so cool. But I think I’d like better a wand like in Harry Potter because it’s so useful and who doesn’t like magic.

    My order for books is :
    1. The Lunar Chronicles
    2. Shatter Me
    3. Under the never Sky

  69. Sofía Armella

    Aww, I love you too! It’s a huge giveaway, really. And I can’t deny that I laughed like a maniac when I read this: The giveaway is open internationally. We’re rich, bitch! (Not really, but I really could not resist that. -Steph). Steph, you’re a genuis!

  70. Shay

    weapon of choice, hmmm….probably a bow and arrow, because I can at least kinda use it. But truthfully, I think I would be most effective with just a giant stick.

  71. Kimberly Mayberry

    Happy Second Blogiversary!

    Well, if we are talking about real weapons (which I collect in all forms, because I am badass that way!) I would choose one of my several Katanas or perhaps a firearm. I would also have to choose a mental weapon, since I am also an empath, yeah, I am badass that way, too. lol

    If we are talking book weapons, I would have to choose as follows, but because I am a complex woman and a total book whore, I would happily and graciously accept a gift of any of these awesome series:
    1.) The Lunar Chronicles
    2.) Shatter Me series
    3.) Under the Never Sky Series

    Thank you for the kick-ass giveaway of this awesome shit and may the best battlers on Rafflecopter win. Muaaaahhhh!
    Kimberly Mayberry recently posted…NEW RELEASE! LOVE LIKE THE MOVIES by Victoria Van Tiem releases from SIMON & SCHUSTER’s Pocket Star in USA!My Profile

  72. Carina Olsen

    Ohh. This post is the best! And the giveaway is THE MOST AMAZING. I LOVE The Lunar Chronicles and the Under the Never Sky books. <3 And SIGNED COPIES! Want more than anything. <3 Thank you for the chance. You guys are THE BEST. Also, I pretty much adore your blog 🙂 Has been following for ages.

    Weapon of choice? Hah. I am no good with ANY kind of weapon, lol 🙂 But. I would love to fire a gun. But if that isn't allowed, I want a good knife. I think I would be good at that. Probably. I hope. 🙂

    Love, Carina Olsen
    Carina Olsen recently posted…Cress Tuesday #18My Profile

  73. Ellis

    EEEEEEEEEEE. MEG BECOMING A CO-BLOGGER. BEST. PROMOTION. EVER. I’m so happy for you and for Cuddlebuggery in general, because the best things come in three. This is giving me Charmed feels. And Lumatere feels. (Beatriss, Abian and Tesadora. Or the next generation: Isaboe, Quintana and Phaedra – because believe me, Phaedra of the Valley a.k.a. The Lumatere Chronicles #4 is a thing that is going to happen and the story line of that thing will be these three ruling the world with the guidance of the previous three. As it should be. Also, Froi.) Oh, and The Raven Cycle feels. For serious, Maura, Calla and Persephone deciding Sunday is a day for playing psychic drinking games has Cuddlebuggery written all over it.

    Anyway. SO HAPPY. Congratulations on this bananaballs engagement, and your second blogoversary, of course!

    Okay, it took me this long to finally congratulate you because of the second part, which consists of my plan of attack. Things might get a little complicated (and long, buuut you’re probably already used to that at this point. The long part. Oo-er. That’s what she said.)

    I have a few strategies. Here are the things I based my victory on: the Buzzfeed Quiz we took, the game of Kiss/Marry/Kill Jessie made me play and one of my sneakiest talents (see scenario #3 for more info on that one).

    Scenario #1: Blythe. Blythe is my secret weapon. When Jessie forced me to choose between Blythe/Gillian/Meg for a round of Kiss/Marry/Kill, I decided to marry her. Since Blythe and I are married, everything that’s mine is also hers. Now, the Buzzfeed quiz told us that Meg and Gillian would survive, and Christina and I would die. Meg is a Gamemaker in this scenario, so she’s out of the running. I died in the last round of the Games because of a Career Tribute. I’m going to take a wild guess and say that Tribute was Gillian, ie the person who won the Games. However, this time, I’d make use of my secret weapon. I’d tell Blythe that we could win special, signed editions of Roar and all we’d had to do was eliminate Gillian. Eliminating Gillian is peanuts for Blythe. She almost scares her to death with creepy links on a weekly basis. I win.

    Scenario #2: This could also go a different way. Since Meg is a Gamemaker and she was my pick for the Kiss option (so sorry, Gillian! You die in every version. I love you!) I’d simply seduce her. I win.

    Scenario #3: I’d fart everyone to death. I can’t smell, so I’d produce the most toxic fart ever and everyone would recoil in horror (or die) but me. I win. In this scenario, Gillian can’t participate, because she doesn’t have a sense of smell either. Considering she hasn’t commented (yet), this seems accurate. Also, Blythe killed her. Sorry, Gillian.

    Are you impressed with my murderous master plan, Meg? It might have come to me in a dream.

    Ellis recently posted…Rewind Topic: Top Ten Things On My Reading WishlistMy Profile

  74. Rebeca

    Woah, this is such a good collection! And I’ve heard so much about the Shatter Me trilogy, I’m interested in reading it.

    Thank you for such a great give away!

  75. January

    Oh my god this is possibly the greatest giveaway I have ever seen. *Drools* They’re signed….

    Hmmm my #1 choice would be The Lunar Chronicles. And I love both Under the Never Sky and Shatter Me… They’re both tied for second! If I win I will have to make the call.

  76. fatma

    Ill choose the lunar chronicles cuz everyone has been raving about them lately plus who doesnt love cyborgs? 😀

  77. Jemimah C.

    My weapon of choice? Lunar glamour! Just kidding. More like verbal abuse (aka, words that are capable of defending me if the need be dire). I like to believe they work better than a sharp arrow. 😉
    Jemimah C. recently posted…Resonate | v.1My Profile

  78. Bube

    Hahaha,LoL 😀
    What an awesome post 😀
    Happy Blogiversary,all the best! 🙂

    Honorable fight till the end 😀
    Thanks for this amazing opportunity! 🙂

  79. Alexandra A

    Happy blogoversary!
    Hmmm…. I`ll have to think my tactics of battle 🙂 Thank you for this awesome giveaway! 🙂

  80. Nena

    Happy blogoversary!!!, this is such an awesome giveaway!, thank you!!

    Hmmm, are bombs allowed ?, or guns ? haha :P, i would definitely pick something like that, or an axe 😛

  81. Alaa

    This is the BEST giveaway!

    My weapon of choice would be some survival power, I would go all defensive not offensive 🙂

  82. Harriet

    Drooling over this giveaway! (And it’s international too, *hallelujah*!) I’m so desperate to read the Lunar Chronicles series. And my weapon of choice would 100% be a bow and arrow, I did archery enough times with Guides!

  83. Kath S

    I really want to read the Lunar Chronicles. And my weapon… a gun, I think, so cliché, but so easy (?) to manage XD

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  84. Ashley S

    What a fantastic giveaway! Love all of these series!

    And my weapon of choice would, of course, be my cunning wit and ingenuity. I would totally be killed first.

  85. Cynthia R

    Happy blogoversary! And happy late Valentine’s Day! I hope you had a wonderful time. My weapon of choice would be boiling tea which I would throw at people because I despise tea even though I’ve never had it while I sipped at a cup of coffee whilst reading a book.

  86. Lucas A. (Sunwear)

    I’d usually go for the bow and arrow because I’m really bad at face to face fights (I think so) so i’d go for something that gives me distance.

  87. Ashley Kiessling

    Oh my gosh. This giveaway is amazing! And, your guys’ blog is fantastic. <3
    My weapon of choice would probably be a dagger or a small knife. I'm not sure why, but in questions like this.. I usually feel drawn to that. I don't know, man! Haha.
    Thank you guys again for the giveaway!!

  88. Mary Allyn

    This is the best giveaway I have ever seen. And I don’t even have to sign away my soul, make a blood oath, or sacrifice my first born!

    What? I need to tweet? Well…that’s a little much but I SUPPOSE I could manage it.

    (Seriously, love you guys. From afar, I swear. Or not. Who knows?)

  89. Mary Allyn

    Well fiddlesticks I forgot to answer the question.

    I would obviously whip out my magical Harry Potter wand that is actually a secret KGB-style dagger with poison on the tip.

    Keep your friends close but make your enemies die a surprising painful death (for the sake of books, natch).
    Mary Allyn recently posted…Library Haul: 2-21-14My Profile


    I am not very good with arms and I’m not very athletic, so I think that my best arm would be my charm in this hunger games.
    I am so cute that nobody would kill me.


  91. Shamara

    OMG! This is such an awesome giveaway!! My weapon of choice would be a bow and arrow, though I don’t know how to use them and my aim is unbelievably bad :p

  92. Belén

    Well, i don’t know what will be my weapon, i am so shy and little so i think that i would be a kind of Rue (that’s hard because she dies but) and my weapon will be i don’t know maybe a knife or my brain, who knows.
    btw nice blog, new fan(?) and i hope wins this fdjgkfdg,

  93. Joanna

    They just scream beauty, but the LC would be my 1st choice, then UtNS, followed by SM. And I’m afraid if it came down to a Hunger Game battle, my weapon of choice would be luck because I would need it. I’d be dead probably in no time. Maybe, I would play like Annie; thus, hiding until all the others get killed. 🙂

  94. Catherine S.

    Thank you so much for the giveaway! It is the most amazing giveaway so far! My weapon would be Nimbus 2000, I’d really love to fly.

  95. Kayla A

    This is SUCH an amazing giveaway! I’ve been dying to read all those series’s, but my library doesn’t have them 🙁 AND SIGNED? Just throw me in a coffin already, because I have just died.

    My weapon would be a rope made from my hair Rupunzel style, then I would trip people up, and sit on them while harvesting their belongings (hopefully books).

  96. Pratima

    Happy Blog Anniversary! And thank you so much for the international giveaway!! (yay, finally!!)
    My weapon of choice would be crescent moon blades (Madrigal style from the Daughter of Smoke and Bone series) and if this isn’t available, then I’d probably just go with the old classic of a bow and arrow 🙂 And alternatively, the Rictusempra (Tickling) charm from Harry Potter? Hmm, that’s a tough call.
    Pratima recently posted…A Touch of Southern IndiaMy Profile

  97. Angela C.

    Congrats!! *throws confetti* 😀 And no weapon for me; I’m a pacifist. 😉

  98. Natalie

    My weapon of choice….hmmm….can it be a person? Because it would be William Herondale no contest. *swoons*

    Do we have to list the books in order??
    Well, either way:
    1) The Lunar Chronicles (Kai Kai Kai Kai)
    2) Under the Never Sky (ROAR IS MY LIFE)
    3) Shatter Me (Team Warner)

    This giveaway is BRILLIANT!! Thank you!!!

  99. Desnica Kumar

    Happy Blogoversary! Congratulations on the coblogger! Hhehe this was such a sweet post!
    Thank you so much for the giveaway! So generous of you to make it international!
    I don’t know what my weapon of choice would be in a Hunger Games styled Battle of the Books… I feel like with my uselessness any weapon I’ll have would just be my own undoing…

  100. Demitra

    I think a gun would be the perfect weapon but I am not going to select it because I am not so competitive. I read that someone would pick a chocolate, I agree with her, we all know the results of chocolate.
    I choose as a weapon my luck. You never know….
    Thank you for the great giveaway!

  101. Jennifer Vu

    My wooden katana, haha. It probably wouldn’t get me anywhere though…

  102. Claire

    I am more than willing for a Hunger Games style elimination.
    If I get rid of the others, does that mean I get alllllll of the booksies?
    My preciousesssss. *strokes booksies*

  103. Katarina

    Wow this looks like such an amazing giveaway!! Thanks so much for hosting this 🙂

    My weapon of choice would definitely be a wand… I don’t know if that’s cheating, but that way I could cast protection spells, use it as a weapon and as a way to help me get food and water!
    Katarina recently posted…Review #3: Heist Society by Ally CarterMy Profile

  104. Astika

    Thanks for doing this giveaway! I’d love to win The Lunar Chronicles series.

  105. _Sandra_

    Happy, happy, happy blogoversary and wishing you many, many more to come! 🙂
    Also, I definitely wouldn’t survive any kind of Hunger Games battle (clumsy as hell!), so the best thing for me would be to hide, hide, hide ( ). LOL!!!
    Thanks for an amazing giveaway! My 1st choice would be Under the Never Sky trilogy, 2nd Shatter Me, 3rd Lunar Chronicles.

  106. Jools

    SO AWESOME!!!!!!

    My weapon of choice would be an invisibility cloak, because then I can get close enough to either 1. Quietly steal my choice of books or 2. Dispose of opponents if need-be and then run off with all the books.

    Also, my selection would be
    1) Lunar
    2) Never
    3) Shatter
    Jools recently posted…Author Interview: Becca CampbellMy Profile

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