Memes About Big Book Bloggers

13 August, 2013 Random 55 comments

Memes About Big Book Bloggers

We all know how hard life is for big book bloggers. The pressure!  The pain!  The agony of being in the spotlight!  And even worse?  There’s no charity for these beleaguered souls.  No sympathy. Well, it’s time for popular bloggers to fight back.  For them to rise up and show the rest of us how they feel and the struggles they face.  Comment if you want to participate in a moment of silence in respect of the sacrifices they make for the rest of us.

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55 Responses to “Memes About Big Book Bloggers”

  1. Readers Confession

    LMAO! I love this post! I think we all would love to be popular ALL DAY EVERYDAY but seriously I hate when people whine about NOT being popular. Whining about is not going to win an popularity contests.

  2. A Voracious Reader

    LMAO! On that last one though I’d have to say, “People ask me when I’m getting a real job.”

  3. irish_banana

    “I only got invited to 10 publisher parties during BEA!” *SOBS*

  4. Hannah McBride

    Such hard work. I’m so glad I’m not a “big” blogger.

  5. Fangs4Fantasy

    I would comment, but the grief and pain has stunned me to silence

  6. heartontheline

    As a small blogger (very small) I love and adore this. Recently a big blogger at ALA was complaining about something and my friend looked at me and was like “OH IT MUST BE SO HARD THAT THEY SEND YOU FREE BOOKS ALL THE TIME” So yes. Love and adore this. Cracking up in my office.

  7. Hermyoni

    *Snort*  Oh now this is Gold star worthy. I don’t know how many times I’ve heard some of these things.

  8. DiamondCronen

    Hahahahahahaha I LOVE this. Those poor big book bloggers…they have it so rough

  9. alexiareads

    I loved this. As a small book blogger,I really thought this was funny. I’ve heard some of my contacts from the bigger blogs actually complain that they are getting too many books.

  10. cynicalsapphire

    Kat, in my head, you never do anything but drink and come up with hilarious things on the internet. Your “children” are a myth. As is your interest in physical fitness. You actually made up that story about a 5K with spiders and snakes and fire. In fact, Australia itself is a myth perpetuated by you.
    Am I supposed to want to be the first spot in a blog tour?
    Bahaha, I love when someone posts their review for a book on the same day.
    All of the others are spot on for my life.*weeps*

  11. Christina @ Christina Reads YA

    Stephanie was right about the Dr. Evil gif.
    I like how the shark is pointing out that there are too many comments to reply to. Is the next solution to get rid of us :O?
    Will you get 37 comments? Will you?
    (Probably, cause this is teh awesome.)

  12. saldelmaz

    Just 24 comments… you must have insulted someone.

    Not me, because I’m commenting. Love this post.

  13. livin_thru_arts

    Nice one, Kat. (PS, life must be very boring considering your latest posts. Kids just can’t fill that love of blogging.) 😛

  14. Meagan C

    Absolutely SPOT ON! I love it!! I get that it is all relative and everyone has issues to face…but man, it is sooo hard to feel sorry for the Big Bloggers when they complain publicly.

  15. gypsyreviews

    “That blogger got that ARC before me and she doesn’t even have as many followers as I do!!” 
    HAHA CACKLING, this post is awesome *thumbs up*

  16. fiktshun

    Oh my gosh this is fantastic! Those poor big book bloggers! It must not be easy to be so successful, adored, loved, showered with books and attention. They truly suffer.
    Getting only 37 comments instead of hundreds is so much worse than getting zero. Us smaller book bloggers have set our expectations low. Empty mailboxes. Zero pub love. No party invites. A smattering of comments. It can only go up from there.
    But to get a less desirable spot on a tour, to receive what amounts to an ARC a day? That’s heinous. How they suffer.
    And let’s not forget how many review requests they receive that they have to turn down because they have just so many amazing review books on their piles. It must be agony!
    Totally need this laugh today. Your posts are always immensely entertaining!

  17. BadassBookie

    HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA. The last one :’) This made my day guys! <3

  18. booksandwine

    Is that a thing — people getting mad about reviewing the same book on the same day?
    I think I am a bigger blogger, but I still laughed at this, a lot. Because I have been guilty of some of these hahahahahaha!

  19. jennadoesbooks

    Hahahaha! This has made my morning. Since I’ve never had to worry about any of these horrible “problems”, I think it’s safe to say I’m glad I’m a “small blogger”. Wouldn’t want to get a big head or anything.

    That last one really takes the cake.

  20. My Friends Are Fiction

    Once again…I love you guys! This is spot on and so funny. I think we might all (smaller blogs too) be guilty of these just in smaller numbers. <3
    <a href=”” > My Friends Are Fiction</a>

  21. Primrose

    Kat, how can you be so funny? Thank god I’m just a small blogger who is still having problems getting an ARC. 🙂

  22. Heartless_Lyn

    The shark one…..I love this.

    Also, I thought you were trying to get us to come here and comment. Shame on me.

  23. judy10001

    lol posting the same review in one day is the one that got me, also having insulted someone over the ARCs 😀

  24. HauntedOrchid

    I usually don’t read posts like this, but I am laughing like mad on the inside (can’t exactly start cackling at the library). I may consider my blog to be small but have heard almost all these things during my five years of blogging.

  25. Lottie Eve

    Haha, this is hilarious 😛 My own blog is pretty small but a few of these could describe some of my thoughts, especially the cat one (although, I could only wish for 37 comments in one day).