Hot New Titles: 3 February 2013

3 February, 2013 Hot New Titles 7 comments

HNTWelcome to Hot New Titles! This week we had a few hotly anticipated books released like Prodigy, The Madman’s Daughter and Asunder! And SO many pretty cover reveals including 2013 debut Control, the Middle Grade horror novel The Year of Shadows, striking covers for Inheritance and The Bone Season by Samantha Shannon, the debut novelist dubbed to be the next J.K. Rowling (whoa, no pressure there). I swear, it’s like all the publishers conspired to flood the blogosphere with awesome this week. *dies*

Hot New Titles is Cuddlebuggery’s weekly post for YA releases and cover reveals. Don’t forget you can follow us on Facebook for all the cover reveals throughout the week and more fun. Clicking the covers takes you to the book’s GoodReads page. As always, we thank Stories and Sweeties, who compiles great lists of new releases and hosts monthly New Releases Giveaways! Thank you to Christina from Reader of Fictions, home of Cover Snark, for keeping me in the know for the newest cover reveals! For all the latest book world news and book blogging gossip, check out our weekly Monday feature, Buzz Worthy News.

New Releases





The Madman's Daughter









The Prey



Nobody But Us






Shadowhunters and Downworlders



Shadows in the Silence



A Shimmer of Angels



Stolen Nights



Sweet 16 to Life



The Voice



What the Spell


Cover Reveals


The Waking Dark

While He Was Away

The year of Shadows

The Fallen Stars

Forty Days


Curtsies & Conspiracies



Cold Spell

Rags & Bones

Bone Season

What books are you most looking forward to? What do you think of all the new covers?

7 Responses to “Hot New Titles: 3 February 2013”

  1. Adam A

    Definitely The Bone Season, I didn’t mean to buy into the hype of her being “the new JK Rowling” – if only because I know she won’t measure up – but it has gotten to me.

  2. NatalieAguirre

    So agree with Mona that Prodigy was amazing. I interviewed Marie last Monday and am giving away my ARC. I love the cover for CONTROL. I can wait to read it. Fingers crossed that I can get an ARC.

  3. sangita

    I’m loving the cover reveals especially Curtsies & Conspiracies.

  4. permashift

    Those cover reveals… THOSE COVER REVEALS. Screw the new releases, I’m interested in every single one of those cover reveal books. Off to Goodreads I go!