Five Sequels I Am Going Mad For

28 July, 2012 Hot New Titles 28 comments

Through The Ever Night


Veronica Rossi

Sequel of: Under The Never Sky


Why? How could you even ask that?  Well, first of all, because Rossi doesn’t so much kick ass as an occupation – but as a state of being.  Being awesome and badass comes as naturally to Rossi as does breathing.  But mostly because I loved Under The Never Sky.  It’s ones of those books I bought in hardcover and cuddle every now and again.  When I’m sad, I press my face up to it, flattening my cheek, and make comforting cooing noises while I pretend they’re coming from the book.  Aria and Perry have one of the best, most interestingly complex relationship is YA.  I miss those crazy kids and their shenanigans.  Oh and Roar – I miss him too.



Brodi Ashton

Sequel of: Everneath



Two months ago, the Tunnels of the underworld came for Nikki Beckett. That night, Nikki’s boyfriend, Jack, made the ultimate sacrifice. All Nikki wants is to save Jack before it’s too late. All Cole wants is to find his queen – and he thinks Nikki is the one. Both determined, both desperate, Nikki and Cole form a tense alliance, leading them on a dangerous journey to The Heart of The Everneath.



Everneath, along with Under The Never Sky were two of my absolute favourite books last year.  They were also two of the most memorable.  I’m still hanging out for the continuation of Nikki’s story – wanting to know what happened to Jack.  What’s Cole up to?  How is this all going to end?  Ashton is the reason I don’t go screaming from love tripods.  She’s the reason that, when confronted with one, I take deep, calming breaths and keep reading in the hopes that it might be done as well as it was here in Everneath.  Now I need to know.  I need to see if she’s kept it up.  I need to feel that tension again.  Damn it, Ashton!  Why must I wait for this book!?



Marissa Meyer

Sequel of: Cinder



Cinder returns in the second thrilling installment of the New York Times-bestselling Lunar Chronicles. She’s trying to break out of prison—even though if she succeeds, she’ll be the Commonwealth’s most wanted fugitive.

Halfway around the world, Scarlet Benoit’s grandmother is missing. It turns out there are many things Scarlet doesn’t know about her grandmother and the grave danger she has lived in her whole life. [expand title=”Read More”]When Scarlet encounters Wolf, a street fighter who may have information as to her grandmother’s whereabouts, she has no choice but to trust him, though he clearly has a few dark secrets of his own.

As Scarlet and Wolf work to unravel one mystery, they find another when they cross paths with Cinder. Together, they must stay one step ahead of the vicious Lunar Queen who will do anything to make Prince Kai her husband, her king, her prisoner.[/expand]



I can’t express the deep seated desperation for this book.  Cinder left my on pins and needles with the burning question of: What happens next?  How is this going to be solved?  What is Cinder going to do?  Cinder wasn’t the most perfect of reads – but in my opinion is was one of the more compelling.   I already know I’m not going to be sated once I have Scarlet.  I will be desperate for the next book – and the next book after that.

Days of Blood and Starlight


Laini Taylor

Sequel of: Daughter of Smoke and Bone



In this stunning sequel to the highly acclaimed “Daughter of Smoke and Bone,” Karou must come to terms with who and what she is, and how far she’ll go to avenge her people. Filled with heartbreak and beauty, mysteries and secrets, new characters and old favorites, Days of Blood and Starlight brings the richness, color and intensity of the first book to a brand new canvas.

Daughter of Smoke and Bone was declared a “must read” by Entertainment Weekly, was named a Best Book of the Year by, and The New York Times called it “a breath-catching romantic fantasy.”



I made another list ARCs not too long ago that I probably won’t get but desperately needed.  This one was right on that list too, because I heard that there won’t be any ARCs for this one.  When I was done weeping and finally picked myself off the floor, I set about trying to distract myself.  Daughter of Smoke and Bone was one of the most finely crafted Young Adult paranormal novels I have ever read.  Karou and Akiva’s story was so compelling that I actually had a similar moment at the end of it as I did when I first read one of William Shakespeare’s plays – though I won’t name which one.  That perfect sense that the thing you most wanted had just slipped through your fingers.  So close to perfection and it all shattered while you watched in amazement.  And the novel was all the better for it.  The ending to Daughter of Smoke and Bone still haunts me sometimes.  This book.  In my brain. Now.



Neal Shusterman

Sequel of: Unwind


[one_half_last]It’s finally here. The long-awaited sequel to the bestselling Unwind, which Publishers Weekly called a “gripping, brilliantly imagined futuristic thriller.”
Thanks to Connor, Lev, and Risa—and their high-profile revolt at Happy Jack Harvest Camp—people can no longer turn a blind eye to unwinding. Ridding society of troublesome teens while simltaneously providing much-needed tissues for transplant might be convenient, but its morality has finally been brought into question. However, unwinding has become big business, and there are powerful political and corporate interests that want to see it not only continue, but also expand to the unwinding of prisoners and the impoverished.

[expand title=”Read More”]Cam is a product of unwinding; made entirely out of the parts of other unwinds, he is a teen who does not technically exist. A futuristic Frankenstein, Cam struggles with a search for identity and meaning and wonders if a rewound being can have a soul. And when the actions of a sadistic bounty hunter cause Cam’s fate to become inextricably bound with the fates of Connor, Risa, and Lev, he’ll have to question humanity itself.

Rife with action and suspense, this riveting companion to the perennially popular Unwind challenges assumptions about where life begins and ends—and what it means to live.[/expand]



Unwind was one of the best books I’ve ever read.  I loved it with a passion that is hard to describe – and I have been waiting on its sequel since I read it (published 2007).  It is an amazingly compelling, thoughtful, evocative read and I am desperate to see how Shusterman will continue the story.  What’s going to happen?  How?  Why?  Where are all my favourite characters?  Are they okay?

I need to know and I’d better find out soon!



What sequels are you eagerly awaiting?

28 Responses to “Five Sequels I Am Going Mad For”

  1. katecauthor

    I’m about halfway through Everneath and meh.  Maybe it will grab me in the end.  I’m REALLY excited about Laini’s book though.  That woman is a genius with words!!!

    • KatKennedy

       @Kate C. Oh no!  Really?  I was so fond of Jack and Nikki and Cole.  Oh well.  Onto the next one, aye?

      • Kate C.

         @KatKennedy Yeah, I don’t know.  I’m in a weird book mood lately. hahaha  Sometimes, just for random reasons I don’t connect.  I may need to dig into my home library and re-read something just to cleanse my palate before I move onto something else.  🙂

  2. christinashoe

    I am soooo excited for Through the Ever Night. And Veronica Rossi is also going to publish a short story about Roar and Liv in October, which just…I just…I, I can’t even speak. I WANT IT SO BAD.

    • KatKennedy

       @christinashoe I know!  I regularly annoy v_rossibooks to try and get her to send it to me. 

    • KatKennedy

       @kimbacaffeinated I’ll give it back when I’m done with it…

  3. Beatriz

    I’m looking forward to every single book in this list, except UnWholly – never heard about Unwind 😀 I also can’t wait to read Up Through the Grave, by Jeaniene Frost, which comes out next year (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!), and The Shattered Dark, sequel to The Shadow Reader. But honestly, there’s so many sequels that I’m dying to get my hands on, it’s hard to keep track of all of them 😛 Awesome list!

    • KatKennedy

      Yes!  I’m also excited about Up Through the Grave by Jeaniene Frost.

  4. ivybookbindings

    Through the Ever Night is definitely #1 on my list as well! I just neeed to know what happens to next to Aria and Perry and the wait till 2013 is not making it easier at all! I can’t wait to get my hands on Days of Blood and Starlight either though! Seriously, with no ARCs I’m going to go mad! I’m excited to read Scarlet and Everbound as well, just not as eager as you are! 😉 I think the only other books I would have added to this last would have to be Quintana of Charyn since I love Melina Marchetta, Clockwork Princess since I’m going crazy trying to figure out whether or not Jem dies, and Siege and Storm because I need Bardugo’s next novel ASAP! I love the list though! 😀 
    <a href=””>Ivy Book Bindings</a> 

    • ivybookbindings

      Oh, and before I forget, you can win a pre-ordered copy of Through the Ever Night on my blog, so stop by if you’re interested! 🙂 

  5. Addie R

    I’m desperatly waiting for Through the Ever Night, Everbound and Days of Blood and Starlight! I haven’t gotten to Cinder yet, and I haven’t heard of UnWholly. Why do all these yummies have to released in 2013!? D:

    • KatKennedy

       @Addie R Maybe give Unwind a try – it may make you excited for UnWholly.

  6. themeaningofV

    Does the sequel to Shadow and Bone have a title yet? ‘Cause I’d like some of that. Like, now.

    • KatKennedy

       @themeaningofV I think it might.  I didn’t add ones that were more than 6 months away.  I’ll make another list for them closer to release date.

  7. Lissa Bilyk

    Those sequels all sound really awesome. What an awesome collection! Can’t wait to see everyone’s thoughts on these books.

  8. Gellie

    Unwholly, Through the Ever Night and Days of Blood and Starlight for sure. Haven’t read Everneath and Cinder yet though they’ve been on my list for a while now. 

    • KatKennedy

       @Gellie They’re really great.  I hope you give them a try and like them.

  9. ExperimentBL626

    Scarlet! However, I’m quite hesitant about the change in POV. I strongly prefer my series to stick with one POV throughout.

  10. bookaddictguide

    I can’t wait for Through the Ever Night!! And I still need to read the first books for all the other ones 🙂 But all on  my list!

  11. haley61

    How many books are going to be in the Cinder series? I wanted to read what happened but if there are going to be like 12 books in the series b/c if so ill have to wait, till they all come out then buy them in a pack!

      • haley61

        @Stephanie Sinclair @haley61
        Thank goodness!!!! I live to read but the book series that go on and on and on get on my nerve cuz they never end and when they do end its with another cliff hanger. >:( But 4 in a series isn’t that bad! The waiting is what gets ya!

  12. shelley1

    Quintana of Charyn (So desperate for this one!), Twice Tempted, & Biting Cold added to above list.

  13. booksoflove1000

    Nice. I think Im waiting for three of these sequels. They all have such pretty covers.

  14. Rosepetals1984

    I need to get on with reading these books, because out of the sequels listed, I’ve only read one of the original works (Daughter of Smoke and Bone).  I should be reading Cinder and Unwind very soon though.
    I’m really looking forward to the sequel of Anna Dressed in Blood. It’s coming out very soon.