15 Things I Thought While Reading Your YA Book

8 April, 2012 Musing Musers 17 comments

1. Another outcast, lonely heroine, huh?  Okay.  Impress me.

2. There has to be a better way of describing him than calling him an Adonis.

3.  Couldn’t have cared less.  COULDN’T.  Could have makes no sense.

4. A love triangle?  What is this magical thing, and why haven’t I read it before.

5. This book is rocking my world.  Now to stalk the author.

6. This.  Books like this.  This is why I started reading.

7. The cover was so pretty BUT IT LIED TO ME.

8. You have a bad romance.  Your love is revenge (for all the snarky reviews I’ve written) and I don’t want it.  I finally understand Lady Gaga Lyrics and must now die.

9. So your answer to your situation is to cry and hope you get rescued?  Let me know how you go with that.  I’ll be reading something else.

10. Why can’t everyone write like this?

11. Will this author like my bohemian poetry more… if it’s written in my blood?

12. I could be watching Rachel Maddow right now.

13. The writing is excellent but the story telling is dragging it down.

14.  She is the middle of a desperate battle for survival… don’t info dump NOW!

15. I can’t wait to read the next one!   GIVE ME MOAR!

17 Responses to “15 Things I Thought While Reading Your YA Book”

  1. Jessie

    #3 is the one I think the most! I hate that! How do people not realize it makes no sense?

    This was funny 😀

  2. Gellie

    Hilarious! Loved the first, eight and ninth! Can’t tell you how many times the exact same thoughts ran through my head.

  3. Meg K.

    OHMYGOD THIS WAS HILARIOUS. Really, Kat, you’ve got to be one of the best bloggers I’ve seen! And guess what? All you’ve said is amazingly true! :O

  4. Lexie B.

    My personal favorite would have to be “A love tri­an­gle? What is this mag­i­cal thing, and why haven’t I read it before.” They’re quite an endangered species, aren’t they, love triangles? One certainly doesn’t find them in 99.99% of YA books they read. Of course not.

  5. Kate C.

    I won’t say anything about #4, because you KNOW HOW I FEEL. Loved the first one. The thing is, I really AM a loner outcast who hates shopping. That’s why I love those characters. But I had to laugh. I think I’ve thought all those things, but there is one you’re missing that I often think: “Not ANOTHER book in first person present tense!”

  6. Belle

    lol, yes to everything on this list!
    Especially “Could have cared less”… what?! It makes NO SENSE!

  7. emma woodcock

    I’m really glad to report that I’ve NEVER read a book where the love interest is described as an Adonis!
    #3 and #4 – HA! God, yes.
    Nice work 🙂