Review: All The Truth That’s in Me by Julie Berry

30 August, 2013 Reviews 8 comments

I did not request this book, I didn’t even know it existed until a publicist in Australia sent it to me.  “Read this or I will punch your ovaries in their still-beating hearts until they cry and explode.”  Okay, maybe she didn’t use those exact words, but I like to imagine she was secretly thinking it.

I’m kind of glad she did mind-threaten me though because this book was fabulous with a capitol FAB!

All the Truth That’s in Me follows the events of a small pilgrim-like town.  Judith is the town pariah.  She and her best friend disappeared two years ago.  Judith returned home after an extended period of disappearance, her best friend did not.  The town wants to know what happened to Judith, but she can’t tell them.  Her tongue was cut out and she’s mute.  The boy she was in love with, who seemed to care for her in return, is out of her reach.

Do you ever feel like the world is once again descending into an Atwood dystopia where women are judged on purity, looks and moralities that are valuable to men? Did you ever wonder what that would be like to live in? Thankfully, you don’t need to, because Judith lives in it.  She loses any and all status in her town when she returns “spoiled” and suspicion lingers of her morality, derived from a situation where she was held prisoner at the hands of a madman.

But that rejection by her own family and society is also kind of freeing for Judith.  She’s semi-invisible, untouchable, and also kind of free to be human – to be herself.  She’s cut-loose to be this free-spirited, sexual being who longs for all the things she can’t have and, in a way, experience a better version of herself.  Her situation allows her to see past the pitfalls and trappings of her grossly imperfect society, so that she can fight for her own value and worth.

The romance with Lucas is charming, lovely and heart-wrenching all at the same time.  This novel manages to pack an emotional punch as well as remaining consistently noteworthy in its plotting, pacing and writing.  I’ll be looking forward to future novels by Berry.

Also, just…


8 Responses to “Review: All The Truth That’s in Me by Julie Berry”

  1. Danny_Bookworm

    Oh I am so excited to read this book even though just thinking about the poor girl having her tongue cute out blows my mind!

  2. Christianna

    This one sounds really really good!  I like that there seems to be a lot of deep issues and even a mystery element hanging in the background!

  3. Neyra

    Interesting concept, I love the idea behind this book. I will now be adding it to my tbr 🙂

  4. ArialDawson

    I really want to read All the Truth That’s in Me. I read a sample and thought it seemed fantastic.
    I’m glad it got your seal of approval. I will definitely be reading this one when it comes out.

  5. The Midnight Garden: YA Books for Adults

    Ohhh, I can’t wait to read Kat’s review! Must. Exercise. Restraint.

  6. alexiareads

    I am really wanting to get my hands on this one. This looks like a book that I would love. Glad it got your seal of approval 🙂

  7. disquietus

    I’ve been torn on whether I want to read this or not, but I’m definitely leading on the side of yes after reading your review. It sounds a little to brutal for me but in the good kind of way. Yay for random books being sent your way, yes?