Review: Entangled by Nikki Jefford

2 October, 2012 Reviews 27 comments

If there’s one thing I hate, it’s this.  When there’s a reasonably professional, respectful self-published whose book I just don’t jive with.

The concept is pretty cool.  One twin dies and then her mother performs illicit black magic to bring her back.  Problem? She has to share her twin’s body like a time share thing. Awesome, right?

And it’s not like the writing is necessarily bad.  The novel’s been reasonably well edited and clearly Jefford has put a lot of effort into providing a professional product to her readers.  I think this is a great credit to her.

But my problem with the book came from the inexplicable actions of the characters.  They acted outside the realm where you would think sense and reason exist.  Their response to stress and stimuli were just foreign and completely alien to me.  There was this great divide between the events of the novel, and the response of the characters.

For example, Graylee and Charlene are the twins sisters and it’s quite clear from the beginning of the novel that Charlene is a selfish horror-cow of epic proportions.  When Charlene’s boyfriend leaves her for Stacey, Graylee and her mother reasonably believe that Charlene will hurt Stacey.  Like just straight up murder her.  There is an amazing lack of response to this from either of them.  Just stop imagine if your sibling or child was honestly someone you believe would murder another girl over something as stupid as a highschool boyfriend.  Just look at whatever family member is closest to you and wonder what your reaction would be if you genuinely thought they could just murder the hell out of someone.

Just the nonplussed reaction by either of them to this fact is one of many baffling character decisions in this book.  Raj is another one.  Why does he suddenly like Graylee?  Why is Graylee terrified of him?  Why is she very suddenly not terrified of him?  What is it with Graylee’s complete and utter reaction to her own death?  There is no chemistry between these characters because I couldn’t, for a moment, think up a single thing they actually had in common – other than both like an invisibility spell.

I found everyone in this book almost completely lacking reasonable motivation.  They just seemed really cardboard and did things without genuine incentive.

The plot was, similarly, overwrought with ridiculousness.  On the plus side, I finished the book and it wasn’t a horrible read.  Many people will probably enjoy this book a lot if they’re into that sort of thing. I personally need a stronger, tighter storyline, plot and characters.

For Spoilers:

[spoiler]The weirdest thing about this book was just how full of crazy people it was and how little this bothered the other characters.

Charlene was definitely the weirdest instance.  Like when Graylee was like, “Hey Mom, that girl Charlene totally wanted to kill was in an unfortunate accident two days after my death.  Ya think Charlene had anything to do with that?”

Mom: “I put a protection spell on Stacey so that Charlene couldn’t use magic on her. Hey, check out this sweater!”

Excuse me, what?! Your daughter is a psychopath! You actually think she COULD kill another human and this is your reaction to that?

And the way Graylee died?  This comes up later like it’s supposed to be a big shock that it was Charlene that killed Gray.  Cause, ya know, that wasn’t immediately obvious by the source text?

Then there’s Nolan.  Nolan is this semi stranger/casual acquaintance who agrees to help Graylee.  The morning he’s supposed to go off with her, she makes out with Raj.  So of course, OF COURSE, his reasonable reaction to that is to join with Charlene and purge Graylee’s soul (basically killing her). Yup.  Totally reasonable and not at all insane.

No, actually, that is completely insane and there is no justification given for this by the way.  I can’t express how many times a guy I’m vaguely acquainted with has tried to murder me because I’ve started dating another guy.  Of course!

It’s just all so inexplicable – but the worst moment, and I mean the absolute worst, came at the very end.  When Charlene’s other psychotic friend (how many sociopaths attend this school!?) purges Graylee from Charlene’s body.  Whatever shall Graylee do?  Well, of course, there’s Stacey’s body in a coma.  Why not just go use that body?

Cause even though the body already had a soul, all it needed was a shot of vitamin Gray!  Bam! Graylee is back in the form or Stacey!  Joy!

Look, the fix to a coma is not to insert a different soul! Comas don’t work like that… Stacey’s body is not sitting around waiting for a different spirit to get in there and make some magic!

It was all just so crazily dumb that I struggled not to whack myself in the head.

So I guess the word of the review was inexplicable.  Because that’s what this book was for me.  Inexplicably irrational, dull and boring. But at least the review was cathartic to write.[/spoiler]

27 Responses to “Review: Entangled by Nikki Jefford”

  1. IoanaStefania

    Damn. I was looking forward to this book because, I thought, the blurb sounded interesting enough. Just got approved for it on Netgalley and was going to start reading any day now. Meh, this sucks then. Great review though. I totally get where you’re coming from, this lack of response ( and it’s not the first book I’ve read with characters like these ) dumbfounds me. Have you read Ever by Jessa Russo? Yeah.

    • KatKennedy

      @IoanaStefania Nope!  Should I read it?  Maybe try reading Entangled anyway and see what you think.  You might disagree with me!

      • IoanaStefania

        @KatKennedy Ohh, no. I agree with your review 110%, it was so incredibly stupid and ridiculous. Let’s forget about Charlene for a second, what was up with Gray’s manic streak? That girl was all about shoelaces and strangulation. 
        And, no, you shouldn’t lol. I’m positive you’d eye-roll yourself to death reading Ever and that’s something I dont wish on anyone. 🙂

  2. Ebony

    Oh my lord. I’m going to have to come to terms with the name Graylee Perez before I even consider reading this. 

  3. SamanthaCitron

    Oh, its too bad, I really liked this book and the sequel! Although, I have to admit I am quite oblivious to plot and character inconsistencies.  I guess I’m just a very gullible person and just accept everything as it comes! But your review is hilarious (as usual), I guess it is strange that there are so many crazy people in this book! oops, guess I will pay better attention next time around!

    • KatKennedy

      @SamanthaCitron Nah!  Different people get different things out of books!  I, for one, and really glad you enjoyed it!

      • SamanthaCitron

        @KatKennedy yea don’t go near the sequel…I think the original Graylee comes back (like materializes out of thin air) and complicates Raj and Stacys (aka Grays) relationship.  So uh yea, the next book has 2 Grays and a Charlene LOL!
        But yea, like i said, i liked it lol 🙂

  4. cynicalsapphire

    Ugh, I had no interest in this because I find the cover upsetting. Looks like my cover consciousness paid off this time.
    Also, even if you weren’t concerned about her murdering him for her own sake, wouldn’t you, as the other half of the body time share, worry about it, because you would get arrested right along with her?
    We all know there’s not only one thing you hate. 😉

    • KatKennedy

      @cynicalsapphire LOL.  Yeah, the reaction really got to me.  This was just SUCH a nonissue for them!

  5. Tinasbkreviews

    I just did an Indie review for Lengths and had the same type of reaction, good writing but annoying characters…..Im not sure I could get through this one if the characters are dumb butts, but I did get through your review and that was fun…..:D

    • KatKennedy

      @Tinasbkreviews Is it juvenile that I still snicker at “dumb butts”?

  6. Sarah saz101

    This sounds like… uh… a mess. And It sucks, becauuse… I mean, like you said, a well presented self-pub 🙁
    I mean, honestly? The concept sounds INTRIGUING, but characters who make me want to MURDER? I has enough of them already :/

    • KatKennedy

      Are these the characters in your head? 😉 Yeah, it is a shame but – that’s life, I guess. or c’est la vie but I wasn’t confident that I’d spell that right.

  7. Mary BookSwarm

    I have to say–I love this cover. It’s very professionally done. As for the story…meh. The characters sound like a hot mess.

    • KatKennedy

      @Mary BookSwarm They were, yeah.  Sorry to say, but they really were.

  8. AnimeGirlAlex

    I find the whole sharing body a little creepy to be honest. 
    So I would probably pass on this for that alone, but what you describe doesn’t change my opinion much. Thanks for the honest review.

  9. Addie R

    Ughh characters like that annoy the hell out of me. I’m still curious enough to read it though because of the interesting concept.
    Nice review Kat. 🙂

    • KatKennedy

      @zino_p Yeah, I can’t say much to convince you otherwise, alas.

    • KatKennedy


  10. christinashoe

    Honestly, it sounds like the characters are lifeless objects that move around and do things. I don’t think I’ll be reading this.