Review: Unspoken by Sarah Rees Brennan

11 August, 2012 Reviews 21 comments

I have a scale for YA books I read, since I’ve read so many.  It looks something like this.

-I hope this book dies.  Right now.  And takes a 100km radius with it just to be sure.

-Terrible book

-Not my thing


-Yeah that was okay

-Hmmm.  Interesting

-I was pleasantly surprised

-Yeah I liked that

-That was a great book

-Wow I loved that book!


-I will read that book again

Allow me to lay down some perspective.  At this moment I have no fewer than sixty-three ARCs sitting around waiting to be read.  I have specifically enough time to scratch my head in bemusement between reading one book, reviewing it, contacting the appropriate people and picking up the next one.  I do not have time to reread books.  So whilst there are plenty of books that I greatly enjoy and even love, the pool for the number of books I reread is currently at five. Five.  This book makes five books I reread.

It is not that it’s a perfect book – but that it is perfect for me.  I loved everything about it.  Brennan’s writing style, humour, wit and dialogue shines in everything she writes.  This book is filled with atmosphere, mood and the perfect level of creepy.  It’s characters shine through as it’s strongest advantage.  Each independently strong and lovable, Brennan pulls out all the stops in creating a Scooby Gang of epic proportions.

Easily the biggest selling point is Kami and Jared.  But mostly Kami.  Kami was rocking so hard that I had residual whiplash.  Strong, smart, brave – a theme with almost all the women in the novel.  She was quirky enough to be cute, independent enough to be admirable, vulnerable enough to be loved – strong enough to lead this novel and stand on her own.  Jared with his flawed complexity and bad boy characteristics was lovable and pitiable.  I know I have a soft spot for bad boys, but it’s hard not to root for him and hurt for him throughout the novel.

The pacing and plot were pretty much spot on perfect, never getting boring or easing up on the good times which balanced with the action and suspense.

I think this book earned each and every one of those five stars.  It earned them hard and I need the next one NOW.

21 Responses to “Review: Unspoken by Sarah Rees Brennan”

  1. christinashoe

    Agh, this review makes me want to read it even more! The summary sounds amazing!

    • KatKennedy

       @christinashoe Anticipate this one hard, Christina!  It’s awesome!

  2. StarryStorm

    I’ve been bitten by the jealousy bug. Unspoken has been on my wishlist for months. The release date seems so far away. The first chapters support what you say: That Unspoken will be a cute, funny, and awesome read. Thank you for the review!

    • KatKennedy

       @AgentSydneyOwen I really hope you enjoy it.  It is a fantastic read.

  3. Addie R

    You just made me need this book even more. I mean, only 5 books you would actually re-read? I don’t re-read books either and I have maybe about 3 I’d actually re-read. So I can see where you’re coming from.

    • KatKennedy

       @Addie R Yeah it’s a pretty big deal for me to reread a book.  I really hope you like it!

  4. JeepinJaime

    Very excited about this book! The cover is one of my favorites. Your review “scale” is awesome! Your review is awesome. Just awesome all around!

  5. LauraQofU

    I found your blog on the list of “blogs to avoid” on the completely bullshit “Stop the GR Bullies” blog.  I figured just the fact that you were on that list meant that you had a decent blog, and I was wrong…you actually have an awesome blog.  I’ll be back again to read more and find new books to read and get a head’s up on what to stay away from

    • KatKennedy

       @LauraQofU Thank you.  I hope you do come back and enjoy our posts.

  6. Kara_M

    I’m reading this next, Kat. I am so excited because of THIS review. I hope I love it as much as you did. I’m in quite a reading slump right now. 

    • KatKennedy

       @Kara_M I saw that you liked it!  I’m so glad I’m not the only one!

      • Kara_M

         @KatKennedy I did. It was just what I needed, and now I’m reading Stormdancer so I read two good ones in a row! 🙂

  7. Scribing Shadows

    I am waiting so impatiently for this to be released. I have preordered it from my local indie and September is just taking it’s freaking sweet time to get here while August just sucks away at my existence. Anyway happy to hear you loved because I love the Demon Lexicon series and Sarah Rees Brennan and Team Human and just love all around.