American Gods: Your Guide to the Machinations of Divinities Both Malignant and Ridiculous

American Gods: Your Guide to the Machinations of Divinities Both Malignant and Ridiculous

  Welcome, folks, to another review-as-guide that nobody asked for. […]

Review: Boomerang by Noelle August

Review: Boomerang by Noelle August

“Like ice cream it’s delicious, sweet and will give you brain freeze if you have too much of it.” -Kat Kennedy Reviews Boomerang by Noelle August

Review: NOS4A2 by Joe Hill

Review: NOS4A2 by Joe Hill

Despite its length, the pages turn quickly, and events move briskly enough to keep the occasional lull brief. Turning the commercialized Christmas season into a playground ripe for terror is no easy task, and Hill proves himself largely capable of the feat.

Review: 20th Century Ghosts by Joe Hill

Review: 20th Century Ghosts by Joe Hill

It is doubtful that one will truly like every piece found here, but so too is it unlikely that one will dislike them all. The important thing to note is that the highs and lows are evenly spread throughout and for the most part mild in their permutations, and should consequently ensure an engaging reading experience from beginning to end.

Review: The Ocean at the End of the Lane by Neil Gaiman

Review: The Ocean at the End of the Lane by Neil Gaiman

It is a sweet yet hard-edged tale, easy to pick up and easy to finish, and the lack of commitment makes “The Ocean at the End of the Lane” a book that every reader can pick up.