Blog Tour: The Edge of Falling by Rebecca Serle

20 March, 2014 Blog Tours 1 comment

Rebecca’s Favorite NY Spots!

Many thanks to Cuddlebuggery for hosting me today as part of The Edge of Falling Blog Tour! I’m excited to share some more New York City-specific content from the book with all of you. The city is another supporting character in The Edge of Falling, so I’m going to share a list of some of my favorite places in the city- some of which are featured in the book!

The Guggenheim Museum

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One of my favorite places in the city, right in Caggie’s Upper East Side neighborhood- and a spot where she and her friends go to a VIP party in The Edge of Falling! I remember going here with my Grandmother when I was young. My grandmother is an artist (I have her work hanging in my apartment!) and museums were always something we shared together.


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My love for this Mario Batali owned and operated Italian marketplace knows no bounds. Caggie loves Eataly too- she goes with Claire to hang out there- and just writing about it made me crave the fresh Italian food. Definitely worth a few hours of exploration.

The Metropolitan Museum of Art

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The steps that Gossip Girl made famous! I remember going to the Met for the first time after I officially moved to New York, and that’s when I felt as though I was a New Yawkah. (‘Cause that’s how the real New York natives say it.)

Central Park- Sheep’s Meadow

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It’s wishful thinking, but I would so love to ditch this on again-off again relationship we are having with snow, call it summertime, and camp out on Sheep’s Meadow for a day with my yoga mat! The beautiful spot in Central Park is always packed in the summer with people having picnics, playing sports, and of course…sunbathing.

Ganesvoort Hotel Rooftop

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When it comes to NYC nightlife, the Ganesvoort is the spot the Trend Gods have anointed with their blessing- it never goes out of style! Every once and a while, I love to put on some uncomfortable shoes and celebrity-hunt at this fabulous NY spot.

Central Park Boathouse

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The Boathouse is another NYC institution- the food is incredible, but what really makes this place stand out is the scenery: it’s right on the water of the Central Park lake! Beautiful, elegant and classy.


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You can’t come to NYC without seeing a Broadway show. Times Square is often a mess: the crowds, the noises, the lights- but when you duck inside a dimly lit theatre and hear songs you wish you could sing (Okay, that I wish I could sing) it makes handling the busiest area of midtown totally worth it!

Well, we’ve been Uptown, Downtown, to the East Side, West Side, and all over New York! If you want more information about the NYC hotspots in The Edge of Falling, make sure you find me on Twitter! @RebeccaASerle


Edge of Falling

Edge of Falling by Rebecca Serle

Barnes & Noble|Goodreads|Amazon

Growing up in privileged, Manhattan social circles, Caggie’s life should be perfect, and it almost was until the day that her younger sister drowned when Caggie was supposed to be watching her. Stricken by grief, Caggie pulls away from her friends and family, only to have everyone misinterpret a crucial moment when she supposedly saves a fellow classmate from suicide. Now she’s famous for something she didn’t do and everyone lauds her as a hero. But inside she still blames herself for the death of her sister and continues to pull away from everything in her life, best friend and perfect boyfriend included. Then Caggie meets Astor, the new boy at school, about whom rumours are swirling and known facts are few. In Astor she finds someone who just might understand her pain, because he has an inner pain of his own. But the more Caggie pulls away from her former life to be with Astor, the more she realises that his pain might be darker, and deeper, than anything she’s ever felt. His pain might be enough to end his life…and Caggie’s as well.


Don’t Miss the Rest of the Tour!

March 10
YA Love

March 11

March 12
Tiger Lily Rachel

March 13
I Swim for Oceans

March 14
Pure Imagination

March 17
Forever YA

March 18
Perpetual Page Turner

March 20

March 22
The Broke and the Bookish

One Response to “Blog Tour: The Edge of Falling by Rebecca Serle”

  1. Alicia @ Summer Next Top Story

    OHH I LOVE NYC!!!!

    (In a little teenage girl dreams kind of way. I’ve never actually been there.)

    I’ve read amazing things about The Edge of Falling and knowing that it is set in NYC + the author loves all the places that I’d LOVE to visit should I one day get to go, sealed the deal. Thank you for this feature!! =)