Cover Reveal: Unteachable by Leah Raeder

24 March, 2014 Cover Reveals 10 comments

It is not a secret that we here at Cuddlebuggery love Unteachable, (see Steph’s review for documented proof) and how could we not? It’s dark and messed up, but also beautiful and poetic and, of course, hawt (très oo-er one might say).

Before we unveil the beauteous new cover, a huge congratulations and many hugs to Leah Raeder for her two book deal with Atria Books. Not only is Unteachable getting a facelift but Atria will be publishing Raeder’s yet-untitled upcoming NA romance. If you haven’t checked the book out already, I strongly urge you to do so and yay you! You can get yourself a copy with the shiny new cover!

And now, without further ado I give you the new Unteachable:

Unteachable by Leah Raeder

Unteachable by Leah Raeder
March 24, 2014
ISBN 9781476786407
Atria Books

An edgy, sexy USA Today bestseller about falling for the one person you can’t have.

Maise O’Malley just turned eighteen, but she’s felt like a grown-up her entire life. The summer before senior year, she has plans: get into a great film school, convince her mom to go into rehab, and absolutely do not, under any circumstances, screw up her own future.

But life has a way of throwing her plans into free-fall.

When Maise meets Evan at a carnival one night, their chemistry is immediate, intense, and short-lived. Which is exactly how she likes it: no strings. But afterward, she can’t get Evan out of her head. He’s taught her that a hookup can be something more. It can be an unexpected connection with someone who truly understands her. Someone who sees beyond her bravado to the scared but strong girl inside.

That someone turns out to be her new film class teacher, Mr. Evan Wilke.

Maise and Evan resolve to keep their hands off each other, but the attraction is too much to bear. Together, they’re real and genuine; apart, they’re just actors playing their parts for everyone else. And their masks are slipping. People start to notice. Rumors fly. When the truth comes to light in a shocking way, they may learn they were just playing parts for each other, too.

Smart, sexy, and provocative, Unteachable is about what happens when a love story goes off-script.

Though I am very fond of my wacky neon face version, I love the shit out of the new cover. It’s gorgeous and so incredibly appropriate. Not only are colorful, twinkling lights a narrative motif (is motif the right word? Repeating detail thing), but it’s also super representative of the lush, vibrant prose. And we also have Maise looking appropriately DGAF with just a hint of vulnerable. All in all, I’d say there is much win to be had here.

I know you guys have probably been completely seduced and are desperate to know where you can get a copy of your very own to snuggle and love and the answer is here:

 EBOOK (on sale March 24, 2014)

Amazon | iTunes | Barnes & Noble | Google Play | Simon & Schuster 

PAPERBACK (on sale November 11, 2014)

Amazon | Books A Million | Simon & Schuster

You can learn more about Leah here:

Web | Facebook | Twitter

And make sure you swing by her blog for a chance to win a 20”x30” poster of the new cover!


10 Responses to “Cover Reveal: Unteachable by Leah Raeder”

  1. Amanda @ Book Badger

    Oh this cover makes me want the book just that little bit more, and it still sounds fantastic, so I’m pushing it up my list for definitely! 😀

  2. Eileen @ Singing and Reading in the Rain

    Ahh I love how vibrant the colors are! It kind of reminds me of the cover of Reality Boy and Transparent, but maybe that’s just because your review and this cover reveal were right next to each other on my Bloglovin’ feed 🙂