Blog Tour: The Symptoms of My Insanity

9 April, 2013 Blog Tours, Guest Spotlight 1 comment


Welcome to the blog tour for The Symptoms of My Insanity by Mindy Raf!

The Symptoms of My InsanityA laugh-out-loud, bittersweet debut full of wit, wisdom, heart, and a hilarious, unforgettable heroine.

When you’re a hypochondriac, there are a million different things that could be wrong with you, but for Izzy, focusing on what could be wrong might be keeping her from dealing with what’s really wrong.

I almost raised my hand, but what would I say? “Mr. Bayer, may I please be excused? I’m not totally positive, but I think I might have cancer.” No way. Then everyone at school would know, and they would treat me differently, and I would be known as “Izzy, that poor girl who diagnosed herself with breast cancer during biology.”

But Izzy’s sense of humor can only get her so far when suddenly her best friend appears to have undergone a personality transplant, her mother’s health takes a turn for the worse, and her beautiful maybe-boyfriend is going all hot and cold. Izzy thinks she’s preparing for the worst-case scenario, but when the worst-case scenario actually hits, it’s a different story altogether—and there’s no tidy list of symptoms to help her through the insanity.


Today, from the author, we have a glimpse at the twitter account of one of the teachers in the book.  Check it out and take a moment to appreciate that this art teacher could have been YOUR art teacher.  That knowledge helps me to appreciate each day, knowing that my suffering in high school could have been that much worse.

Miss S Twitter Feed

Mindy Raf

Mindy Raf

Mindy Raf is a writer, comedy performer, and musician based in Brooklyn, NY. She is a graduate of the University of Michigan, and grew up in a Detroit suburb right around here (visualize someone pointing to the inner part of their thumb). She has written for VH1 and The Symptoms of My Insanity is her first novel.

You can visit Mindy Raf’s website and follow her on Twitter!

The Symptoms of My Insanity is due out 18th April 2013 from Dial Books for Young Readers.

Don’t forget to head over to the YA Book Central blog and enter for a chance to win 1 of 5 signed finished copies of The Symptoms of My Insanity.

On tomorrow’s stop for the blog tour, you’ll be hearing from another of the characters from The Symptoms of My Insanity.  Check it out at Sab The Book Eater.

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