Cover Reveal: Pantomime by Laura Lam

21 September, 2012 Cover Reveals 10 comments

Image by African_fi

Cover Reveal for Pantomime by Laura Lam

Today on the blog, Cover Fashion Francine covers the grand reveal of Lam’s Pantomime.

But it always distresses me when authors go and get their covers made by a professional.  Why waste their money when they could just come to me?  I want to take this opportunity to demonstrate my impressive photoshop prowess.  I showed these impressive covers to Laura.  I know that deep, deep, really deep down she is intensely sorry that she didn’t come to me first.  Here is what she had to say for my marvelous creations of Cover Fashion!

Cover 1

Laura says: “This one is hands down my favourite. Funnily, when my publisher asked what I wanted on my cover, I specifically said “please no pretty girls in frilly frocks.” Not that I’m completely against the pretty-girl-pretty-frock trend, but it wouldn’t work for Pantomime. Gene, the daughter of a noble family, is not one for fancy dresses.

Pantomime has a twist we’re keeping quiet, and believe me, if you read the book, seeing this image as the representation of the figure on the cover will be more amusing. The tag line “nobody likes a sad mime” in that glorious font cracks me up. Micah Grey can get a little mopey sometimes.”

 Cover 2

Laura says: “The girl has some interesting eyebrows. She also looks mopey; I think I’m sensing a trend, here. I see it also has the standard filigree that lots of YA are featuring recently on their covers as well. It does capture the Victorian steampunky/gaslight fantasy vibe the book has, sort of, although there’s a decided lack of neck ruffs in my book—sorry, folks. All in all, I’m afraid the girl with the lip piercing and painted eyebrows doesn’t quite capture Gene, either, alas!”

Cover 3

Laura: “Bahaha. You know, the composition of the image isn’t half-bad (The “o” over the nose is a nice touch), even if the font choice is…interesting. As far as fitting the book, I think this one is the most off the mark. For I don’t have any mimes, panting or otherwise! The pantomime is a comedic play that’s played in between the scenes of the circus in the book, and it features princesses and monsters and true love. Bonus points for the girl making two L’s with her hands though—LL, Laura Lam, geddit? *waits patiently for the internet to facepalm and groan*”


And now for the great reveal!


Cover Fashion Francine says: “Well, I suppose this cover will do.  *Throws away the other covers*”

Pantomime by Laura Lam

Publisher: Strange Chemistry

Publication Date: 5th February 2013

R.H. Ragona’s Circus of Magic is the greatest circus of Ellada. Nestled among the glowing blue Penglass – remnants of a mysterious civilisation long gone – are wonders beyond the wildest imagination. It’s a place where anything seems possible, where if you close your eyes you can believe that the magic and knowledge of the vanished Chimaera is still there. It’s a place where anyone can hide.

Iphigenia Laurus, or Gene, the daughter of a noble family, is uncomfortable in corsets and crinoline, and prefers climbing trees to debutante balls. Micah Grey, a runaway living on the streets, joins the circus as an aerialist’s apprentice and soon becomes the circus’s rising star.

But Gene and Micah have balancing acts of their own to perform, and a secret in their blood that could unlock the mysteries of Ellada.

Check out Laura Lam’s blog for more details.  You can also Preorder Pantomime.

 All stock images used here belong to their respective owners:

Cover 1
Black Portait by liam-stock
The Carousel image in the background does not belong to me.  Unfortunately I saved the link wrong and am having trouble tracking down the image owner.
Cover 2
Pantomime by =Ophelia-Overdose
Cover 3
Pantomime by Tihen

10 Responses to “Cover Reveal: Pantomime by Laura Lam”

  1. MiltiadouK

    erm.. what can  I say? I’m sure Laura deep deep deep..deep down is sorry for not coming to you first! :p
    Love the final cover btw it’s very beautiful!

  2. Cyn123

    The official cover is really pretty. And this sounds interesting, a bit fantasy. Well have to read it sometime or another.

  3. Cyn123

    The official cover is really pretty. And this sounds interesting, a bit fantasy. Well have to read it sometime or another.

  4. Sarah saz101

    I mean, the actual cover is *OK*, but Cover #2 is just :O :O :O
    Seconded only by the WTFery of cover #1 😛
    The actual cover is loooovely. The girl though… she reminds me SO much of the girl on the cover of The Selection! I want to know if it’s her!