Review: Siege and Storm by Leigh Bardugo

5 June, 2013 Reviews 14 comments

I always go into a second book in a series with fears that it will have the dreaded “Second Book Syndrome”. I worry that the characters will regress, the plot will stall and surmount to overall ridiculousness, and in the end, become boring and lathered in disappointment. So even though The Grisha series is a new favorite for me, I still had these concerns. You cannot even imagine my glee when I discovered Siege and Storm did NOT suffer from any of these things. On the contrary, it was even better than its predecessor. If you loved Shadow and Bone, be prepared to be blown away!

There are so many things I want mention and squeal about in this review, but OH THE SPOILERS. And anyway, Kat did such a great job with reviewing in code already. So I’ve decided to just write letters.


Dear Darkling,

You’re so evil, but I can’t seem to conjure up any feelings of dislike for you. In fact, I missed you in Siege and Storm. For most of the novel, you were gone from me, only appearing in Alina’s dreams. How fair is that? Don’t you know how much I need your evil goodness to be present at all times? Seeing you torture the poor peasants of the Grisha world, warms my heart.

And, oh, Darkling, what new skills you have. Wait, does that sound dirty? Because it totally isn’t. Then again, you did tell us all to, “Make me your villain.” It’s only fair if I, too, am allowed at least one inappropriate pun. But seriously, you’ve leveled up faster than a Super Saiyan in Siege and Storm. Kat says you learned to line dance, but I think it’s more along the line of baking cookies. You showed those cookies who was boss!

But your ending concerns me. I guess the cookie batter turned out to be much more difficult that you expected. Maybe you should take a page from Paula Deen and add more evil butter. I’m not sure this has anything to do with book 3, Ruin and Rising, but I just like cookies, okay? And you. I like you too. So be sure to be extra evil next time and give those cookies a run for their money.




Dearest Mal,

Please do us all a favor and stop being so insecure over your relationship with Alina. The girl’s got a lot on her plate. She has the responsibility of saving all of Ravka, which is kinda a tad more important than you. I need for you to be more understanding and supportive. I liked you in Shadow and Bone, but I’m starting to think I’m outgrowing my mildly inappropriate swooning of you. Just yesterday, I found myself wondering if Leigh might actually kill you off in Ruin and Rising. If that happens, it’s possible I might only mourn you for half a page. No, no, no! I take it back! Don’t you dare die on me, Mal-Mal!

Ture love is tough love,


P.S. I still love you, Mal. <3



I think I speak for everyone when I say, please become a real person.




And finally:

Dear Leigh,


You are evil. Evil, evil, evil. So evil, your stories leave me speechless. Your humor sends me into fits of giggles and tickles my tender pieces. Your plots make me wish I can pack my bags and vacate to your mind if only for a day. Please don’t ever stop being this awesome evil. And because Troy gifs have become our thing:

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Also, that ending is causing me to hit the Kvas pretty hard tonight. Look what you’ve done to me.

 photo kvas_zpsa3b783e0.gif

Mal, Darkling, Sturmhond… I must collect them all.




An ARC was received for a review from the publisher. No monies or favors were exchanged for a positive review. Thanks, Macmillan! 

14 Responses to “Review: Siege and Storm by Leigh Bardugo”

  1. cynicalsapphire

    Dear Mal,
    Stop being a doucheface to Alina. Stop being intimidated by her power. I know you’re used to being the cock of the walk and all, but the way you’re treating her is just not cute. She’s not been unfaithful to you and, even though she shouldn’t, she totally worships the ground you walk on. Let the girl have other interests and maybe you could make things work. Of course, you’re immature and conceited, so I doubt this will happen. So, instead, how about you go find the last amplifier and help make Ruin & Rising as badass as I know it will be. Your time in Alina’s life is over unless you accept her for who she is, not the weak child you knew. “Love is not love which alters when it alterations finds,” Mal, so you need to consider whether you really love Alina. If you do, step up and treat her right.
    With judgment,
    Dear Darkling,
    We’ve had some good times, you and I. You made me swoon right along with Alina in that closet, and I rooted for you, even though I KNEW you probably weren’t redeemable. I went into this expecting to deepen our relationship, but I’m afraid I’ll have to let you go. You see, there’s someone else. I never thought this could happen, but my heart belongs to another. We’re simply not meant to be, Darkling. However, you and Alina. That could totally work. 
    Please be around more in Ruin & Rising. I missed you, even if I know longer want to make you mine.
    Dear Sturmhond,
    I’m gonna be on you.

    • rabbitsfortea

      cynicalsapphire Hahaha, Christina, you are awesome.
      I have yet to read this (and it sounds like I’m going to be pretty much crazy when I’m done) but this new character sounds VERY interesting. Hmm.

  2. jyanx

    I sense I’m going to be a mess once I finish this.

  3. catdance23

    I have this waiting for me on my e-reader. This review just made me that much more excited to read it. I also have those second book concerns. Can’t wait to get started now and I loved your review.

  4. LenaMarsteller

    Hmmmmm, I really need to read/get Shadow and Bone. This series sounds so good!!!

  5. midnightcoffeemonster

    Whoever this Sturmhond character is, I gotta know! I keep reading swoon-worthy comments about him. My S&S copy should arrive this evening, which I’m awfully excited for, so I’ll be shutting myself in tonight and reading straight through it. Although I’m sad to hear I’ll be missing the Darkling through most of the book — he is awesome in S&B!

  6. Danny_Bookworm

    *giggles* love this post!!! and I couldn’t agree with you more! I was a little disappointed with Mal, but ..then we got Sturmhound and .. OMG!

  7. ReadingbyKF

    haha love your review!! You girls never fail to crack me up. I’m not going to read Kat’s review in code!

  8. aboesen_29

    I swear,if one more person tells me to read this book I’ll scream. Every single friend/book blogger that I know has INSISTED that I read this.

  9. alexalovesbooks

    Basically, all I want to say about your review is YES. (Also, Sturmhond needs to come out of that book and hang out with us. He’s my new favorite character and the one I hold the most affection for at the moment.)