Buzz Worthy News: 29 October 2012

29 October, 2012 Buzz Worthy News 38 comments

Wel­come to this week’s Buzz Wor­thy News! Penguin and Random House merging, Janet Reid gives Indies authors hard numbers, and movie news for several books!  All this and much, much more.  Read on to find out everything that’s been hap­pen­ing in the book world this week.

Buzz Wor­thy News is Cuddlebuggery’s weekly Mon­day news post.  Bring­ing you all the most inter­est­ing, rel­e­vant and fun news from the pub­lish­ing and book blog­ging world.

Publishing News

Penguin Going Random?

Just when you thought the publishing industry couldn’t get any more spontaneous, the inter-webs exploded when a possible merger between Penguin and Random House was announced.

“Bertelsmann and Pearson are in talks about combining their publishing divisions, Random House and Penguin, to create a global market leader in response to the strategic challenges of the fast-growing ebook business. Discussions have focused on a merger in which Bertelsmann would have a stake of more than 50 per cent, according to three people familiar with the negotiations, who warned that talks could still fall apart.”

But that’s not the most important thing. Oh, noooooo! What we really need to discuss is a new name. The most obvious choices would be Penguin House (which I am personally fond of) or Random Penguin. Brilliant, amirite? And if they get a new name then of course they’d need a new logo! Thankfully, the People of Twitter have responded to this utmost important issue:


Simon and Schuster “Spring Cleaning”

So apparently Penguin and Random House are not the only publishers adopting the motto “change is good.” Simon and Schuster recently announced that they are reconstructing, bringing all their imprints together in four publishing groups. This included both Martha Levin (free press publisher) and Dominik Anfuso (free press editor-in-chief)  leaving the publishing house along with the following changes:

Judith Curr will helm Atria Publishing Group, and the Howard Books Christian imprint will be part of this new group. Susan Moldow will lead the Scribner Publishing Group, which now includes Touchstone Books. Touchstone publisher Stacy Creamer will report to Moldow.

Jonathan Karp will direct the Simon & Schuster Publishing Group, adding the Free Press into this new group.  Louise Burke will lead the Gallery Publishing Group, a group that now includes Gallery Books, Threshold Editions, Pocket Books, Pocket Star, MTV Books, and Karen Hunter Publishing.



Sony Launches “The Sony Readers”

Looking for a new book club to join? Sony may have your answer. By joining the vitual book club, at the end of every month you can chat with the author of that month’s chosen book and other book lovers. So far their line up includes Laini Taylor (Daughter of Smoke and Bone), Barbara Kingsolver (Flight Behavior), Michael Connelly (The Black Box) and Molly Ringwald (When it Happens to You).

The best part of the club is the VIP membership where Sony attempted to sweeten the deal with an offer that screamed desperation.

And wait, there’s more, we are also looking for 25 VIP members to join ‘Sony Readers Book Club’ who will each receive a Sony Reader device and cover with light, as well as the first four Book of the Month ebooks for free. In February, the 25 VIP members will also be invited to an in-person book club and meet-and-greet with author Michael Connelly in Los Angeles. The VIPs will receive airfare, hotel, transportation and meals for the duration of the weekend – pretty sweet deal. All we ask is that you read the books and participate in the chats.


Literary Agent Janet Reid Gives Advice on Self-Publishing

There seems to be an upcoming trend with success stories of great books like Easy by Tammara Webber and not-so-great books like Fifty Shades of Grey by E.L. James being picked up by traditional publishing companies. With self-publshing on the rise and ebook availability more easier than ever, agents and publishers are watching. But not while you sleep because that would be creepy. So what does it take to get noticed by an agent or publishing house? On her popular blog, Janet Reid advised indie authors to be realistic.

“We watch those stories very carefully of course.  We’re in this biz for money, not love, and if there’s a place to find projects we can sell, you bet we’re there.

If you’re thinking of doing this, here’s what to consider:

1. To get noticed, you have to sell a lot of books. By a lot I mean more than 20,000.”

Whoa! 20,000 books?! No wonder Snoopy spent most of his time typing away on his dog house. This all may seem a little of-putting to some with all the tough love oozing from that blog post – wait, scratch that… not love, just potential $$ – but she does end saying this:

“This post is not to dissuade you from self-publishing. Have at it with all your might. BUT be realistic about what self-publishing is, and what it can accomplish. And more important what it can NOT accomplish.”


TV & Movie News

 MTV Picks Up Elizabeth Norris’ Unraveling

Usually, we’d see this sort of news coming from the CW network, but it seems MTV has decided to join the party when it comes to adapting YA novels to teen TV sensations. And with their success of both Teen Wolf and Awkward, why stop there? While it’s only in the development stages, Michele Cornish, co-producer of Are We Done Yet? has been attached to executive produce.

The young-adult novel revolves around Janelle Tenner, who, after being hit by a car, is convinced she died and that her sexy and mysterious classmate Ben is responsible for her miraculous resuscitation. As she searches for answers, Janelle discovers that Ben might be linked to an ongoing FBI investigation that has catastrophic consequences.



Our Worst Nightmares Could Be Realized

Just when I’m about to party like it’s 1999 over the conlusion of the Twilight movies, the rumor mills starts ruining my fun. I can understand the urge to make even more money off a franchise that is doing extremely well sales wise, but c’mon! Have mercy! I’m not sure what scares me most, the fact that this could actually happen or that people WANT it to happen. Both. Definitely both.

Now a new source has come about offering a couple more particulars., who we discovered through Bloody Disgusting, heard today that “they’re onto the [Breaking Dawn] follow-up,” but a decision hasn’t been made as to on what type of medium it will be created.

The aforementioned source says they’ve heard it could be a television show or a film spin-off set in the same world as the Twilight Saga but not centering upon three lead characters Edward, Bella, and Jacob. One idea currently being tossed around would focus on the Wolf Pack.

Does the possibilty of a Twilight spin-odd leave you cowering with fear in a corner of your bedroom? So… not just me? Awesome. Let’s hold onto each other tight into the night.



Animal Farm Adaptation

It’s been announced that Andy Serkis is set to direct and act in Geroge Orwell’s Animal Farm. Serkis, who starred in Lord of the Rings as Gollum, is the co-founder of The Imaginarium, a performance capture studio that acquired the rights.

”We are delighted to officially announce our involvement in bringing this classic yet controversial fable to life, hopefully allowing it to resonate for our times with a combination of a fresh perspective, real emotional heart, a great deal of humor and satire … By utilizing performance capture, a deeply talented and committed cast of actors will be able to explore and fully inhabit Orwell’s fairy tale world where ‘some animals are more equal than others.’”



Divergent Casting

Have you been waiting to hear who would play the lead role of Tris Prior in Veronica Roth’s best-selliing YA novel Divergent? Well, the wait is over. Earlier it was confirmed that Shailene Woodley was in the final negotiations with Summit. She is most well known for her character, Amy Jergins, on the hit ABC Family show, Secret Life of the American Teenager and starring alongside George Clooney in The Decedents.

“From the moment I heard that she was being considered, I have been nothing but enthusiastic.  My priority has always been, first and foremost, that the role of Tris be well-acted, and Shailene has proven how talented she is, as anyone who has seen The Descendants can attest. And physically, what’s most important to me, far and away more important than other aspects of her appearance, is that Tris does not look like an action hero– she looks like a slight person with youthful, delicate features, someone who shocks you with how strong and capable she becomes.”

Neil Burger (The Illusionist and Limitless) was also hired to direct. Divergent is slated to be released March 24, 2014.

What do you think of the selection for Tris?



 Seriously, Where Can I Get One of These?

Okay, so this has to be the oddest trailer for a book that I’ve ever seen, but I can totally see the practicality here. I mean, hands free reading and an umbrella just in case you get rained on? Genius! Give that guy a Klondike bar, I say! The trailer features a book sling that resembles the ever popular Baby Bjorn. But instead of holding your baby, it holds your personal copy of The Onion Book Of Known Knowledge! 


“Replete with an astonishing assemblage of facts, illustrations, maps, charts, threats, blood and additional fees to edify even the most simple-minded book-buyer, The Onion Book Of Known Knowledge is packed with valuable information–such as the life stages of an Aunt; places to kill one’s self in Utica, New York; and the dimensions of a female bucket, or ‘pail.’ With more than 1,500 entries spanning all 27 letters of the alphabet, The Onion Book Of Known Knowledge must be purchased immediately to avoid the sting of eternal ignorance.”


Children’s Theatre Critic Critiques The Very Hungry Caterpillar

In a video that goes to show you that criticism really suck ass, Funny or Die spoofed a Children’s Theatre critic giving his opinions on children’s performances. Check it out and laugh a little!




38 Responses to “Buzz Worthy News: 29 October 2012”

  1. Fangs4Fantasy

    A Twilight spin off?
    And people want it
    That’s it, where’s the tequila, I refuse to deal with this news sober.

  2. rabbitsfortea

    Twilight spin off. OH GOD.
    Let’s just say they really do know how to milk the cash cow.
    Anw, Shailene Woodley as Tris! 
    I’m pretty excited for this. Although <i>Teenage</i> was so cringely bad, at least she salvaged her career with a pretty awesome performance in <i>The Descendants </i>. Wouldn’t expect it to be out so soon though, but I’m not complaining. Now let’s just hope it lives up to the book, I’m gathering a lot of Hunger Games’ fans will turn up for this movie screening.

  3. rabbitsfortea

    Twilight spin off. OH GOD.
    Let’s just say they really do know how to milk the cash cow.
    Anw, Shailene Woodley as Tris! 
    I’m pretty excited for this. Although Teenage was so cringely bad, at least she salvaged her career with a pretty awesome performance in The Descendants. Wouldn’t expect it to be out so soon though, but I’m not complaining. Now let’s just hope it lives up to the book, I’m gathering a lot of Hunger Games’ fans will turn up for this movie screening.

    • rabbitsfortea

      Oh wait, I think there’s a typo.
      The movie is slated to be out in 2014, not next year ):
      PS. Would have been more thrilled if Taissa Farmiga was casted though, she would kinda be perfect for the role.

    • Stephanie Sinclair

      @rabbitsfortea That they do! The cash cow is begging to be put out of his misery (as we all are).
      I like the casting too! I used to watch Teenage with a strange fascination. Kinda like driving past a car wreck. But then I stopped watching because it got really ridiculous and all the kids in the show was having sex. That seemed to be the new plot.

      • rabbitsfortea

        @Stephanie Sinclair Ugh, yeah. I couldn’t stand ALL the talk about sex too. I get that it’s a huge part of teenage life but it was turning out to be like all of them were sex-crazed maniacs.

        • Stephanie Sinclair

          @rabbitsfortea Exactly! And then when they were done with vanilla sex, they went to oral sex and the cycle repeated. Ugh. I was just done at that point. I mean, didn’t those teens have hobbies?!

  4. IoanaStefania

    Well, Roswell aired for a couple of years so why not pick up Unraveling – in my mind, they’re both very similar and just as bad. 
    Also, I had no idea about Divergent. Yay! 
    Oh, The Forest of Hands and Teeth is being adapted for the big screen, too.

    • Stephanie Sinclair

      @IoanaStefania I have never seen Roswell. But hopefully MTV will do a good job with Unraveling. 
      I actually really like the casting for Divergent. If you go to Veronica’s post about it, you’ll see a lot of fans complaining, but I think it works. She looks very innocent, which is how I pictured Tris in my mind. So, I think she can pull it off. But, we’ll see, I guess.
      I saw about Forest of Hands and Teeth! I’m really excited about that. I think it would make a great film.

      • IoanaStefania

        @Stephanie Sinclair You didn’t miss anything, trust me. 🙂
        Oh, I like Shailene Woodley. I think she’s a good actress, who acted in a horrible tv-show, mind you, but she does seem like a good choice for Tris. Sweet and innocent, which makes me double excited to see her transformation to a badass happen.
        As for Ryan’s book, I think it will turn out to be one of those cases where the movie is far better than the novel. I liked the story, didn’t love it, though. If done right the adaptation could be fantastic. 
        Here’s hoping the rumors aren’t true.

  5. Reading Wolf

    I’m excited about the prospect of bringing Animal Farm to life. Especially with Andy Serkis involved. 
    And as for the rest of the Entertainment news. At least TV shows targeted toward young adults has moved on from Reality TV and fake tans. That’s all my 13 yr old cousin watches on MTV. teen mothers, fake tans, and girls getting extravagant parties thrown for their birthday. This could be good or bad for the books related to the series. Twilight I dislike with a passion, so I doubt I would be interested in a TV spin-off unless they really brought their “A” game. The Divergent casting I have no opinion about because I’ve never seen that actress in action.  
    And I just wanna say Pengdom is my vote for the new name. Don’t know why but I like the ring of it. 
    Book Bjorn….that sounds like the craziest thing I’ve seen….wait….did they say wand?

    • Stephanie Sinclair

      @Reading Wolf That’s a really good point. I would rather see those shows aired then the reality shows. 
      Hahahaha! Pengdom! I like it. 🙂
      Just think of the possibilities for the wand. People get to close to you while reading? Instant weapon. LOL. Want to practice you Harry Potter wizard skills? Perfect training item!

  6. Stephanie Parent

    Oh gosh, this publishing merger stuff is really scary for authors…because when that happens, editors get let go/moved around, books get moved to new editors who have different priorities/opinions…kind of makes me want to chuck it and self-pub everything. I am a control freak, after all!

      • Stephanie Parent

        @Stephanie Sinclair I’m freaking out, to be honest! Just want to self-pub everything, but my next book seems like something that would really do better with a tradional pub…I don’t know. Definitely need to be careful about signing multi-book contracts, that’s for sure!

  7. judy10001

    If they do that stupid spin-off, I will have officially have lost all hope, like actually, this is freaking ridiculous! How much more money do these people NEED?!

    • Stephanie Sinclair

      @judy10001 Apparently, they need lots more. Even with Breaking Dawn part 2, they decided to change the ending completely from the book. Think of all the people who will now turn up just to see what was changed.

  8. Kate C.

    Holy crap that’s a lot of info.  First, I’m not surprised about the publishing shake ups. They have been in the works for years, since ereaders and digital media have grown and grown and grown.  JA Konrath will be positively CROWING from his website, since this is all he talks about. LOL.
    Also, I could care less about a spinoff of Twilight, even if it did feature the best part of those books, the wolf pack.  But, I did always wish that Meyers had written a book from Leah’s perspective, because she was probably the most interesting characters in those books and there was so little written about her.
    Finally, not to be all argumentative with Janet Reid, but there is no way that you have to sell 20,000 books as an indie to get an agent’s notice.  Kait Nolan (a favorite indie of mine) got signed with Julie Kagawa’s agent and she hasn’t sold that many yet (though I know she’d like to).  And not to toot my own horn, but I was approached by an agent and a publisher about one of my books and I think at the time I’d sold like a couple thousand?  And the agency was a big one.  I don’t think it’s the sales so much as the content.  So, sorry to disagree, Ms. Reid, but I think every agent has their OWN criteria.  Which makes sense, this industry has so much variety.

    • Stephanie Sinclair

      @Kate C. Ebooks are really shaking things up and since they can no longer charge outrageous prices for them, I guess this is their plan B? I wonder if this merging would have to be approved. “One can not just *create* a monopoly.” LOL.
      Twilight will never die. It will live forever. *weeps* Though, a story from Leah’s perspective would be pretty cool. She has a lot of pain and complexity to make a great story. 
      20,000 seems excessive to me as well, but I’m not as familiar with how well self-pubs sell on average or even on the higher spectrum. And I agree, I would hope that agents and pubs are picking up self-pub authors because they have the *potential* to sell loads of books based on content instead of just looking at numbers. If you think about it, that’s what they do when they sign on debut authors anyway.

  9. Primrose

    And please no more Twilight..I’ve just had enough of shiny vamps

  10. Neyra

    A Twilight Spin-Off for TV ? *does happy dance* ^-^ ….. O.O no happy dance? *kicks rocks*
    I was so kidding btw, please don’t shun me D: LOL I can’t wait to find out more about Unraveling’s movie deal, hopefully it comes to pass 🙂 Thanks Steph!

  11. cynicalsapphire

    Honestly, it sort of scares me that Random House and Penguin are merging. It feels like the death of print books or something. Perhaps I’m being melodramatic though. I hope so.
    Does combining all of the imprints really help S&S any? *scratches head*
    Sony Readers – the possibility of a free e-reader ALMOST made me fill out the form, but then I realized that I don’t need more demands on my time. Chill out, self.
    20000 is a lot. Good luck, self-pubbers.
    Unraveling! I would watch this. It’s basically going to be like Roswell, I suppose, but WHATEVER.
    Ewwwww, why does there need to be a spin-off to Breaking dawn. IN THE NAME OF ZEUS, WHY?
    ANIMAL FARM! Now THIS is awesome.
    She looks like she could play bitchy maybe. Which is good since Tris is HUGE, SELFISH BITCH. Ugh. Also, you are consistently spelling starring ‘staring,’ just fyi.

    • Stephanie Sinclair

      @cynicalsapphire Yeah, I bet this would definitely be scary for authors or anyone who worked in those companies. Nerve wracking.
      Hahaha, I almost signed up too, but then I remembered that I already have a Kindle and iPad. What on earth would I do with another eReader?!
      I haven’t read Unraveling yet, but I heard it was good.
      I think Twilight will be around for a long while just to screw with us. *sigh*
      Fixed typos. And this is why I usually only gather stories for Buzz and not write it. >.<

      • cynicalsapphire

        @Stephanie Sinclair For sure. Mergers usually come with layoffs. O_O
        I actually want a new e-reader because I don’t like my Kindle, the third edition with the keyboard, but I want a Nook and I don’t know if Sony’s is any good.
        I don’t know if you would like it. Lots of people hated it, though I enjoyed it. She borrowed a lot of from pop culture (Roswell and Fringe), so apparently if you really love either of those that’s upsetting. It’s also a bit instalovey (ala Roswell).
        I just. WHY. I imagine it as a half hour comedy like 8 Simple Rules only it’s Edward trying to keep Jacob away from Renesme *barfs at how gross that name is*
        Lol. I feel like a jerk going around people’s blog posts and pointing out typos, but…better to tell than not, right?

        • Stephanie Sinclair

          @cynicalsapphire Oh, you mentioned the “I” word! I’m melting!! LOL. I never saw Roswell or Fringe. I may check the show out (but I also said that about Teen Wolf and never watched it, lol). 
          I guess if they do it from the Wolf Pack’s perspective, it *could* be interesting. (Geez did I really just say that?!) But I’m not sure what conflict they would bring in. Throughout the books the only “bad guys” have been the Vultori and after a while it’s going to get old. Fast.
          I like when people tell me! Tell me always! I think faster than I can type. I’m the kind of person who couldn’t survive without spell check. LOL. And sometimes when I’m writing a blog post, I might get an error message saying it couldn’t connect to the proofreader and I’m all, “Waaaaa! What am I to do?!”

        • cynicalsapphire

          @Stephanie Sinclair I don’t really remember the instalove tbh. I think I read that book when I was in the mood for everything that it is, so my review is really inflated and not helpful, as is my memory. I’m not perfect! *weeps* I think the instalove didn’t bother me because I knew it was coming, since the opening scene is like a hundred percent Roswell. There’s kind of a reason for it (basically flattery), but yeah it’s pretty abrupt.
          Getting rid of Edward and Bella could only improve it! I’ll say it that way. Ooh, what if Edward and Bella died in some absurd accident (like put through a woodchipper with diamond cutters or something) and they could sort of make their own plot? That would be awesome.
          Bahaha, I will tell you when I see them! The tricky little bastards are the typos that are still words themselves. The spell check doesn’t tell you! I once turned in a paper that said gong instead of going. EMBARRASSING. I read through that one even, but I still missed it. Oops!

  12. MelanieFoust

    Random Penguin for the win! 
    And an Animal Farm adaptation?  I’m having trouble imagining how that would work..

  13. Michaela Grey

    Hmm.  I wouldn’t have said that Shailene Woodley was capable of being Tris judging from her turn on Secret Life, but after having seen her in The Descendants, I think she might just be able to pull it off!  She’s got a startling toughness to her, but is still able to show a vulnerability that makes you ache for her.
    As far as the Twilight spinoff, well…yeah.  There’s not enough vodka in this world.  ~sob~

  14. Heartless_Lyn

    Random Penguin is random.
    Why can’t the Twilight thing just die off already? I’m not being hateful, but it is done. It is over.  There are so many other awesome books that deserve to get some well earned attention.