Aussie YA Bloggers’ Secret Santa Blog Hop

4 December, 2014 Blog Hops 8 comments


Aussie YA Bloggers – Secret Santa Blog Hop

As part of the Australian YA Bloggers & Readers Secret Santa Blog Hop, we want to know whether you’ve been a good or naughty blogger this year.
This blog hop is for the participants of the Aussie YA Bloggers Secret Santa list to help you find out more about your fellow santas and santees and hopefully find out who your santa is!
Questions: Have you been a good or naughty blogger this year?

Answer: I’ve always been naughty and you guys know it!
1. How are you going with your Goodreads challenge?

I didn’t even SET a Goodreads challenge. That’s how much I knew I was going to fail.
2. How many times did you post per week on average? Do you think you’ll post more/less in the future?

*Weeps silently into a tissue*
3. What is your Netgalley ratio?

Does the word Dismal count as a ration?
4. Have you been commenting on other blogs?

You know, I did for the blog hop but I’ve been kind of sucking at this for, hmmmm, I don’t know. Forever.



5. Did you read mostly review books or non-review books this year?

I mostly read non review books this year.
6. What are your blogging goals for 2015?

Hahahahahaha! Don’t make me laugh. Goals are for people WHO HAVE HOPE!
7. What is your favourite blogging moment/achievement of 2014?

When I went to BEA.
8. Based on your answers above, do you think you’ve been a good or naughty blogger this year?




My Santee has:
1. A Blue and Green Blog
2. Needs to read The Iliad.
3. Doesn’t use the library

Join the Australian YA Bloggers and Readers Goodreads Group today to join in the fun!

Follow the Aussie YA Bloggers Secret Santa blog hop below!

8 Responses to “Aussie YA Bloggers’ Secret Santa Blog Hop”

  1. Jeann @ Happy Indulgence

    HAHAHAH Omg Kat you are so hilarious! I totally laughed when I saw the meme at the bottom LOL. Hey, at least you went to BEA, that is amazing! Remember to add your blog onto the linky!

  2. Joy @ Thoughts By J

    HAHAHAHA it’s ok, I can’t even determine whether I’ve been good or bad. I just said good because I don’t want coal from the blogging gods.

    And I think I know who your Santee is!!! >:D

  3. Kelly

    I prefer to think of it as being a baaaad girl, not just naughty. It makes it sound far sexier.
    Pretty sure dismal isn’t a ratio, unless you use one of these %. I’ll let it slide this time, but you might need to edit that later.

    I have no idea who you ended up drawing, but being the massive sticky nose that I am, I’m going hunting.

    You my dear are fabulous! <3

  4. Melanie (YA Midnight Reads)

    HAH! Well, going to the BEA pretty much covers for everything else. I AM FOREVER ENVIOUS OF ANYONE WHO GOES. I will go there one day…*looks out into the distance longingly*

    Fantastic post, Kat! <33

  5. Angelya

    Onto the naughty list for you! xD Hey, there’s no rules for what or when we read, so you’ve done great 😉 Have a great Christmas Kat!

  6. Rochelle Sharpe

    I love your blog and you always make me laugh!
    You went to BEA which is every bloggers dream so major points there. And you don’t need goals for 2015, just keep doing what you’re doing.