Updating the Comment System

5 December, 2012 Uncategorized 38 comments

This post is totally pointless. Feel free to ignore it. I am just updating the comment system and testing it out. But while I have you here, I’ll ramble a bit about the cool new features. You can now embed You Tube videos, gifs, SoundCloud, Flickr and Insagram photos in your comments. You can tag your buddies via the “@” symbol from Facebook or Twitter so they can join the conversation (conversations from Twitter will not appear on the post, we’ve turned that feature off). We also now have rich-text editing (yay, bold and italics!). You can also edit you comments now. And in case you didn’t know, there is a link-back feature available if you go into your Livefyre account and check the box. It makes it so much easier for us to visit your blogs! You can find out more about the new features here.

Also, I noticed that some people were being sent to spam and not able to comment. That problem has been fixed! If you have any trouble commenting, please tweet me so I can fix it! Thanks!

Tell me what you think of the update. Yay or nay? Test out all the features below.

(Hopefully, installation actually worked. Otherwise this post is really is pointless.)

38 Responses to “Updating the Comment System”

  1. cynicalsapphire

    <img src=http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-Ud3YabOrDww/UBCGFSkxf_I/AAAAAAAAD4I/qAg6QoiV704/s640/ralph-waving-Simpsons-gif.gif>

  2. Fangs4Fantasy

    <b> Pointless comment so I can use SHINY HTML</b>
    And I want to push the button