NaNoWriMo Has Arrived

1 November, 2014 Musing Musers 8 comments

can't dealAs you may or may not know, NaNoWriMo, National Novel Writer’s Month has arrived. It’s that time of year again where I lose the plot and all ability to handle.

NaNoWriMo, known as the most fun you can have while keeping your clothes on and also the most painful thing you can do without winding up with a baby or a kidney stone on your hands.

And every year I do this willingly. NaNoWriMo, if you don’t know, is a commitment to finishing a 50,000 word novel in one month.

So I’m here to give what advice I have learned from participating and winning three years in a row.

1) Write words down

When you’re stuck, which you will be, the best thing you can do is just write words. Any old words. They don’t have to make sense. Look I’m doing it now. Sasquatch marries and violet echidna. See? Don’t you want to read more about that? Works every time. My job here is done.

2) Write Drunk, Edit Sober.

I basically spend 90% of November drunk and you should too! It’s fabulous because everything you write is very funny and covered in puke. This also explains why I’m terrible at editing cause, you know, I have to be sober for that.

3) Images are inspiring

Inspirational images can really help you write or set the mood. I like to use gifs because they help me describe emotions. Also they’re just fun to find and funny to stack up together.

4) Become a reclusive shut in

NaNo is the perfect time to become an asocial asshole who refuses to speak to anyone. Mostly because nobody blames you and they all justify it as some kind of writer’s privilege when really, you’re just an asocial asshole who doesn’t want to speak to anyone. Embrace that.

5) Don’t worry too much

NaNo has this way of making you lose all sense of fun and spirit and it can be truly horrible at times. When that happens sometimes it’s just time to let loose and have some fun. Do something hilarious in your novel. Change things up. Have your characters DO something wacky. But most of all, remember that it’s okay to struggle and find things hard. It’s okay to wonder what you’re doing and to lose all hope. As long as you sit your butt down and keep writing.

You can do it guys!



8 Responses to “NaNoWriMo Has Arrived”

  1. Natalie Monroe

    Ah, November, the bane and light of every aspiring writer’s existence. Not joining this year because college is kicking my ass, but I wish everyone the best of luck!

  2. Kate Copeseeley

    Is that Tobias up there? It looks like Tobias.
    Brilliant post, Kat. Points 1 and 2 are especially true for me, except that I get drunk on chocolate. Which is why I spend the next 3 months desperately hitting the gym, because all I’ve done for a month solid during November is eat chocolate and sit on my butt.

  3. Katie

    Love this post! This is my first time doing NaNoWriMo, and I’m excited, but with a little trepidation as well. These tips actually help take the pressure off, so thank you! Love #3–the perfect gif can make all the difference!!

  4. Kate Copeseeley

    I forgot to add one thing… GET YOURSELF SOME GOOD WRITING MUSIC. This is really what gets my wordcount up. I pick a musical theme and use that to give me inspiration.

  5. Fida

    Thanks for the tips, both in the post and comments. Thank you!

    P.S. I’m surprised I met my goal of the day.

  6. Anya

    Hmmmm, I wonder if the write drunk thing would help my scientific writing…. it might encourage me to do more of it at least 😀