Blog Tour: Echoes of Us by Kat Zhang

17 September, 2014 Blog Tours, Guest Spotlight 0 comments

Kat Zhang

Echoes of Us Blog Tour

We heartily welcome Kat Zhang onto the blog once again. This time with a hilarious guest post about the life of an author on a promotional tour. Told in CATS! Sit back, enjoy, eat your popcorn and get ready to be blasted by some deviously adorable felines!



You’d think that by book three, I’d have a handle on this whole “Book Release” deal. And yet, every year, it catches me off guard. About two months out, you feel like you’ve got the whole thing handled, no problem.

As that two month mark inches toward the one month mark, things start feeling a bit less…up. Why did you commit to so many things again?

And of course all the family emergencies start happening. Your hamster gets hemorrhoids. Your best friend discovers a deathly allergic to cucumbers. You suddenly need to fly cross-county as your sister gives birth to quintuplets!

…and of course, there’s always that next book that needs writing.

The work load gets a bit…crushing.

Then the real crazy starts. Blog posts to write! Tweets to tweet! Events to set up! You start remembering why you signed up to be a writer and not a politician…

But it’s okay! You’ve got this! You’ve got this!

Show up to that launch party! Give them your best face! You’re a writer, damn it!

Of course, any public event is just another opportunity to make a fool of yourself…

…which you will do. In loads.

kitty jumping

But things will still be way more fun than you ever imagined.

And once it’s all over, you can take a deep breath and know you’ve done it! You’ve launched another book!

…Now you go get some well-earned sleep.

…and by “you,” I mean “me” 😉

(And remember, you writer, you. You’re not alone!)

…one last gif I couldn’t fit in, but needed to include:


Echoes of Us (Hybrid Chronicles #3) by Kat Zhang

Goodreads | Amazon | B&N

All Eva ever wanted was the chance to be herself. But in the Americas, to be hybrid—to share your body with a second soul—is not tolerated past childhood. Now Eva and Addie, her sister soul, are constantly on the move, hiding from the officials who seek to capture them. But the tide is changing. A revolution is brewing, and people are starting to question the hybrids’ mistreatment.

Then Marion, an ambitious reporter, offers Eva and Addie a daring proposal: If they go undercover and film the wretched conditions of a hybrid institution, she will not only rescue them, she’ll find a way to free Jackson, the boy Addie loves. It’s risky, and Eva will have to leave Ryan and her friends behind, but if she succeeds, it could also tip the scales forever and lead to hybrid freedom.

As Eva and Addie walk into danger, they cling to each other and the hope of a better future. But the price they might pay is higher than they ever could have imagined.



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