17 Responses to “Hopeless Book Buying”

  1. Librarian Lavender

    I love your hard cover books, they’re so great! I also buy books I probably can’t read, because I have to many. Maybe you’ll be able to read the books you think you’re not going to read, there should be a challenge ;).
    I also love your My Little Pony collection, so cute!

  2. Literoses Ali

    My book store just had a half price sale, on all the books that were already reduced. I, sadly, have purchased over 70 books in the last 3 weeks. This is about a years worth of books for me. Most of them I have never even heard of, or are some part of a series (in which I will need to purchase the start). I don’t know what I was thinking. I feel your pain Kat!

  3. Rachel

    We kind of talked about this yesterday, but I am so there with you. I haven’t purchased any books that I’m not going to read in a longggg time, but I have all these books that I bought when I was in high school that I’m trying to read now and I’m like WHAT WAS I THINKING?!? I feel super guilty not reading them because I spent the money on them, hence why I’m trying to change that. Buying books is such an addiction, though.

  4. Kate Copeseeley

    I buy a ton of books I don’t read. That never stops me. If you lived closer, I would just drive to your house and pick up some of those fab MG books, because I love reading MG. (So you should immediately move to California so I can drive to your house and steal books from you. hahaha)

  5. Lynn M

    I buy books that I probably will never read, but when I bought them, I expected that I would. I’ve never bought a book that I knew I would never read. I have, however, bought multiple copies of books but usually because I didn’t realize I already had a copy! I have an app on my phone where I log all of my books and I try really hard to keep it up to date so that I can check before buying anything. Nowadays, I try really hard to buy books either on sale as ebooks or when they are at their lowest possible price, so I don’t feel quite as guilty if I never get around to reading them.

  6. Kiersten @ We Live and Breathe Books

    I DEFINITELY have this problem but in a way less obvious way: I buy Kindle books nonstop. Maybe it’s that they just seem so affordable at the time, maybe it’s that I only have to click a button to purchase it, maybe it’s because it doesn’t take up physical space in my home – who knows! I mean, I plan to read them… someday… but know knows when that day will actually come.

  7. Fangs for the Fantasy

    I find ebooks are terrible for this – it’s just sooooooooooooooo easy to click that buy link. that little buy link. One more won’t hurt, will it? Of course I’m going to read 8,000 books this week? At least they’re not physical and drowning.

    And there’s a reason why I can’t be allowed near sites like Netgalley without a chaperone.

    Worse, there’s then the Steam summer sale. Do i have time to play 300 computer games? nooooope. Will that stop me buying them? Nooooope

    And then you’ve got that weird thing of feeling GUILTY for not reading ALL the books and not playing ALL the games, right now. GUILTY to things I have BOUGHT for neglecting them

    At least I kind of think I would read/play them one day. Honest. You are even worse than me!

    • Ani

      I have this same problem with how dangerously easy it is to buy e-books, especially with Amazon Kindle books. I probably check my wishlists every day to see if any of the books I’m interested in have dropped in pricing. And for some reason, my logic is “Oh, this book was $9.99 and now it’s $1.99. I should just buy it even if I don’t read it right away!” So now I’ve got about ten of those books just sitting there. But, you know, I can access my e-book libraries anywhere so long as there’s internet, so that means I’ll actually have a chance to read those books… right?

      Says me who just went out and bought a bunch of used paperbacks at a warehouse sale event.

  8. Denai

    I mostly have problems with buying books ar second hand book stores or when Borders went out of business in Adelaide. I have so many books from that and I will probably never read them and yet they sit on my to-be-read shelf.

  9. Ani

    At least 70% of my bookshelf (paperbacks, hardback, e-books) have not been read. And I just splurged at a used book store warehouse sale and bought about 15 new paperbacks that I may or may not read. I feel your pain.

    And then I have a handful of books that I bought because the cover was pretty or “Ooh, I heard this author was good!” But I’ll probably never read them. I already have a pile of “I should probably donate these to the library or try to resell them at a used book store.” But that pile is just sitting there on my floor, really… it’s been about two months.

  10. SunnysDelight

    Kat – you should start a Little Free Library http://littlefreelibrary.org/ – it’s type of little box with books that you put outside your home or in a public place. People can take books, leave books, etc. There are thousands of them around the world. It’s a great way to share the extra copies you have of books that you think others would love. Plus, it’s just fun.

  11. Bonnie @ A Backwards Story

    I buy books with the INTENT to read them, but it doesn’t always happen. Or buy a book I loved b/c I loved it, even though I may not read it again. Sometimes I buy bargain books b/c I’ve wanted to read the book SOMEDAY. Will I? IDK! Although when I see a book super cheap later that I didn’t wait to buy that I STILL haven’t read, I do kick myself!

  12. Manda

    When I moved house I had 170 books on my shelves I hadn’t read.

    That number has only grown.

  13. Ashley P.

    My library has a book sale once a year where all the paperbacks are a quarter and I might buy enough to last me an entire year. Not to mention yard sales and the ones people give me because they know I read a lot. I have two bookshelves full of books and about 75% of them are ones I’ve not read yet.