Review: One Man Guy by Michael Barakiva

10 June, 2014 Reviews 7 comments

The only thing you need to know about this book is that it is adorbs. Totally, utterly, sweetly adorable. It will give you all the cute feelings and make you want to hug both protagonists. Anyone who doesn’t agree?

Anybody who doesn’t finish this book wanting to hug everyone involved has no soul. NO SOUL, I SAY!

Do I still have to review the rest of it? I do? Okay. Fine. The writing was fairly good. There were a few times where the characters were stuck having conversations that clearly became lectures from an author mouthpiece. But, you know what? I don’t even care because: adorbs.

The relationship between Aleks and Ethan was intensely sweet and surprisingly physical given the age of our protagonist. And by physical, I mean, I had to stop a couple of times to swoon.

It’s the characters, though, the whole range of them, that’s going to make you love this book. From Aleks himself who is brilliantly written in a teenage voice, to his parents and brother and Ethan himself. I love them all. I just want to HUG them all. Awkwardly. For an indecent amount of time.


The richest part of the story is Alek’s Armenian heritage and the foods that are richly described in the story. We actually went to an Armenian restaurant that evening to eat the food because it was described so beautifully in the book.

There’s not much more to say. This book is perfect if you’re in the mood for lighthearted fun and a sweet story.

7 Responses to “Review: One Man Guy by Michael Barakiva”

  1. Jen B.

    You got me to click on the link and read the whole review and now I’m adding it to my Amazon cart. Great review!

  2. Laura Plus Books

    You have definitely convinced me! I want to experience this feeling of wanting to hug everyone. I’ve been intrigued by this book for awhile now so hopefully I can get to it as soon as possible. Lovely review!