Review: The 5th Wave by Rick Yancey

17 May, 2013 Reviews 22 comments

Attention Mister Rick Yancey,

I have kidnapped your review.  Your review is not harmed and shall be released as soon as you meet my demands.

In exchange for giving you back your review, which I am prepared to do, you will first need to provide for me:

1 copy of The 5th Wave #2 – undamaged, complete, unmarked (except for your signature or a stylized message to me).

This copy of The 5th Wave #2 must also contain certain characters unharmed and ready for me to snuggle them in my imagination.

Characters include:

Cassie – Because she’s badass

Zombie – Because he’s adorable.

Nugget – Don’t ever even think about hurting him.

Ringer – She is my hero.

The Silencer (I won’t mention its real name here so as not to spoil) – This character is essential.  Failure to provide this character will result in immediate disposal of your review.  I’m not even kidding.

Please leave my requested item in my PO Box.  Do not call the police – they can’t help you for I am no longer human at this point but a starved, ghost-like creature dependent on my next hit of The 5th Wave lest I waste away.  If I see that you have called the police (or the next best thing, your publisher) then you will leave me with no choice but to kill the review.

I’m sorry it had to come to this, Mister Yancey.  I had hoped that we could come to some kind of reasonable arrangement.  But you had to go and write a wonderful book and the next one is not due for publication until August 2014.  August 2014?  Now do you see how you have pushed me into a corner here?  I’m an every day hero, doing what I must to survive.

Once my demands are met, I will upload the review as promised.  Think about this, Yancey.  Nobody needs to get hurt here.  We can all win.


Kat Kennedy

22 Responses to “Review: The 5th Wave by Rick Yancey”

  1. Oh, Chrys!

    This is such a terrifying situation. I hope this obsessive kidnapper gets her demands met. Oh, Mr. Yancey! Please do something! :O

  2. cynicalsapphire

    Bahahahaha, I’m glad you loved this one Kat! Obviously the characters really got into your heart, and that’s the best.

  3. jessilyn027

    Love this!! Yes, Mr. Yancey please do or we may all go insane!!

  4. Zoe from Bookhi

    I just finished reading this yesterday and OH WOW. IT IS SO GOOD! The characters and writing are wonderful and I was hooked for the whole time. I can’t wait for the sequel. I’m glad you enjoyed it too – I don’t think I’ve heard one negative thing about this book. Great review! 🙂
    Zoe @ Bookhi

  5. Library Girl

    I am glad you wrote this. I feel exactly the same!! Silencer must live!

  6. Stephanie

    I finished this book this morning and needless to say, I’m bringing my duct tape and taser to you for aid in your kidnapping. All I know is that if Rick doesn’t produce that silencer in book two, there’s going be a 6th Wave on his ass.

  7. Neill

    Actually I’m logged in- in my eagerness I hit,the wrong button . Thank you for an amazing review -I will buy the book immediately. Please continue to Mr. Yancey re: his temporal responsibility to us needy booklovers. I remain your obedient servant, Neill.

  8. KKTrotter

    I love this letter. It makes me excited to read the book 🙂

  9. Wendy Darling

    Now we just have to get Steph to read this! I’m thrilled that you liked the book enough to hold your review for ransom.

  10. ReemAdelEid

    I love this review! Can I join in your scheme? I’ll bring cookies and tea, real kidnapper style. I actually ordered the 5th wave right after I saw Wendy Darling’s review. A comparison to the hunger games? Count me in!! I can’t wait to read the book now 😀

  11. ReemAdelEid

    I love this review! Can I join in your scheme? I’ll bring cookies and tea, real kidnapper style. I actually ordered the 5th wave right after I saw Wendy Darling’s review. A comparison to the hunger games? Count me in!! I can’t wait to read the book now 😀

  12. Kamla L,

    LOVE THIS!  I don’t even bother flipping through Netflix so much anymore.  I mean, why bother???  when I can get my entertainment fix and a good dose of chuckles just by visiting Cuddlebuggery.  I’m dying to read The 5th Wave.  Even without having read it I’m already waiting on the movie. The trailer is awesome!!

  13. Allie Christo

    I’ve just finished reading this book and it was amazing. Capital A and everything! I’m glad you thought it was awesome enough to hold your review for ransom haha. Definitely one of the best books of 2013 in my opinion!!

  14. AmandaJohnson5

    I just finished this one and my mind is completely blown. I’m not sure how I will be able to function without it.
    I was searching for the release date of the second one and I am just heart broken. However, this review (or nonreview) had me cracking up. I then saw the author’s reply and just about wet my pants!
    I can’t wait! No, seriously, I can’t wait.

  15. Palindrome

    I found this book at a store about two weeks ago. Read about 20 pages, then we left with it. Stuffed it in my bookshelf until yesterday, when I finished it. Definitely a great book, and deliciously sophisticated. Good plot, good drama, not too crazy. And original. But it ended way too fast. Can’t wait for the second book!

  16. Morrigan Alexandros

    Great review. I have similar feelings. I want book 2 NOW.