Buzz Worthy News: 18th March 2013

18 March, 2013 Buzz Worthy News 26 comments

BWNBuzz Worthy News

This week in Buzz Worthy News: Google kills the Google Reader – internet hasn’t been this dismayed since the death and rebirth of the twinkie, an 11 year old is publishing her first book, did anyone else ever think Game of Thrones would be perfect if it were set in high school? And controversy got the blogger world all riled up!  All this and more, waiting for you to check it out!

Buzz Worthy News is Cuddlebuggery’s weekly news post bringing you all the best information about the book and blogging world, particularly for the venn diagram of people who overlap between the two.  For new releases and cover reveals of all the best Young Adult fiction, check out our Sunday post: How New Titles.


 GoogleReaderRIP Google Reader

Ah!  Google Reader!  Remember how useful you were before Google ripped out all your features to try and push people toward using Google+?  Well, I don’t because I never used it, but I guess so since a petition to save it passed over 100,000 signatures.   The mad scramble for an alternative has begun, now that it’s imminent death in July has been announced. Alternatives are being tested by the masses looking for an alternative – many providing bitter, bitter disappointed.

But Digg has come out to announce that it plans to release a new reader:

We hope to identify and rebuild the best of Google Reader’s features (including its API), but also advance them to fit the Internet of 2013, where networks and communities like Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit and Hacker News offer powerful but often overwhelming signals as to what’s interesting. Don’t get us wrong: we don’t expect this to be a trivial undertaking. But we’re confident we can cook up a worthy successor. SOURCE

Wait… I thought Digg was dead?  I don’t remember.  I was too busy tooling around on reddit.  This is totally book news, by the way.  I don’t know why.  I just felt like putting it here.


cryingAn 11 Year Old is Publishing a Book

Cue my incessant weeping.  No, really, I’m so proud of this little girl.  Not only did she write what looks like a kick-ass book (The Clown That Lost His Funny! I challenge you not to AWWWWWwwwwwww!) But she launched a Kickstarter to help, which has already raised $5,500 toward that venture!  An amazing achievement for someone of her age.

“Hairy the Clown loves his job at the circus. But one day, something tragic happens and he ends up losing his ability to be funny. He’s forced to get a job he doesn’t like. What happens next is really cool.”

Go for it, Lauren!  Fulfill your dream!  Run toward it with all the wild abandon of youth!  If you need me I’ll just be over here in the corner.  It’s totally water in my glass that I’m drinking.


Game of ThonesGame of Thrones in High School is the Best Idea Ever

There’s this little thing that’s been doing the rounds around TV lately called Game of Thrones.  Something about Starks and Lanisters and a winter that’s apparently coming and all I know is that Jason Mamoa spends a sufficient amount of time shirtless:

And I want to punch this kid in the face even though I have NO IDEA who he is:


I just… really need to punch him.

But, regardless of how little I know of the series, this webshow looks freakin’ badass!  Although, Prom Night is coming?  C’mon!  Everyone knows that nobody who’s anybody goes to Prom!

Check out the first episode here:



 peasantsAmazon stars a new Imprint

Amazon stated a new imprint.  Yey!  What can I say?  It’s a slow news week.

Day One is a digital-only series within Little A that is focused on short stories from debut writers and is available in North America and in the U.K. The first title, Kodi Scheer’s, haunting, fabulist “When a Camel Breaks Your Heart” was released on February 5, 2013. On March 19, Day One will release “Monster” by McSweeney’s contributor Bridget Clerkin, in which a woman struggles to keep her dysfunctional family together amid unsettling events–the family dog goes missing and an unidentified, mysterious animal corpse washes up on the beach.

But get this, right? They’re publishing James Franco.


I ask you this, Amazon, isn’t his blog on HuffPo bad enough?!



 Theo JamesFour Has Been Cast You May Proceed to Fangirl

Did you hear some kind of loud, incessant squealing at some point this week and wonder what caused it?  It may have been the news that Theo James was cast as Four in Divergent.

Here’s a picture of him naked in the bathroom.  You’re welcome.


Here’s more about it:

As a fan of Divergent, I am thrilled to have been chosen for the role of Four and to be a part of such a phenomenal story,” James told Entertainment Weekly. “As an actor, I am excited to explore and play this incredibly complex and mysterious character. Director Neil Berger is a remarkably visionary filmmaker. Along with the incredibly talented Shailene Woodley, we are looking forward to the fantastic adventure of bringing this beloved book to life on the big screen for all the fans.”

Four’s casting wasn’t the only one announced this week – though the other’s don’t necessarily look as good naked in a bathtub.  Other casting announcements are:

James’ casting is the latest in a slew of announcements this week. Jai Courtney will play Eric (Divergent leader), Maggie Q will play Tori (the tattoo artist), Zoe Kravitz will play Christina (Tris’ eventual friend), and Ansel Elgort will play Caleb (Tris’ brother). Shailene Woodley will play Tris. Kate Winslet will play Jeanie Matthews, the leader of the Erudite faction.


Did you hear what she just said?  “There’s no way he looks better in a bath than me!”



Hahahahahaha! I love coming up with corny titles. Anywho, it went down like this.  Jennifer Rush has been getting some negative reviews of her book, Altered.  To blow off some steam, she wrote this blogpost:

Jennifer Rush

Mike Mullin wrote a blog post about it here because he kind of seemed less than impressed with the whole endeavor.  The post was later deleted and Rush crafted this apology clarifying post.

How To Know When To Get Off The Internet

So another blog who does a news feature not unlike this one was posting about some random stuff a random author did.

“Lloyd Lofthouse who tracked down a reviewer who gave him a negative feedback on a review he posted. He was so incensed by this he then tracked down the reviewer’s workplace.”  –SOURCE

You know, usual crazy shit that some authors are prone to doing these days and the fact that we’re used to it shows how far we’ve fallen, people!


But then the author decided to clarify and explain his very reasonable and logical position, as well as correct a few misconceptions.  All of which he managed to do without making himself look like a flaming bag of turds.  Hahah!  Nah, you know I’m just messing with you.



I checked WebMD, author-dude, and the diagnonsense wasn’t good.  Special Snowflake Syndrome – Recommended cure is to immediately close all browsers.  Besides, everyone knows that Anna Karenina isn’t a real person!  Rather the Spirit of Hilarious Chaos that manifested as a result of humanity’s collective need to mock.

26 Responses to “Buzz Worthy News: 18th March 2013”

  1. Fangs4Fantasy

    Google reader… google reader… how… no…
    NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! There are not enough dramatic macros in the world!
     Everyone needs to punch Joffrey. Tyrion slapping him is
    my valium, my vodka and better than 10 years of therapy. Give me a moment, I’m
    going to watch it again. And I am disturbed that their Stannis is, indeed,
    totally adorable.
    More casting needs to be accompanied with naked in the bath pics
     Oh Jennifer Rush “lots of people tell you not to read
    reviews, but you’re probably silly like me and totally ignore them. So allow me
    now to show you why you shouldn’t read reviews – because you will be tempted to
    write a post like this one and be roundly mocked across the internet and back
    again until you are abandoned in a damp, dark cave full of flatulent trolls –
    the STGRB team”. Thank you for providing us with an object lesson and throwing
    yourself on this grenade as an example and warning for all, Ms. Rush. Now I
    have to go polish my extremely big horns (wasn’t meant as an innuendo, honest)
     Lloyd Lofthouse – in case we haven’t learned the lesson
    from Ms. Rush’s sacrifice, here is Lloyd, busily destroying his career and
    racking up a criminal record for stalking to really drive the lesson home: DON’T
    READ NEGATIVE REVIEWS, especially if you have delicate little fee-fees. It’s a
    comment on how bad this has become that I’m not even shocked by this.
     Now I’m going to watch Joffrey get slapped some more.

  2. Fangs4Fantasy

    Google reader… google reader… how… no…
    NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! There are not enough dramatic macros in the world!
     Everyone needs to punch Joffrey. Tyrion slapping him is
    my valium, my vodka and better than 10 years of therapy. Give me a moment, I’m
    going to watch it again. And I am disturbed that their Stannis is, indeed,
    totally adorable.
    More casting needs to be accompanied with naked in the bath pics
     Oh Jennifer Rush “lots of people tell you not to read
    reviews, but you’re probably silly like me and totally ignore them. So allow me
    now to show you why you shouldn’t read reviews – because you will be tempted to
    write a post like this one and be roundly mocked across the internet and back
    again until you are abandoned in a damp, dark cave full of flatulent trolls –
    the STGRB team”. Thank you for providing us with an object lesson and throwing
    yourself on this grenade as an example and warning for all, Ms. Rush. Now I
    have to go polish my extremely big horns (wasn’t meant as an innuendo, honest)
     Lloyd Lofthouse – in case we haven’t learned the lesson
    from Ms. Rush’s sacrifice, here is Lloyd, busily destroying his career and
    racking up a criminal record for stalking to really drive the lesson home: DON’T
    READ NEGATIVE REVIEWS, especially if you have delicate little fee-fees. It’s a
    comment on how bad this has become that I’m not even shocked by this.
     Now I’m going to watch Joffrey get slapped some more.

  3. Annie J

    Google Reader is totally buzz worthy news and completely disappointing.  I’m in my reader every day!!!!!  but feedly is apparently the next best thing so.
    Also there was a Veronica Mars movie.  Which was never a book so it doesn’t really fit in book news except that Veronica Mars is awesome.

  4. parajunkee

    I’m speechless. I’m sometimes stumped by bath pictures — oh and people that think because someone gives them a critique they are haters. That just makes me do a WTF, even with pictures. Because frankly, I really don’t think bad sketches make everything better. I guess Jennifer Rush subscribes to the same principal  — everyone is laughing at your outfit because they are jealous, not because you wore your underwear over your jeans. And I totally agree with you – the fact that we aren’t freaking out about the stupid shit authors are doing…because we’ve gotten used to it is appalling. But, as my granny always says, “you can’t fix stupid.” And unfortunately, just because someone might be a published author, doesn’t mean they are socially adept…and have any better way of dealing with things. In fact most of them are socially awkward shut-ins– why they spend their days writing about the world instead of living in it. Just MHO though, coming from one socially awkward shut-in to another…

  5. Ashleigh Paige

    Were I still going to be around in July, I would be MASSIVELY upset by Google Reader getting retired. So many readers are mobilizing that I’m wondering if they might decide to reinstate it after all. They say it’s declining, but they HAVE to think about keeping it if there’s enough interest.

    Oh, James Franco. Just no. That’s all I have to say about him.

    The whole thing with Jennifer Rush disappointed me because it was so obviously a bad idea to begin with, but she went with it anyway. If I ever write a post as an author about negative reviews, it will only be to say “thank you” to everyone who has the balls/vagina to write them. Heck, I might be to scared to post even that. On the bright side, her showing her bare buttocks to the entirety of the Internet won’t stop me from laughing at the duck face on the cover of her second book. Quack quack.

      • Ashleigh Paige

        Kate C. I have next to no time to myself right now because both blogging and college are EXTREMELY busy this semester. As I saw once I arranged my schedule for next semester, it’s only going to get worse. I’ve cut out everything else that eats up my time and blogging is all that’s left. I’ve mentioned it once or twice on my blog and Goodreads. I want to keep going, but I’ve figured out this semester that there’s no way I’ll be able to balance it with next semester’s work. 🙁

        • Kara_M

          Ashleigh Paige Kate C. But you’ll be back after that hellish semester is over, right?

        • Ashleigh Paige

          Kara_M  Kate C. Well… I want to come back after next semester, but it doesn’t seem likely right now. The way things are looking right now, each semester is going to be tougher than the last until I graduate–and then I’ll be applying to grad school. I have almost no time for myself at present and that’s something I desperately need. We’ll see, but the answer is leaning toward no. 🙁

        • Ashleigh Paige

          Kara_M  Kate C. Well… I want to come back after next semester, but it doesn’t seem likely right now. The way things are looking right now, each semester is going to be tougher than the last until I graduate–and then I’ll be applying to grad school. I have almost no time for myself at present and that’s something I desperately need. We’ll see, but the answer is leaning toward no. 🙁

  6. Ashleigh Paige

    Were I still going to be around in July, I would be MASSIVELY upset by Google Reader getting retired. So many readers are mobilizing that I’m wondering if they might decide to reinstate it after all. They say it’s declining, but they HAVE to think about keeping it if there’s enough interest.

    Oh, James Franco. Just no. That’s all I have to say about him.

    The whole thing with Jennifer Rush disappointed me because it was so obviously a bad idea to begin with, but she went with it anyway. If I ever write a post as an author about negative reviews, it will only be to say “thank you” to everyone who has the balls/vagina to write them. Heck, I might be to scared to post even that. On the bright side, her showing her bare buttocks to the entirety of the Internet won’t stop me from laughing at the duck face on the cover of her second book. Quack quack.

  7. aprilmom00

    Yeah for the casting of Four
    Let be honest ..I am not hater in anyway , but come on I actually liked the book. I guess it sucks to me for reviewing the book. I think is another edition of authors behaving badly over negative reviews. I heard about this going down on twitter 🙁 
    Sad about Google reader

  8. Kate C.

    That video “Prom is coming…”  I think I may be growing out of YA stuff, because I just had a massive eyeroll when I watched it.  Not my thing.
    I still think that the “I hate everything” monster is the funniest picture I’ve ever seen.  Every time I see it I crack up.
    I read about that little girl and her Kickstarter project last week when I was all aflutter over Veronica Mars becoming a MOVIE.  *squeal*  I’m so glad she raised the money she wanted!  This why self-publishing is so awesome!  I know, I know, it never stops from me.  🙂

  9. cynicalsapphire

    Google Reader: I’m using Feedly and I miss Google Reader for the most part, though Feedly with my limited understanding of its functionality does force me to be better about commenting. Is Digg something I should have heard of?
    11: Umm, that clown is horrifying. I say that as someone not always horrified by clowns.
    School of Thrones: Chicka-what? That girl looks a little like Lydia? Is she? *squints*
    Amazon’s new imprint: I may never have loled so hard at CB typos. You try twice to spell start. Results: stars, stated. LOL.
    Four: He still looks like he’s in his thirties.
    Jennifer Rush: She tries to play it off as a reaction to any bullying. No. The post makes it pretty clear. Also, if it’s about bullying. Why bully curly-haired people in that last pic? WE CAN’T HELP THE FRIZZIES.

    • Kara_M

      cynicalsapphire Right? She even specifically stated in the blog post it was about mean reviews and comments. DO you think we’re stupid? PLEASE. Hello, backtracking.

  10. Wendy Darling

    Why do they keep casting people who are so much older than these characters? Fine if they actually looked that age, but man–I thought Pamuk’s hairline worked against him even in Downton Abbey.
    Don’t even get me started on the Jenn Rush fiasco. It may not be a horrific author meltdown, but those are incredibly childish, unprofessional, petty actions. Poor judgment and even worse common sense.

  11. draconismoi

    School of Thrones is glorious in ways that I cannot describe!
    And yes. Sansa was Lydia in a past life. Sadly her taste in men has not improved.

  12. mahala

    I notice that Rush used the word ‘if’ when posting her apology. If? I’m pretty sure she knows she offended people since she took down her original post and turned off comments on the follow up. If you don’t want to apologize, don’t. Just don’t post a half-assed apology and think people are stupid enough to believe you.

    • Kara_M

      @mahala Agreed. That was no apology. She didn’t even apologize for writing the post. She just apologized “IF” she offended someone. Well yeah. You offended me bigtime.

  13. EscapeInABook

    I am so over Google Reader after a short time transitioning to Feedly.  Just now Feedly magically transported me by unicorn no less, she was so pretty with her diamond sparkling purple hair(!). We went galloping over a beautiful rainbow and when we came to the rainbows end we discovered was no pot of gold, no there was something much better it was the lovely cosy, blog that is known as Cuddlebuggery. how’s that for a sales pitch for Feedly? 😉

  14. SnugglyOranges

    School of Thrones may be one of the most hilarious things I’ve ever seen, hahahaa, thanks so much for putting that out there 😀
    I literally just started using Google Reader last week. Sigh. Time to find an alternative, but a lot of people have been posting about the different options out there. For now I’m still using Google Reader and I’m kind of looking into Bloglovin.

  15. SnugglyOranges

    School of Thrones may be one of the most hilarious things I’ve ever seen, hahahaa, thanks so much for putting that out there 😀
    I literally just started using Google Reader last week. Sigh. Time to find an alternative, but a lot of people have been posting about the different options out there. For now I’m still using Google Reader and I’m kind of looking into Bloglovin.

  16. Aj M

    Hi Congratulations!  I have nominated you for Liebster Award!  Please visit this link:

  17. Aj M

    Hi Congratulations!  I have nominated you for Liebster Award!  Please visit this link:

  18. sazbah

    AHAHAHA! I can’t stop giggling at the angry kitty picture. So cute and snarly… *pets*