Review: The Lost Prince by Julie Kagawa

13 November, 2012 Reviews 10 comments

This novel is one of Julie’s books that will have you demanding for the second one as soon as you finish your read.

Look, last time I knew Ethan he was a five years old.  Please tell me I’m not the only one conflicted about the boy on the cover!   I almost didn’t want to read this book because I kept expecting Chris Hansen to come in and tell me to take a seat.

Then I’d be like, “I swear!  He’s sixteen!  I just READ about him when he was five!  He’s totally of age now!”

Then I’d cry dramatically JUST like this.

But, facts are facts, folks.  Ethan’s aged like a fine brandy if brandy had washboard abs and a butt built for spanking.  AAAAAAaaaaaannndd, I just reached my creepy quota for the review.  Wow.  That didn’t take long.

So Ethan meets up with Love-Interest while trying to avoid the Fae working their darndest to ruin his life.  To save his and the Love-Interest’s life they escape into Fairyland to track down his sister and solve the mystery and try to save the world.

More Facts: you don’t need to have read the Iron Fey series to read this book.  There’s enough back history and explanatory exposition to make it through. I certainly haven’t read The Iron Fey series and I managed to enjoy this one as a standalone.

Like angst?  Ethan’s your main dude.  Seriously.  Kid could bottle that stuff.  I’m sure there’s a roaring trade in teenage self-pity tears.  But he’s balanced out so nicely with Kenzie who would, by herself, be kind of a meh character.  I might have found them both insufferable frustrating except they seemed to bring out the best in each other.  So if teenage hot boy angst is your thing – hit this one up!  It has it in spades.

Other than that you have all your old friends back.  Meghan, Ash, Grimalkin, Puck et all and then you have some newer ones and then you have a pretty decent and solid mystery/action story going on.

Julie Kagawa’s come along way since the first novel of hers that I read, The Iron King. I didn’t get bored, kept eye rolling to a minimum and largely enjoyed the narrative.

There’s one young man in the book though, I won’t mention who he is.  But I will say this: Son. SON! Don’t go breaking our hearts, m’kay?  You’ve reduced me to quoting Elton John here.  It doesn’t get more serious than this.


So, over all summation is that I want to hunt down the Iron Fey series and read that.  Then I want to hunt down the novellas and read them.  Then I want to start badgering the Harlequin Teen’s publicist to put me on the list for the next one.  I’d say that’s a ringing endorsement.  Wouldn’t you?

10 Responses to “Review: The Lost Prince by Julie Kagawa”

  1. mariecarmela_ocampu

    We have the same rating in mind…a hundred pages more and I’m done. 😀

  2. cynicalsapphire

    Is sixteen of age in Australia? Because it’s still hands off in America. O__O That is pretty awkward. Kind of like the Star Wars prequels where Padme’s all “oh hey baby Annikin”
    You’ve made me curious. I hated the Iron Fey, but I like what you said about the MCs bringing out the best in one another. I also want to know about the dude who inspires Elton John.

    • KatKennedy

      @cynicalsapphire Yup!  16 is the legal age.  Ugh… Annikin and Padme.

  3. Kate C.

    Maybe the fourth book in the Iron Fey killed my love for the series, because I’m finding myself very MEH about the whole idea of Ethan having a story.  *shrugs*

  4. VeganYANerds

    I enjoyed this for the most part too, apart from Ethan – ha! He was a bit over the top with all his moodiness but you’re right about Kenzie balancing him out – I’m glad she was around!