Review: Hemlock by Kathleen Peacock

3 June, 2012 Reviews 7 comments

This is the perfect book for fans of Vampire Diaries or soap operas.  If that’s your thing, then this will be YOUR thing.  I mean, in a big way.  You’ll probably jizz yourself and explode in an apoplexy of  fan squees.

It’s not that there wasn’t a plot, but it was suffocating under a barrage of heavy, thick, awkward romances.  Like that guy who was really into you but also really into mouth-breathing and you weren’t sure if his hands were always wet because he was nervous or he’d just been to the bathroom.

There weren’t any serious issues with the actual technical writing.  Peacock is reasonably proficient at expressing herself and conveying emotions in prose.  I enjoyed the varied relationships that existed between several characters – to a degree.

My main issue was that as much as I generally liked each character individually, together as a group and the ties that bound them were shallow, simplistic and juvenile.

When writing, if you feel the need for your narrator to express how similar their life is to a CW program, then there’s your first sign that you may be doing it wrong.  And if, at any time, all the problems in your fictional world extend from the fact that people just love the main protagonist TOO much, then there’s your second sign.

The last sign is when your characters spend comparable amounts of time agonizing over their relationships and angst, as would a soap opera.

Over all, it was a light, interesting read.   If you’re into wangst, love triangles and paranormal YA’s then give it a go.  If the combination of those three together creeps you out as much as your great Uncle Harvey, then give it a miss for your own sake.

7 Responses to “Review: Hemlock by Kathleen Peacock”

  1. Kara @ Great Imaginations

    I guess I better read it since I love The Vampire Diaries. But if you are wrong and I hate it, I am coming after you!! I’m not really a fan of love triangles, unless, UNLESS, they are done well. I think TVD is. So I’ll try this. I bought it already so I kinda have to.

  2. Ashleigh

    I saw this in the store just yesterday. Definitely glad I skipped it! I can’t stand the Vampire Diaries show and wouldn’t like reading the same basic stuff in book form.

    (But I do love the Vampire Diaries books, largely due to nostalgia. I prefer Elena’s mean-girl personality from the books to what she has in the show. It’s hard to find books with mean-girl main characters and I usually enjoy them when I do.)

  3. Katie @ BlookGirl

    I confess, I loved Hemlock and gave it 5 stars ::ducks:: It is SO interesting to read opposing points-of-view, though, because you usually start thinking about things a bit differently.

    I can see what you mean about liking each character individually, but not so much when they were together. I am certainly intrigued to see what happens next.

    I’m bummed that you didn’t love it as much as I did, but I’m glad you read it! 🙂

  4. Nina

    I actually really liked Hemlock, and thought it was one of the better YA werewolf stories I’ve read. I do agree about it being weird just how much everyone liked/loved/protected the main character while she herself felt like she was completely worthless and unloved, but other than that I had no problems with the characters:)

  5. Lexie B.

    Blah. Sorry you weren’t wild about this one. I think I still want to try it, because I like the concept and Kathleen Peackock is lovely, but I can definitely see why you were meh on it. I feel like authors often have their characters point out how similar their life is to a book or movie as a way of diverting the reader’s attention from the fact that their plots are ridiculously shallow and drama-filled. “Oh, but see, we recognize this, so it’s okay!”

  6. Reut

    The beginning of this review was hilarious. I’m sorry to hear that it was too bogged down by romance, gah. I’ll be reading it soon and will see.