TV Recap: The 100 – DNR, 4×09 | Cuddlebuggery Book Blog
Hello friends! I apologize for the delay in getting this up. I would say I was busy but mostly I really didn't feel like rewatching this episode or talking about it. To be fair to DNR, it wasn't a spectacularly bad episode. It was, however, a bit of a blah episode (highly technical industry term, trust me I'm a doctor) coming off of a three week break that left me a lot of time to sit and stew about how much I really, really, really do not like season four. Season four has been like a Michael Bay movie. Tons of action, lots of plot, lots of characters running around in service to the plot with little to no internal characterization of their own unless it's incredibly basic and shallow, no actual progress of any kind really at all. Seriously, guys, think about it. Who are these people at this point? What are they doing? Why are they doing it? Why should I care? What does any of it matter when it's just going to get reset if not by the end of the episode, by the end of the next one? I