TV Recap: The 100 – The Tinder Box, 405 | Cuddlebuggery Book Blog
"There goes 5 episodes of my plot development" - Clarke, probably What what what whaaaaaaat? What even was that episode you guys? Bananas, that's what. I don't know if you're new here or if you've known all along but for all of its grim, life or death shenanigans, The 100 is, at its heart, a completely nonsense show in the best way a show can be nonsense. Where else are you going to find politically bent morality musings juxtaposed with a gigantic mutant gorilla rampage and people being hung upside down and juiced like oranges right before all of our hearts are ripped out through our noses? Nowhere (well, maybe somewhere but nowhere I'm watching). It's fucking great. This episode was light on the gorillas and people juicing but it did feature secret underground rockets and extremely sketchy neuroscience. Oh, The 100. The Tinder Box, the debut of new to the show writer/executive producer Morgan Grendel (of Star Trek renown), leaned hard into all of the things that makes this show