TV Recap: Shadowhunters Eps 2 | Cuddlebuggery Book Blog
Here we are. We are doing this again. For sure I am drinking again. I have a feeling I'm going to need all the alcohol I can get. We start off with Clary's big choice! The boy she's always depended on (Simon) or the pidgeotto looking guy she just met (Jace). The answer is obviously going to be Simon and yet there she is. Walking in with Jace. Who Simon describes as a Mick Jagger look alike. I don't know who should be more offended. Dominic Sherwood or the audience. They enter the abandoned church where Simon has a completely reasonable response to Jace burning himself with a crystal - one that gets completely ignored by Clary. We have to start questioning her judgement. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Jokes, I was already doing that. Anyway, before Simon's eyes the seemingly abandoned church turns into the operational headquarters for the Shadowhunters. AND THEN THEY LAUNCH INTO THE MOST BORING AND POSSIBLY UNNECESSARY BACKSTORY I HAVE EVER HEARD AND OMG SOMEBODY FIGHT SOMETHING OR MAKEOUT WITH