Interview and Announcement with Ameriie: Extreme Villains Edition | Cuddlebuggery Book Blog
"Is this the place?" I ask. "Well, let's see. Shady nightclub with nefarious characters lined up at the entrance? Check. Yup, looks like this is the spot," Kat says as we both take in the building. To anyone else, it would appear to be the exclusive night club, Utopia, that everyone's been talking about. But we know it as the official hangout of villains. It's also our destination tonight thanks for the invite of its owner, Ameriie, to talk about her new anthology - Because You Love To Hate Me. "So do we just get in the line? Shove our way through? Punch someone?" I ask, half jokingly. I tried my very best to blend in tonight and dressed in my best Jedi Sith Lord robe. Kat came as, well, Kat. "C'mon. Just stay close. I've got this," Kat says. I don't exactly know how she's "got this," but I follow along anyway because it's Kat and being left alone in dark places is probably not a good idea. As it turns out, we do end up waiting our turn in line. I glance over the shoulders of the